Mark Yuzuik and Yolanda Martinez put a little twist into this episode as they engage in conversation about thriving in your relationships, whether personal or professional, with sisters, Chrissa Tolidou and Viktoria Tolidou, who are the owners of Tolidou Education. Mark and Yolanda are at the receiving end of the questions, and they will be the ones to provide abundant information and guidance on how relationships should be like. They talk about real-life scenarios and situations that they’ve experienced themselves and share how they dealt with it as a pair and as individuals. Learn how, by simply giving respect, you’d be able to keep the people around you and do business without burning any bridges. In addition to that, know the simple yet effective secret to Mark and Yolanda’s happy and successful relationship.
Listen to the podcast here:
How To Thrive In Both Your Professional And Personal Relationships With Chrissa And Viktoria Tolidou
We have two special guests. It’s an honor and privilege to call them our dear friends and we have traveled the world with them. These people are high-value integrity people. They value relationships and people first and business follows. When we say high value, I want you to sit in your chair because you’re going to meet two of the most important people in the whole world. Their heart is full of gold. When you’re in such close proximity the only thing that you’re getting is so much happiness, love, value and fun. They’re self-made millionaires. Mark has worked over 10,000 hypnosis shows in his career and Yolanda has launched her program 21 Days with Yolanda.
She’s helping women and men to make a change in only 21 days in their life. If you want to know how to respect yourself, have relationships that matter, create businesses that are based on your value system, and have a life that is worth living, I want you to sit in your chair with high energy. Help us welcome warmly our dear friends all the way from Las Vegas, everybody, Mark and Yolanda.
You look so close too. It’s hard to believe you’re all the way from London.
They’re ending their day and we’re starting ours.
We only started. I’ve got the coffee cup for Yolanda. I’m drinking my lose weight tea and we’re up and about. We’re going to be in the middle of everything when you’re getting ready to go to bed.
With your energy, we’re starting the day once again. I don’t see us sleeping at all. We’re getting your energy so that’s one. No sleep for us.
We miss you guys. We wish you were here.
We miss you so much. Thank you for creating miracles in the world especially in this crazy season of the pandemic. We have the privilege to call you our dear friends. Can you share a little bit with our audience about who you are? A little bit of your backstory and we’ll jump into questions.
This is my wife, Yolanda. For the last several years, we’ve been together here. We met on May 29th at a book show, which I wasn’t supposed to be at and she wasn’t supposed to be at. It was fate. We’ve never been apart since then. I’ve been on tour since 1991, doing hypnosis shows all over the world, seminars, events. That’s how we met you. Was it in London, Poland, or Romania, with Robert Kiyosaki and everybody?
You got to make sure that you respect the person that brought you to the table, and he'll have your back. Share on XWhen we’re on tour we help people and companies get to the next level, we remove fear, stop them from procrastinating, and all the things that they always want to do in life. We get them to implement it without them thinking about not doing it so they automatically do it and they get the result. We don’t motivate anybody. We get them to take the action automatically. We transform people and companies, not only in business but personally as well. When you have a strong relationship like you two do or me and my wife, that makes you want to do better for somebody, your partner, your spouse, or your loved one out there. You want to provide it and step it up. That’s what we do. We’re a good team. I obey everything she tells me to do. I go, “I’m sorry. Here’s a new pair of shoes,” and we are in good shape.
How did you become a self-made millionaire?
Nothing happens overnight. I will tell you that. I got into real estate at a young age. In 1984, I bought my first house. In 1985, I bought nine and I bought 30 something and kept going. I’m doing different deals and things like that. What happens is, I got bored with real estate. It’s not exciting. People think it’s exciting. There’s nothing exciting about buying a house. If you’ve never done it, the idea of buying something is exciting, but that suck. I got into hypnosis and entertainment. I didn’t even know you can make money.
That’s where I launched everything. From there you keep your investments going and things of that nature and there are times like in ‘08 when you hit a crack. People think if you’re successful, you abstain from getting hurt. No. Those are strong lessons you learn a lot, and you learn to bounce back up again. I did a lot of real estate, but also the seminars, the entertainment, the shows, and things like that. I do a lot of other investments here and there. I invested in my wife. We have a shoe cluster worth over £3.5 million.
I always say this if you’re going to have an addiction, I’d rather be hurt seeing the smile on her face when she buys shoes or things like that than alcohol, drugs or anything like that. It makes me happy. In fact, I remember for her 50th, I went out and I was like, “What can I do?” She threw me a pretty good 50th. If it was for her so I was thinking, “What am I going to do?” I went and bought some shoes for our birthday and it was cool. She wasn’t expecting it. I didn’t give it to her on her birthday. I hid them out a little bit. I hid them throughout.
For a couple who is starting now and they have this vision of working together, how can they have this close beautiful relationship that you guys have? The love is all over the place. We have the privilege to travel the world with you guys as our Success Resources family and Robert Kiyosaki, John MacGregor, and everybody. When we saw you, the first impression was like, “These people are amazing. Love was all over the place.” How can a couple achieve what you have?
