It is wiser to measure abilities rather than disabilities. In today’s episode, Mark Yuzuik interviews his niece, Valerie Lawrence. This dynamic woman is a wife, mother, blogger and licensed real estate agent. Valerie shares her personal story of how her mindset allows her to thrive personally and professionally while living with Cerebral Palsy. Learn about the beauty of seeing past your disabilities in order to thrive and become more productive for yourself and even for others.
Welcome to the Get Your Mind Set podcast with Mark Yuzuik. Mark is a master hypnotist, author, speaker, and success coach who has studied human behavior over the last twelve years. In this pilot episode, he talks about the value of getting into the right mindset and having the right attitude to turn your situation around and get the results you want. It’s your mind, and it’s time for you to get your mind set up for success.
Listen to the podcast here:
Valerie Lawrence: Taking Control Of Life And Thriving With Cerebral Palsy
I want to thank you for being here on the blog. Remember, always read to my other shows. Subscribe to be notified of new shows and remember, go to and get my free book. You get a free book for reading this show and I want to invite you to as many shows as you possibly can. As you know, my whole goal with doing shows is to empower, inspire, and uplift others. A lot of you know that I’ve been in entertainment for a long time. I come across a lot of different celebrities. I work with a lot of them. I don’t name drop because there’s no reason for that. The only reason you name drop is that you want to think that you’re better than somebody else.
At the beginning of my show, I always said one thing. Every single thing that I do, every show I do will have value. Whether it’s somebody that you don’t know, a celebrity that you possibly know or me who you probably don’t know. That’s okay. It doesn’t matter anyway. I got with me on my show somebody who’s special, dear to my heart and is an inspiration to me. As much as I hate to say this out loud and over the show, sometimes you’ve got to say things that are true and that you say, “Why did I say that?” She’s going to have all this leverage on me. I’ve done shows with Rob Banks who used to edit for Britney Spears, Justin Timberlake, Christina Aguilera, Slash. You name it, he’s done all their editing.
He was the Kiss FM. He’s the voice of rockstar, Duck Dynasty. He does all my editing for me. I did a show with him not because of who he was, because he went through. He got a brain tumor and he went blind. He’s not a victim. He stepped up and his life is happier than it’s ever been. I remember one of the questions I asked him, I said, “Rob, what’s your dating life like?” He says, “Are you kidding? It’s the best I ever had. I don’t even care what they look like anymore. I know that they care and that’s what matters to me.” He starts laughing and I thought, “What a great guy?” I remember hanging out with him and his dog Cabo. It was funny, I said, “Where’d you get your dog from?” He goes, “They give them to you, the blind school, and somebody donates.” I said, “Who donated this dog to you? Who paid for it?” They’re $10,000 or $15,000, now they’re about $70,000 for those blind seeing-eye dogs. I thought, “Did you pay with that?”
He goes, “No, Melissa Rivers, Joan Rivers’ daughter, I’m friends with her.” I’m thinking, “You know all these people?” He goes, “Yeah.” I’ve got a friend that runs sound for Christina Aguilera and I said, “I’ll come down.” He said, “I’ll buy some tickets.” “Don’t worry about that. I’ll get you backstage, maybe do a show with Christina.” Rob’s friend with her. I said, “Rob, do you want to go?” He goes, “Yeah, I haven’t seen her in a while.” It’s fun to hang around people that inspire you and have connections, but somebody can inspire and uplift you that doesn’t have connections but is going to soon, you will hear about her. Is a beautiful woman that is not only extremely beautiful on the outside, but even more beautiful in the inside is Valerie Lawrence. You haven’t heard of her yet, but maybe some of you have.
The reason why you will be hearing about her is that she’s making a difference in a lot of people’s lives out there. How is she making a difference? Valerie was born with CP and she never ever said that she had a disability. She always said, “I have the ability to do a lot of things and I know a lot of people that are imprisoned and have total 100% health and wealth and yet they’re unhappy.” You take somebody that’s gone through some challenges in life physically, mentally, emotionally, spiritually, and they seem to be super achievers. Valerie, I was inspired by her story because her story is going viral. I’ve been doing entertainment since 1991, filming a viral ad was the little disease. I had to take a pill for it. What the heck is this?
