Negative behaviors keep us from living the life we are truly meant to live. That is why we must create new patterns that are healthier and would serve us better. In this episode, Mark Yuzuik guides us towards making a change in our lives to get the results we most want – and that is to focus on being truly grateful. With gratitude, we start attracting the people in our lives and the results we truly deserve. Take the time to invest in yourself. Consider what Mark has to say about being grateful, changing our conscious and subconscious mind, and creating better patterns to enter the day.
Welcome to the Get Your Mind Set podcast with Mark Yuzuik. Mark is a master hypnotist, author, speaker, and success coach who has studied human behavior over the last twelve years. In this pilot episode, he talks about the value of getting into the right mindset and having the right attitude to turn your situation around and get the results you want. It’s your mind, and it’s time for you to get your mind set up for success.
Listen to the podcast here:
How To Focus On Being Grateful
Thank you for taking the time to invest in yourself. That’s the main thing. Remember, if you don’t believe in investing in yourself, why should somebody else? How do you break through the roadblocks? How do you get rid of negative behaviors? How do you create new patterns that are going to get you to the life and the lifestyle that you want to live? Why do people do things in life that they consistently do, know they’re going to get a result that they don’t want and they do it anyway? Is that bizarre or what? How many times have you yourself, even myself, have done things and you ask yourself, “Why did I do that?” That didn’t make any sense. We even catch ourselves from a conscious point of view, consciously speaking.
What are these patterns we’re running? Why do we sometimes even focus on things that are going to stress us out, knowing that it’s going to stress us out and we do it anyway or we get frustrated? Who owns this thing called the brain and our thoughts and all this? We do, but why do we do these things? What’s going on? Here’s what’s interesting is your brain, your mind is made up of two different parts. The conscious mind, analyze everything, you make a conscious decision to read this blog. You make a conscious decision to have goals in life, to do things that are inspiring to you. You watch something, it influences you and those are conscious thoughts. That’s the part that is the imagination. That’s the creative part. That’s the part that says, “This is what I want to go for.” What’s that other part?
That other part is the subconscious. The subconscious, that’s the part that takes everything. What you put in is what you get out. That’s the guy. That little booger right there is the one running the show because here’s what’s interesting. You’re not even thinking about what you want. You’re reacting to things and sometimes getting results that you don’t want. Our subconscious mind is in reaction. It’s like Google or Yahoo. When you’re accessing Google or Yahoo and you punch in information, you’re going to get an answer. If you punch in the wrong information, you’re going to get the answer anyway. It doesn’t autocorrect and give you the response that you hope for. It gives you the response that you ask for.
If you’re asking for different things from your conscious mind to your subconscious, your subconscious mind is going to find the answer, “How come I can never be successful?” Your subconscious mind says, “I tell you why. It’s because you’re lazy. You procrastinate. Why would you take risks? Besides what makes you think you can do that? Do you deserve that? Isn’t money evil?” All these things go to our mind. We want to be successful. When we ask that question, we tap into our subconscious mind. What happens is it delivers the answer. What do we do? We start believing it from a conscious point of view, from our behaviors.
Your subconscious mind is like the hard drive on a computer. What you put in is what you get out. Share on XWhat we do is we find herself to get busy, “I’ll stay busy,“ and you’re not productive or you get distracted. Many times it’s easy to get a distraction, “I’ve got to do this now. Now is not the right time.” You got to change the story because when you give up, you feel guilty. You feel resentment. You have all these feelings because every thought has a physical response. Your body is telling you, “Why are you giving up?” Your subconscious mind is interrupting the pattern. It’s giving it roadblocks. It’s telling you the negative behaviors and saying, “Didn’t you try this before? Remember we ran this before and it didn’t work.“ It conditions and it becomes a ritual that we don’t succeed or we don’t get what we want. How do we break those patterns?
What can we do differently? What processes can we do now to create a different result and a better result? That’s the question because if you don’t know what to do and you don’t know how to access certain things, you’re going to get the same results over and over again. Remember this, your subconscious mind is like the hard drive on a computer. What you put in is what you get out. If you have a bad program on your subconscious mind, if you have a virus on your computer and you ignore it, does it go away? No, it doesn’t go away.