The main thing is to respect each other and always value each other. In the morning, my thing is I don’t drink coffee, but I get a joy out of making her coffee. It’s the little things like that. We get up in the morning and we read a little note to each other about what we appreciate. She set it up. She’s pretty good at things like that. Guys don’t think like women. If you tell us to do something when you want we’ll figure it out, but give us a lot of hints. She got this. What is it?
It’s a little gift box and you pick out quotes based on each other’s personalities so he had to go in there and check out all the personality traits that he liked about me and I went and picked out all the traits I liked about him. I made us this little gift box with cards that have a quote for each day so we read it to each other every morning. Each day, we need a different one. That’s one of the things. Having respect and communication are important. When you have to work out a relationship then it’s not a relationship because a relationship should flow based on each other’s personalities.
It doesn’t mean we don’t have problems. I look at it like this, “If this is our last day together, what would I do? Argue or love? Serve or expect? Appreciate or wanting somebody to look for what I’m getting.” When you look at it that way, it’s different. Nothing matters because everything matters. That’s where you discover that. Even with business, I have my office and she has her office. We still work together but we’re not on top of each other 24/7. We’re together 24/7 but not on top of each other and that’s what I think it is. Give each other some space and still be able to work together. She’s got me hypnotized so it’s easy.
How do you work together? It’s the same situation. A partnership doesn’t have to necessarily be the wife, it could be a sister, sister, brother, sister, or two business people. I’m consulting one of my friends now and he’s got a good-sized business. The way I handle business is different. He goes, “I’d be so pissed off if I were you if I didn’t get this.” I said, “That’s the difference. For people, you can get them to do what you want them to do based on that, based on having anger and things like that and they’ll comply but how would they grow?” If you want somebody to comply, you want to grow your business. If you say this and handle it this way, they will still comply and they want to do something better for themselves because they appreciate the way you handled it.

Thriving Relationships: People think real estate is exciting. There’s nothing exciting about buying a house. If you’ve never done it, only the idea of buying something is exciting.
If they feel part of it, they feel part of the team and growth. It doesn’t matter.
If you’re going to get a paycheck, you are part of the success of this company and you’re not just the person that’s supposed to do this and you’re replaceable. He sees it differently. He wanted me to coach him. He goes, “I want to pay you to coach.” I go, “No, you won’t listen.”
You guys are all about relationships and this is something that we value and love so much about you. For people in relationships, you are first. What is the secret to a healthy relationship? Also, when you are a couple or in a family in the business because you guys are always about relationships. I’ve never met a couple who cares so much about relationships like you do.
I was talking to my brother. He’s trying to get in the business and I said, “The one thing you always have to do is not that you could get something cheaper from someone else and go around somebody. It’s always you respect them because karma will get you.” You’ve got to make sure that you respect the person that brought you to the table and he’ll have your back. When that other relationship fails, where are you going to go back to? It’s that person and they’re not going to do business with him. Always respect the people and that’s one thing I’m trying to teach him about. Even in real estate. The reason I did so many deals is I never looked at real estate. I have no idea where they are. I know the city address. I understand that. I’m not going to live there. Why do I care what they look like? I bought a house. I bought the numbers and the house that came with it. I always rely on relationships.
When I used to teach three-day real estate seminars, I would tell them, “What’s the first thing you do when you get your realtor and they get a 6% commission? What are you going to do?” They’re like, “Cut the commission.” I go, “No. You bonus them. You make them take extra money and you don’t do business with them unless they take the bonus.” They’re like, “What?” I remember this time when I bought a house from this young lady, Tina and her dad was the one who taught me real estate. I knew her since she was nine years old. She used to say, “Mark, I got the house. I bought it. I sold it for full price and I’m going to take $500 less on my commission.” I said, “Cancel the deal.” She goes, “What?” I said, “I’m not doing business with you ever again.” She goes, “Why?” I said, “You don’t dare discount your quality of effort and things that you get for me. You have to take a $500 bonus right now or else I’m not doing business with you ever again.”
Do you know how many deals she got after that? All of them. Do you know how many realtors want to work with me? All of them because they wanted me to respect them and value their time. Who do you think you’re going to work harder for? Always me. I’m always going to get a better deal. I respect their time and that’s the relationship. I remember me and Lloyd flew the whole team out. We spent $10,000 in Vegas. We went on hot air balloons, shows, and dinners. We treated them so well that they went, “Why do you treat us like that?” I said, “It’s because you treat us like that.” They never ever would go to somebody else first. The power of relationships. It cost pennies to nurture relationships to make thousands of dollars. There are times when someone will try to take advantage of you. You went through those and when you learn that valuable lesson in business, you’ll attract the people into relationships that’ll make you more money and give you more time for yourself to spend it with your loved ones.
I always tell people that there are going to be people that come into your life. You don’t have to like everybody and you don’t have to have everybody be a part of your life, but you do have to respect them. That’s the advice I even give to my nieces and nephews. You can tell someone they’re not going to be a part of your life respectfully without being rude, hurtful, or having to do something cool to them to get them out of your life. That’s key in a relationship, whether it’s business or even friendships. You do have to have people in your life that are going to be nontoxic because they can drive you down and you’re in that hole with them trying to get out. I always looked at people like, “I like you but I’m going to keep you at a distance. You are not going to be part of my circle.”