What’s cool is I’ve known Valerie my whole life. The reason I’ve known her is that she’s my niece and of all my nephews and nieces, there’s few that inspire me and uplift me. We always give each other a hard time and all that. I’m going to tell you something, this woman is a powerful woman and she’s inspiring to people out there. I want to bring her on. Valerie Lawrence, thanks for joining me on the show. I’d love to be on your podcast one day because I love to inspire and help others as well. Your story is powerful. I remember still when you were a baby, your dad and mom took you home from the hospital. I thought, “Good God, that’s an ugly baby.” That’s changed. She’s gone through a lot of things in life and some challenges and some successes. There are a lot of people that can inspire you out there. Your life out there is an inspiration. If you’re not using it as an inspiration, you got to say, “Why? What’s the thing? What’s the challenge?”
It’s because of your story and that it’s not what’s happening to you. It’s happened to you. It’s the story you’re giving it because we all have challenges in life. It’s what you make of it. It’s how you want to live your life. You got one life to live. If you want to live a quality of life, and that’s your choice, it doesn’t matter. I had all this happen to me. Those are the events that happened, it’s not the truth. The truth is what you decided to be. If you’ve ever been in my life seminar, you know one thing I don’t put up with people that buy into excuses that say, “I can’t do it because this happened to me.” No, it happened for you for a reason. You are gifted this pain, this so-called problem so you can learn a lesson and all the pain is there because you haven’t got the lesson yet. Valerie, the one thing I love about her is she was born with the disease and I don’t even like to call it a disease. I would say it’s not a disease, it’s more of a limitation because I don’t even like to call it a handicap. Valerie, you were born with what?
I have spastic cerebral palsy. There are different strands and different ways it goes. I have spastic cerebral palsy.
I remember going many times. Do you even know how many surgeries you’ve gone through, Valerie?
I can’t tell you. The ones with spinal surgery are considered a brain surgery on my back called rhizotomy. They cut the spasticity on my nerves on my spine because I would go stiff out of nowhere. My entire body would stiffen up. They cut the nerves down my spine to stop the spasticity or to limit to make it a lot and changed my life. I’ve had the back of my attendance. You’ve seen a lot. I’ve been through a lot of surgeries. A lot of therapy.
I remember you went to Poland in June. Do you remember the time you called me up and you go, “Uncle Mark, do you know Oprah Winfrey? I go, “Yeah, she’s on TV every day.” You go, “Can you call her?” I go, “Valerie, I know of her. I don’t know her.” Everybody knows Oprah Winfrey, check it out. Is she a woman that had some problems in her life? Did she have some problems? She was a newscaster and they fired her because they didn’t think she would do well because she’s overweight. Do you know what she said? “Thank God they fired me.”
Look at her now. Good for her.

Thriving With Cerebral Palsy: Living the quality of life you want is your choice.
She had a choice, Valerie. Did she have a choice? She’s, “They fired me. I’m fat. I’ll never be anything. My life is over. It’s ended. This life sucks. I need to go and have a drink and get on drugs. That’s what it was. I was dealt a bad hand. I was molested as a child. This life’s sucks.” No, she didn’t. She made a difference because she was fired, because she was molested. Those are horrible things that happened in her life, but do you know what the deal is? She learned how to empower people. A lot of times you talk about somebody like the guy that started the TV show that his son was kidnapped, Adam, and he was killed. Remember that TV show?
America’s Most Wanted.
What did he do with that pain? He turned it into something positive. You’re doing the same thing. What was it like when you were growing up? Let’s say you were in school. Do you remember the first couple of times you went to school? Was everybody accepted of you? Did you have a walker? How’d you get there? How did you manage to get there? Tell me a little bit about that. There’s a lot of people that they might not be disabled or handicap or has a physical handicap, but they’re using some mental handicaps to hold their store back so they don’t move forward. If they realize the things that you have to go through. Have you ever won a relay race in your life? No, because you can’t even run. People complain because the internet’s not fast enough. You realize, what happened? The only limitation you have is you can’t run. I’ve seen you run in life further than anybody else. You’ve done marathons your whole life. Growing up, what was your going to school? Way back then you were in a cast, you’ve gone through a lot of challenges. What was that like, Valerie?