If you don’t take care of the program that is slowing your computer down and you‘re not upgrading your computer, what happens is before you know it, it stops working. It stops giving you the results that you want. Your mind is the same way. You’ve got to condition your mind certain ways so you can get the different results that you want. If you’re going to go and you want to work out in the gym, you want to build up your body and you say, “I’m going to go in there.” You give it everything you’ve got. You work out for two straight. You come out of there. You look yourself in the mirror and go, “Did I get different results?“ No, you’re not going to get different results right away. Why? Because you haven’t conditioned your body. You’re creating a pattern. Your pattern can be created if you continually do it on a daily basis.
You create the ritual so it conditions your body to get the results that you want. The same thing happens to your mind. You can’t wake up and go, “I want to be successful.” You give it all day to be successful. You don’t become successful. You don’t get all the money that you thought you wanted or thought you should have and you give up. You go, “That success thing doesn’t work. I took this course, I went there for two old days and didn’t learn the thing. I learned all this stuff, but that stuff doesn’t work.” Other people in the same course succeed. I don‘t think it’s the information. It’s the process. You’ve got to ask yourself, what’s the process that you’re doing on a ritual, on a daily basis that is conditioning you to create a pattern to get the result that you want every day, or not one every day, but creating the result that you’re getting every day.
What you focus on is what you're going to attract into your life. Share on XHow do you break that pattern? What are some processes right now that you can do to influence your subconscious mind, to get your mindset straight? How do you get your mindset in the right direction to start getting those results that you want? Here’s the one thing that you can do. There are many things you can do to create a new pattern, a new behavior, a new result, a different ritual so you start getting the results and attracting these results that you want into your life. You’ve heard of the Law of Attraction. That doesn’t happen by accident. The Law of Attraction happens because you’re putting the right things in place.
There are many different little things you can do to create that and one is you have to decide that’s what you want. When you decide that’s what you want, know why you want it. Why do you want these results? If you don’t have compelling reasons why you want something, what’s the reason you’re going to go for it? If you don’t have any conditions of, “This is why I want the results,” and you focus on that and feel it, you’re not going to go for it. You’re going to give up because your mind says, “What’s the point? Why would I go for that for? My life’s pretty good right now. I’m on easy street.“ No, you’re not. Don’t believe that you’re on easy street if you’re not.
You’re here because you want to grow. You want to get a better result. You want to condition yourself and your mind to start producing different results than you have right now in any area. It doesn’t matter if it’s financial or it’s about relationships or if it’s about your physical body if you want to change that, whatever that is for you. You want to make some change. You have had some struggles. You haven’t got the results. You need to create some different rituals, different patterns, conditions. It goes in your mind. Here’s the one thing I want you to do. I’m going to do these blogs quite often. I’m going to continually give you the answers to the solution so you get the results. The results will start coming every time we do a different blog.
Every time you read this, you’re going to start getting results. Those little results are what makes a big difference. Number one is don’t overwhelm yourself. Don’t go, “I’ve got to do all these things or I’ll never get the results. I can’t do everything all at once. What am I going to do?“ You start off doing small things. When you can create one tiny result, one thing different, one little thing, you produce a different result. If you are making breakfast, you put milk in the eggs and you cook it up, it’s going to be the same every time. When you add vegetables, you add one thing, it changes the way it tastes. It changes the consistency. It’s no longer the same.
The more you add, the more changes. Let’s add one thing each and every time. Before you know it, you’re going to have exactly what you want in your life. You’re going to be able to customize your life and your lifestyle. Now that doesn’t mean you ever stop growing. You’re saying, “As soon as I get to here, I’ll be happy.“ No, your progress is what’s going to fulfill you. You’re constantly growing. We are designed as human beings to grow. We are life. Everything grows in life. Trees don’t stop growing. They continue to grow because they continue to get nurtured. They continue to feed themselves, feeding at the roots.
The problems that you have are true gifts. They are there so you can grow. Share on XWe’re going to continue to feed the roots of your subconscious mind so you’re constantly growing in all areas. The goals that you have and the desires you have now will be way different in six months from now and in a year from now because you’re going to attract different opportunities. You’re going to attract that into your life. You’re constantly going to progress, make different decisions, desires and wants in your life. That’s how your brain gets stimulated. If you’re not stimulating your brain and you have no variety, you have no growth, what’s the point of having happiness and fulfillment?