In the beginning when I went to school, I went to a handicap school. My mom was a young mom. My mom had me at seventeen years old. As we know, moms that are reading, it’s tough, period. Seventeen you’re lost. You don’t even know what to do. My mom chose to drop out of high school. She gave me all the attention, everything she could. She did what she thought she should do. She sent me into a handicap school. I always had a big mouth and a lot to say. I told my mom, “I don’t want to go to this school anymore. I don’t want to go.” When I had to use the bathroom, we had to go to a special bathroom. We had to have assistance with everything. At home my mom didn’t treat me that way. I went to the bathroom and she said, “We’ll send you to a regular school, but I want you to know kids are mean and they’re going to say mean things to you.” She was right and they did. They made fun of me and stuff like that. This was kindergarten, it wasn’t so bad. To tell you a little story, the janitor fell in love with me right away.
How could you not? With a humble, beautiful person like you at kindergarten, you learned how to influence men to go look at this. How could you not love Valerie? How to gift them, you’re having a gift and look at me now?
He made me a tricycle that I used around the school with my hands and I peddled around the school with my hands on a tricycle in kindergarten. The kid wanted me then. Who’s not freaking cool jumping on the back of my tricycle?
What you do is you change what people’s appearance is as far as your limitations now became something they could enjoy and joint venture with you. It’s like, “I get to be part of who she is,” and there’s not a disability. It’s a fun-ability now. Your mom and dad loved you very much and I know that, but their marriage didn’t work out. They had to split and you have a great stepdad. He is, he took care of you. He took care of your brother and sister, a phenomenal dad. Wasn’t your dad a rock star? Wasn’t he as a drummer?
He’s a real rocker out there. He had extensions. He had it going on.
Was it the ’70s or ’80s? It was the early ’80s and I remember the band Sunday Back. He was proud of you. Didn’t they know you had a disability until you were how old?
Seventeen months.
It’s almost 1.5 years. That’s funny, they didn’t treat you different than and they don’t treat you different now. Going through school, it wasn’t the easiest thing. Let’s think about this. People that have no physical disability and they’re getting bullied. What do you have to say to people like that, kids, parents? Think about this. You’re a mom and you have three beautiful children. Imagine they were getting bullied. What advice would you give as a mother to another mother? How do you help your child and to the children out there how to get through it? There’s more than bullying. When we grew up, Valerie, there was no internet and now they could do it over the internet and over phones and all that. They’d take pictures and video and they can bully people to a greater extent. What would you say to those parents that are dealing with the children? Sometimes children will rebel because they’re in pain, they don’t know it. The parents think it’s their problem but it’s not. We’ve got to look for signs and things like that. What would you say to the children out there that don’t have a disability or that do?
My son went through this. Valentino, my oldest, he’s eleven. The kids were bullying him because of me. It broke me down because I already went through it. I already had to fight my battle. I don’t want my kids to have to fight for their mom. My son is very protective of his mommy. They told him, “Your mom is pathetic. She’s in a wheelchair. She’s ugly.” I said, “Stop the conversation right now.”
You can't let others knock you down because that's not going to be the last time. Share on XWe will agree with the wheelchair, but that’s it.
I’m not going to have your kids tell me.
Tell me I’m ugly. You don’t know me. Little did they know you were an aspiring model and you got pretty far. You didn’t know it. They did cut you because of some of that disability but not that you didn’t put the effort in. We know that isn’t going to be true.
They want to call me pathetic about the wheelchair. They don’t know what happened. I put a stop to it. My son got suspended. He punched the kid in the face. I said, “You can’t be out there fighting my battles.” Whatever ten-year-old said about me, I’ve already heard it. They’re not going to knock me down. You can’t let them knock you down either too because that’s not going to be the last time. All three of our children though, I have a two-year-old and I have a four-year-old. They’re going to come up to that point too. You guys hold on and hold on through it because it’s hard and it’s hard as a mom to see your kids get hurt. I want to take it all on myself. I’ll go back to the elementary where they’re teasing me over my kids.
We do more for our children now, the people that will ourselves. You also have to realize when he did hit that kid, I didn’t know he did that. It hurts you in a way, but it also said that your son would even die for you. That’s how much he loves you. Not that I’m promoting violence, but you get to a point when somebody says something about my wife. I remember when we were on a cruise and she got mugged where they stole her phone, instinctively I flipped out. I ran after the guy, somebody tripped him. I jumped on top of him. I didn’t know even what happened. I thought there was somebody else there. They finally got me off of him. I was choking him and I was getting ready to hit him.
I thank God I didn’t do it because the look in his face as he was scared I was going to kill him. You don’t think about that. When they pulled me off of him, all I could think of is, “Where’s my wife? Is she okay?” It was that moment that feeling goes through your whole body and your mind. I love her so much that I would die for her. She goes, “What if he pulled the knife on you?” I was hoping he would so I could take it out and stab him in his hands so he’d never rob anybody again. She goes, “He could’ve killed you.” I said, “No, he would’ve killed me if I let him get away with it not protecting you.” Look at your son and said, “You teach your children how to fight battles without physically fighting if it’s necessary.” At the same time, you got to stand up for yourself as well. When you stand up for something and someone you care about, it’s not you that they were making fun of.
They felt those children have their own issues and their parents should teach them some different values and morals because it’s not the children. It’s how do we raise our children to have those strong values and morals? How do we get them to say, “What if we change places? You don’t know it. What if that was you? That was your mom? How would you feel?” If the parent would teach the children that, then they would get the lesson. We need more of that in school. That’s what I love about you is why is your story going viral? You’re making a difference. You’re teaching people how to deal with situations that they don’t teach in school. There’s not a school that says, “This is how you deal with it.” There are only experiences and that’s what you’re going through. You’re happily married, you’ve got a phenomenal husband. You’re blessed. He doesn’t even think that you have a disability. He gets to take care of you, but you take care of him too. That’s what’s cool.
Are we the same in a wheelchair or not? Let me let you know the arguments are the same. There’s no, “We’re going to be soft with her.” No, everything is the same around here. I still have to clean. I still have to cook. I still have to take the kids. It’s life and he accepts it.
I’m pretty sure you don’t wake up with sweet breath in your mouth too. I’m sure he’s thinking, “What the heck is this?” I thought her feet smelled. Get to the bathroom, hit those teeth brush, do something.
That’s how cool he is. Do this as fast as you can. I’m not going to get you there fast enough.
You’re on a show. Don’t you have a show? What’s it called? Tell me a little bit about that and how this whole thing came about going viral? You’re getting ready to go out there and do some speaking. You’re going to be at my live event and I’ll be working with you and showing you ways how to connect and communicate with different people to influence them because your life isn’t about what you’re going through. It’s what you can give back and influence and help others. That’s true growth and fulfillment in life. Tell me about this little story that you forgot to mention your Uncle Mark about in the twelve minutes that it ran, but that’s okay.
That’s one thing I forgot.

Thriving With Cerebral Palsy: Growth comes from finding the empowering meaning behind everything that seems to be problems and challenges.
It slipped your mind, did it?
We were blessed enough to be on the feature pub board. It’s a hit TV show on YouTube called Born Different and they feature all types of phenomenal people. Honestly, I never imagined they would have chosen us. I didn’t. I was set back by it. It’s a seven-minute feature on Born Different called I’m a Cerebral Palsy Supermom and they share my family and my kids and myself. I’m also a licensed real estate agent and I put myself out there. In the show, I even explained it. That probably was one of the hardest careers I could’ve chosen.
When you think of a real estate agent, what do you think of? Beautiful, maybe some nice heels are walking around. You don’t think of a limitation. You think of somebody who’s quick with it on their feet, got it going on. With me, I was like, “How am I going to get myself out there? How am I going to show someone a house and keep up with them?” I was worried about the other people the whole time. I don’t want to be the focus. What happened? This and this. I did it. I did it anyway. It was amazing. We also have a YouTube channel called Valerie Lawrence Surviving with Cerebral Palsy! and that’s where we share our day or I tell stories about what happened to me? Having CP can suck, a short story. My son, Valentino, that’s my rock and my husband. When my husband’s gone, my son’s my husband in a weird, he’s my rock. I said, “Valentino, can you put the scooter in the car for me?” I drive a Suburban.