Your life is about growth. Once you start growing, it’s about giving back to others too. It’s sharing your growth and your experiences. Here’s the one thing I want you to learn now. That one thing is what do you focus on before going to bed and when you wake up? What is your general focus every day throughout the day? Is it what you don’t have? Is it what you’re not getting? What you focus on is what you’re going to attract into your life. It’s also going to make you feel a certain way. Your focus is going to make you feel a certain way. When you feel a certain way, you’re going to create that behavior.
You’re going to respond a certain way. If you feel positive, energetic, you’re excited, things are going great and you’re walking around, aren’t people noticing you in an exciting way? Yeah, because you’re creating that energy, but they also notice in a negative way. The results are going to be are you positive or negative? That’s what you’re going to attract into your life. The one thing I would like to say is when you talk about focus, I want you to focus on what are you grateful for. You say, “I have nothing to be grateful for.” That’s not true. You’re grateful you read this blog. You’re grateful that you’re able to read this blog. You’re grateful that you have many things in life.
If you want to focus on something negative, you have to delete all the positive things that you have going for you. I know some people that are severely physically handicapped. They are disabled and they are full of joy. They are full fulfillment because they’re living their purpose. When you say, “I don’t have anything to be grateful for,“ stop it. Quit being a victim to yourself. That’s why you are where you are. Here’s what we’re going to do. I’m not here to be your friend. I’m here to get you results. Sometimes you’re going to hear things you don’t want to hear. I want you to stop for a moment and think, what are you grateful for? What are three things you can be truly grateful for? Your family, your friends, your job, your abilities to do certain things, the knowledge and experiences you have in certain areas that some people don’t have, what are you grateful for throughout the day? “I have this problem happened to me.“
Let me tell you something. The problems that you have are true gifts. The problems are there so you can grow. You can’t grow unless you create problems. If you don’t know how to handle problems, how are you ever going to be satisfied? It’s how you deal with the problems. That’s where the progress comes in. That’s where the growth comes in. Do you know some of the greatest successes are a result of a “problem?” Think about that. Why don’t you right now think about something that you didn’t feel grateful for because of a problem you handled a certain way and you got a better result than you thought? Now, you’re grateful for that because everybody has that in their life. “I was going through this. I sure didn’t like that, but I’m glad that happened to me. I am happy that happened to me.” Sometimes you got what you thought you wanted and it wasn’t what you needed. It turned out to be a bigger problem.
There's no fulfillment in mediocracy, only confusion. Share on XYou ask people who buy boats. They’re all excited to get a boat. When they sell it, they’re all excited to sell it. Why is that? Because they didn’t anticipate what goes on when you bring this into your life. When you want something into your life and you don’t nurture it or if there are certain ways you have to nurture it and you’re not, it becomes a burden. The appearance of what appears to be things that you may want in disguise are burdens to you. I know several people that own boats that they’re glad to sell them. Not that you can enjoy the boat, but you better be in a position where you know a lot of maintenance, a lot of things happen.
It’s the same thing with our life. You’re maintaining and putting maintenance on your life. Let’s learn how to make it easier. What are you grateful for? If you’re in a position where you can take a moment, take a deep breath in and let it out, what are you grateful for? Because when you have gratitude, things happen for you in ways where you attract the people in your life and you start getting the results that you want. When you wake up in the morning, what are some of the rituals that you do? How do you wake up? Do you wake up like, “Here we go again. Here’s another day at work where I have to be at work,” or “Here’s another day at work that I get to be at work?” There’s a big difference. Can you turn something that you are not grateful for into something that you’re grateful for because of the results that it’s giving you?
If you don’t like something and you go in there with an attitude, does it get better or worse? It always gets worse. If you approach it differently like, “I hate doing dishes,” and you say, “Thank God I’ve got dishes I can do. I got a house,“ you go in there and you do it with enthusiasm and happiness and all that. You’re grateful. Your whole physiology changes. When your body and physiology changes at that point, you feel different. You got to do the task anyway. Enjoy the process. That’s being grateful. What are you doing every day? What couldn’t you appreciate? Instead of, “What do I have to do? Why do I have to do this? Somebody else should do this. I would rather go watch TV.“ If you can put a little bit of effort into realizing what are you grateful for in life, at that point, you’re going to feel differently.
When you wake up in the morning, here’s a ritual. I want you to try this for 30 days. I’m serious. I want you to write this down. The reason I want you to write it down is that if you write it down, you’ll commit to it. You’re committing to yourself. Write down what are you grateful, three to five things what you’re grateful for when you wake up in the morning. When you go to bed, I want you to write down three to five things what you are grateful for the day or in your life. What have you been blessed with? Maybe that’s a better way of saying it. What are you grateful for? Because if you can show some gratitude towards what you do have and what you’re working towards, it’s not, “I don’t have this. I’m entitled to this.”