I weigh 90 pounds. I’m 4’11”. I drive a Suburban. He said, “Yeah.” He knows I’ve been putting my scooter in my car since he’s five years old, he’d been doing this. He puts it in. The crutches were in the back of the car. I said, “Do not forget to put the crutches in the front. When I get to work, I’m going to be stuck.” “Got it, mom.” It’s always a madhouse in the morning. My husband’s at work. I’m getting all three kids ready to get them in the car. Let’s go. I get to work. The crutches are still in the back of the truck. I’m like, “What am I going to do?” I called Trey, my husband. I’m like, “My crutches are in the back.” He’s like, “Calm down. Call a friend from work and ask them to help you.” I’m like, “I’m not doing that.” Let me see how flexible and if I still got it. At 36, I still got it. I crawled into the back of the truck without my crutches. She looks at the car and takes a double take. “Valerie, are you in the trunk?” I said, “Yeah, I’m going to be fine. I forgot the crutches in the back.” She said, “Why didn’t you call?” I said, “I don’t like to ask for help. Give me a minute. I’ll be up there.”
That would have been great to videotape that. That has gone viral. You got to do what you got to do. People take it for granted. They think by getting out of the car, walking to the back and picking up groceries, it’s normal for somebody. Their grocery bag breaks and they start swearing and cursing. Imagine not having legs and you got to crawl back there. Your son. It’s funny in a way. That’s what I love about your tattoo. You have the tattoo that says right on your wrist, “Ability.” You take the dis out because this isn’t going to happen to you and that isn’t going to happen to you. It’s ability. It’s all about ability. I remember I was in South America and reading a post from you on Facebook that says, “May my dad rest in peace.” My first glance was, “My niece’s dad passed away.”
The initial second and then it hit me, “That’s my brother.” I read on Facebook that my brother had passed away, which is your dad. That was a few years ago and it wasn’t that you didn’t love your dad or wasn’t close to your dad, but your dad had some issues too. Everyone took care of you. You were spooked. Let me tell you something. They don’t know what you went through, but you had to go through the things you went through in order to become the woman you are.
Do you know why your son loves you so much and respects you? It’s because of the things you went through. You raised him right. You raised him to be a loving, respectful person. I remember my brother, people always do things in life based on what they feel they deserve. I don’t think he made some bad choices in life. Sometimes what we do is we judge people based on their behaviors and their choices and their actions. Instead of saying, “I wonder what’s going inside?” He left. You didn’t see your dad or talk to him for how many years?
I don’t even know, years.
I remember this statement a few years ago when he had his accident. He got drunk, fell down some stairs, hit his head. He wound up going blind. He got down to 78 pounds when he finally passed away. I remember he was a jerk. His behavior was that because he loved so much. I remember you saying to me one time, I’ll never forget this statement, “Uncle Mark, how come my dad didn’t love me?” I said, “Valerie, he left because he loved you so much. He felt he didn’t deserve you and because he loved you, he didn’t feel like he deserved to be your dad.” Isn’t that interesting? Before he passed away, you got to spend some time with him.
He would have taken that gift of being thirteen years not being able to see in a chair, to have those moments to know that, “My daughter knew that I loved her.” That’s the thing that you could take away. I remember at the funeral when they passed you that flag because he was in the service. The pride and the emotion that was, “This is my dad. He screwed up. He wasn’t the best guy in the world,” but the one thing is people are in pain and they do some things that they shouldn’t do. Those are lessons. Maybe your dad did what he did and those lessons that you learned, you became a better woman because of that. It’s not that you didn’t love him, it’s how do you translate that? How do you do that stuff? It’s cool. He lives with me now.
Not by choice. You do want him to stay there.
He doesn’t want to stay. He wanted me to bring his ashes to Florida, but I hadn’t been back to Florida. I keep him in my house and never saw the walk-in, “Steve, how are you doing?” He used to call himself Doc because he was a drummer. How’s Doc? Every so often we’ll have a little chat with him and say, “How’s it going?” but he doesn’t cause any problems. He’s a good guy. He’s still with us. It’s interesting that when people look at your lives and other people’s lives out there, we’ve all gone through challenges in life. I would say it’s the tougher the challenge, the better quality of life you have when you could see what the value is. If you could always find the empowering meaning behind everything that seems to be a problem or challenge, that’s where the growth comes from.
I want to title this Thank God for Cerebral Palsy. Cerebral Palsy Saved My Life. I’m not sure how to title it but it’s something that because of who you are, I wonder how many lives you’re going to save. How many suicides that people are thinking about doing, but because you got on there and went viral and you didn’t say, “I can’t live my life because I have CP and look at me. Who’s going to love me? I’ll never get a husband.” You can nail a guy in a second. They’ll come to you because you’re an attractive person. You attract that into your life. Interestingly enough, Valerie, people attract into the life what they feel they deserve.
Don't let people hold you down because that's what they want. They want to see you fail. Share on XNot what they look like. Do you remember the Barbie and Ken perfect couple out there? They’re probably miserable because of their persona. That’s a façade, but in life, for the audience out there, what are some things that you want to get your message across? If you had five minutes to spend with somebody in pain, what would you tell them? It’s going through some challenges in life. Living with CP, living with a disability, any disability or flat-out living in pain and doesn’t have any disabilities. They have a bad story and they keep hanging on to their bad story. How do you get through that bad story? What meaning do you have to give it? How do you become the next Oprah Winfrey out there or the next Tony Robbins or the next Valerie Lawrence? How do you do that?
I can only be me and let you guys know that I relate to every single heartache that you’re going through. I promise you. I don’t know where anyone is spiritually, but I believe in God very much. This is not our end place. Make this the best time of your life. Hold on. I promise you, you’re going to get better. Maybe you’re not going to get better. You’re not going to learn to run and walk, but you can still do everything. You can have a husband, you can have children. Is there going to be days that it’s going to be hard? There’s not a day that I don’t get out of bed and physically with my arm, kick my leg up and get out of bed. My life is not the same, but I promise you all those bullies that are out there and they’re mean and they’re going through, they’re picking on something that’s obvious. Everybody has something. Everybody, we can’t hide ours. We can’t put our scooters away. We can’t put our crutches away. We’re out there. Know you have to feel it in yourself. You’re going to get through this and don’t let those people hold you down because that’s what they want. They want to see you fail. Don’t let them see you sweat.
Why do you think they hold you down? Why do you think they do that, Valerie?
Misery loves company. It may be they’re not happy with themselves.
That’s right. It’s funny. Why do people watch TV shows like Jerry Springer? They watch it because it makes them feel better about their lives. Isn’t that interesting? Somebody else has a worse life than me. Either they have to raise their standards or they try to lower yours and lower your expectations. Never lower your expectations. I watched the video a lot of times. Do you ever see that guy that had no arms, no legs, Nick?
I love Nick. I follow Nick.
Here’s the guy that he’s got some. He’s got no challenges. He got a few limbs missing, but he has no challenges. He’s got some physical challenges and some health challenges. Other than that, the guy’s married. He’s got a beautiful wife, a beautiful family, an inspiration to everybody. Do you know what he said? “God chose me to lead.” Think of this, I’m a chosen one instead of I’m a victim. The only difference was his story he told himself and the difference in the story determines if you’re going to be happy or miserable. Are you going to be fulfilled or are you going to have regret? Are you living on purpose? Are you living for your ego? At the end of your life, no matter how long you live, it matters how much difference you made in your life. At the end of your life, can you look back and go, “I had a rock-star life,” and it doesn’t mean you have to be on stage. I know that with my life, what I’ve done with my life and all the places I’ve gone and the lifestyle I’ve had has been phenomenal. I have zero regrets. The only thing I wish I was many years young with the same information, the same knowledge as everybody gets older wish they had. It’s those experiences in life and life that make us who we are.
There is something I wish different though. I used to feel regret. I wish I was a backup dancer for Janet Jackson. It’s hard for me to forgive God for not giving me that.
Janet doesn’t deserve somebody like you. She had to settle for those other backup dancers because you can’t upstage her and she knew you would upstage her. That’s why she didn’t use you. As far as my singing career, I know why they don’t want me singing out there.
Why is that?
Nobody would listen to anybody else if I had the perfect voice, it would only be me.