Being Grateful: You’ve got to condition your mind in certain ways so you can get the different results that you want.
You’re not entitled to anything. You’ve earned the right to attract this and to bring it into your life because of the energy that you create around yourself. What I want you to do is get clear on this because on the next blog, I’m going to talk about how you wake up. When you wake up in the morning, when you jump out of that bed, you are so full of energy that gratitude is going to be there naturally, but it’s a stepping stone. What are you grateful for? What are the five things when you go to bed that you did now? Think of something right now that you may have thought, “They’re a burden. It’s no big deal.” What could you have been grateful for in the past that you thought you had to do instead of you got to do?
That’s what you only want to ask yourself. How do you turn everyday processes? How do you turn everyday things that you do in your daily ritual into something that is exciting? If you can find the answer to that, you will never have pain. It’s not that you don’t get pain. Pain is there because you have to learn the lesson. The pain goes away when you’re learning lessons. Welcome to pain, but realize it’s not there as an enemy. It’s there to help you grow. Any physical, emotional pain that you get is there is a reason to say there’s something wrong. Emotional pain is saying, “Your mind needs to move forward. It needs to handle something differently.” When you learn how to handle it differently and you can see it differently, you’ll feel it differently and you’ll have growth.
That’s the number one process. The number one thing I want you to start getting in your mind is what process are you going to do now? How are you going to create a better and different result? We did a four–day event where we had Danny Trejo there. Here’s a gentleman that you’re talking about hardcore prison. If you ever had an opportunity to meet him, he was at our last event and what a blessing it was. We created a small intimate group. We invited him there. He told his story about how he got where he was, how went from prison to be super successful. Not only that, how grateful he is for everybody. When you walk down the hallway, if you don’t know him, he will walk up to you and introduce himself because he says, “I am happy. I was a guy that was going down the wrong road. I wasn’t going to have a life very long. I wasn’t going to be in prison for the rest of my life or death.”
I never forget this. He says, “My only prayer was, God, let me die with dignity.” That’s what he used to say. He realized to have dignity, what do you get to have? You got to treat people right? How he became an actor was interesting. It was supposedly “an accident“ because he was at the right place at the right time. It’s not that. You’re always at the right place at the right time. It’s being open to it. It’s how you welcome things into your life. They had an extra in one of the movies he was in. They said, “We need somebody who knows how to act as somebody who’s in prison.” Danny goes, “Act? I don’t have to act. That’s natural for me.” That’s how he started.

Being Grateful: When you have gratitude, things happen for you.
He had another actor that had a problem. Nobody can handle him. They saw how Danny handled him. He coached him and that’s his whole career started. Now he has gotten restaurants and everything else. I remember the next day after he spent some time with our group, we went out and did a day of service where we helped everybody. We created 800 meals for people that weren’t able to get meals, not for homeless, for people that had cancer or diabetes that couldn’t get to the stores and things that needed help. I’ll never forget, he showed up there on his own because he wanted to help us put meals together. He was there for several hours. It wasn’t like he walked in and walked out. It was like, “Danny, what are you here for?” He goes, “Brother, you’ve got to be grateful for everything. I’m creating meals for them. I’m helping them. Can you imagine being on the other end where you have to receive it? They’re grateful to receive it, but we’re in a position where maybe we don’t have to be in that position.”
Where is your life now? Where could it be? Good or bad, look at both avenues on that. Know that it can be better and know it could be worse, but I don’t want you to do is settle in the middle because there’s no fulfillment in mediocracy. There’s only confusion and you die. With getting your mindset, number one is, I want you to write down and think about several things you’re grateful for every night before going to bed, what you’re truly grateful for. Every morning when you wake up, how are you going to enter the day?
On the next blog, we’re going to talk about how you create the energy. No matter what it is, you get rid of stress out of your life. In fact, life will start working with you and for you instead of happening in a way that you don’t want it to happen. Remember this, you’re in charge of your mind. You’re in charge the way you want to feel and you’re in charge of what goes in. Let’s get your mindset straight and give you the tools. Go to, click on there. Let me hear from you, share some information and I will see you on the next blog. Give me your feedback. Thank you.
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