That’s a good way to look at things. You know how to battle and overcome that battle.
Out of the many years that the church I went to, I was the only one kicked out of the choir and now I finally got somebody else. I feel good. I’m finally somebody worse than I stepped into my role and I handed that role down. I was like, “Yes.” Val, I want to say, how do people follow you? How do they get a hold of you? I want people to be able to reach out to you and I don’t want this show to be like, “That was inspiring. I’ll hang up now and then what do I do now? I have nowhere to go.” How would somebody get in touch with Valerie Lawrence and say, “Val, can I talk to you for fifteen minutes? Can I email you? Can I join your Facebook page? How do I get ahold of you?” I know you’re getting ready to get busy up there. A lot of people are looking you up. You had a show with a football celebrity star, we can’t mention his name. They asked us not to mention to the public and that’s okay, I’ll respect that. How would somebody get a hold of the Valerie Lawrence out there, the one that is rocking and making a difference?

Thriving With Cerebral Palsy: At the end of your life, no matter how long you live, it matters how much different you manage your life.
I do talk to people personally on Instagram, message me. It’s called the same thing, Surviving With Cerebral Palsy. That’s our YouTube channel. I believe my Facebook is Valerie Lawrence.
There’s a lot of Valerie Lawrences out there.
I definitely need to change it. Right now, it is Valerie Lawrence. God is good and we are blessed and grateful for every single person that’s reached out to us. Don’t be offended. Honestly, I am trying my best to get through every single person. There were literally 28,000 shares on our feature, which is amazing. I was doing little videos. “Joe, thanks for tuning in. I love it and we appreciate you.” I couldn’t get through all the Joes.
How many liked it over five million or you’re getting over 100,000 a day, aren’t you?
Yeah, about 100,000 a day. It’s at 5.9 million now.
Probably at the end of this show would be at six million.
Let’s go. Let’s get it.
Let’s do it. Let’s rock on. That’s the beautiful thing about the internet is we get to get stories like yours out there. That makes a difference.
I will promise to get through as many messages as I can. If I don’t, don’t ever think that I don’t value you. We are grateful, my family and me. Thank you.
It’s like that movie with Jim Carrey where he was God and he had all these prayers, “Lord, help me,” and he’s trying to do it. He gets on the internet and he goes, “Lottery, please help me.” Everybody answers all he goes, “All prayers are answered.” They wake up and the lottery winners are like, “How many millions of people hit the lottery?” It’s one of those where you get overwhelmed. The other way they can do it is they can always email me as well. Valerie is my niece and you could always get a hold of me. We’ll always stay in touch with her. I want to thank you for being my guest here, Valerie. I’d love to interview you again soon and I’d love to be on your show as well.
Thank you. Email me. Let’s put you on the hot seat. We’re going to get some people that are going through some challenges and some things in life that they need help. I’ll be more than happy to help you. Read other episodes. Subscribe to be notified on my new show and remember one thing, go to my website and get my free book. It’s going to inspire creating a life that you want. This is a phenomenal book. I am proud of it. Valerie Lawrence, thanks for being our guest and I will see you and talk to you on the next show. God bless every one of you. Thanks, Valerie.
Thank you.
Important Links:
- I’m a Cerebral Palsy Supermom – Born Different episode on YouTube
- Valerie Lawrence Surviving with Cerebral Palsy! – YouTube channel
- Valerie Lawrence – Facebook
About Valerie Lawrence
My name is Valerie Lawrence. I live with a condition known as Cerebral Palsy. I am a child of God, a wife, a mother of 3, a licensed real estate agent, and a YouTuber/vblogger.
As we know, living with a disability can definitely have its roadblocks. I can proudly say I have out beat the odds in every aspect of my life every day. Many people doubted me about everything I have ever done or wanted to do. I didn’t let anyone stop me when it came or comes to my life and my dreams. I was told I would never have children. Here I stand proud and strong with not one but three beautiful children and a wonderfully supportive husband.
I am a licensed real estate agent helping make people’s dreams come true every day when it comes to selling/ buying their homes. Anyone who is reading this let inspire you in every part of your life. Never ever let your disability or insecurities stop you from living your dreams. Take it from me, I’m living my best life.
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Well done to the author. Love the article.