That’s not me. She won’t say that about me.
Was it always like that for you? Did you always have this mindset? How did it start for you and when did you make that change in your mindset?
You don't have to like everybody and you don't have to have everybody be a part of your life, but you do have to respect them. Share on XWhen you’re little you don’t think about it being your mindset. I’ve always spoken my mind. I’ve always said what I think. My mother would always say, “That mouth is going to get you in trouble.” I was like, “If I speak the truth, I’m sorry that it will get me in trouble.” I was always the one that if people came and asked me for my opinion, I would say, “Do you want my honest opinion or do you want me to say what you want to hear?” There’s a difference with friends. Friends will say what you want to hear to make you feel good. I would rather somebody tell me the truth and be honest than to let me walk out the door looking horrendous to go out.
I’m always the one that says, “Do you want my honest opinion or do you want me to say what you want to hear?” They know that with me, they’re going to get the real deal. I’m not going to sugarcoat it. If you’re not looking good and you’re saying you’re going on a date, I’m going, “You’re not going like that. I will pick you up before you walk out the door looking like that.” I’ve always been that way since I was little. I always felt my parents shouldn’t have been together. I remember I was about 12 or 13 and I asked my mom, “Why are you and my dad together?” She said, “It’s because of you kids.” I was like, “You and my dad should not be together. You’re not a good couple.”
Life is an opportunity. When you grow up with pain and certain things that are not the thing that happened to you. Tony would say that happened to you because you can take those lessons. I would not be where I’m at now and understand how to give people the freedom back in their life to live if I hadn’t gone through the things I had to go through. You look at some of these kids that are entitled and they grew up to be miserable and they expect everything. Where when you grow up and you have certain issues in life where things are taken from you and different things happen to you, you realize, do I want that in my life? You have a choice. There’s that fork in the road. Go negative or go positive. If you’re positive, you can make a difference to somebody else and you’re fulfilled more.
You’re always working on your mindset and all that. From there, your experiences are what’s going to direct you. If you don’t like your past then change it. You don’t go, “I’m this way because of my past. I wanted to become better. I wanted to serve better and be happier.” You’re this way because of your past? The choices or the directions you make are your choices. Who hasn’t gone through the garbage in life? The difference is what you do with them and that information. Are you going to plant a garden on top of that or are you still going to look at the garbage? It’s the way it is. I went to Walmart for a tablecloth. The ones that you can see through it. I bought this thing and covered and you squirt them at night. I talk to them and cooled them down.
He talks to his plants.
I love my little plants. One is trying to get away. I love tiny plants but I need to talk to her some more and put on fertilizer or something like that.
A lot of what happens to you, you have to decide whether you’re going to continue down that path of being the victim. It’s why I’m always talking about when I hear a woman say, “We’re still victims. We’re still treated this way.” No, we’re not. If you are, you’re allowing them to treat you that way. It’s not because they want to treat you that way. You are giving them permission to treat you that way. It’s like what I say, “If you’re with someone that cheats and you take him back, he does it again and you’re like, ‘Why did he do it again?’”
How come you say it’s a he even when it’s a she?
To me, you gave him permission by taking him back and not having boundaries or having the boundaries of saying, “I’m not going to tolerate this if you do it again. This will be the end of our relationship.” It’s if you take him back and you don’t put any of those boundaries, he’s going to do it again and you’re going to wonder why he did it again. You gave him permission to do it again. When you have toxic friends that treat you badly and you allow it, you don’t say anything and you wonder why do they always treat you so badly?
I like what Sandy said. Do you remember Sandy? He gets out there. He says, “You need to get a divorce.” I was like, “What?” Divorcing people out of your life. That was close.
Keep those people at a distance. If they’re toxic, don’t allow them in your life. That’s key in a relationship too especially as an individual when you keep playing the victim. Unless you do something to change that story, you’re still going to keep going down that path and everything that happens to you, you’re going to be like, “Poor me.”

Thriving Relationships: When you have to work out a relationship, then it’s not a relationship. A relationship should flow based on each other’s personalities.
How can a person in the season where we’re coming out of a pandemic however a lot of people are impacted or were impacted change the story? Maybe they had a victim story, a horror story, a zombie story, or whatever story. How can we change the victim’s story?
It’s their choice. How do they not change it? The reality is, the world went through it. Why did some thrive and some not? The differences are what you did differently. What are you going to do? People always complain. Here’s the one thing, “How come I’m more successful?” “If I had the time I would have been.” “What did you have?” “More time on our hands.” “If I had an audience, I would have more.” “What do you have?” “The biggest audience in the world.” “If I had resources.” “We have more resources than you’ve ever had in your life.” Now is the time to thrive.
If someone goes, “It’s the pandemic. I can’t do it.” Not that people are definitely affected by this. There are major companies that have gone out of business because of this. A lot of restaurants and things like that. You have to get a whole new story about what things mean to you. I lost all of my companies, every one of them completely gone overnight. No speaking and no shows. I own a sound company completely and that’s shut down. I had a choice to go, “What’s going to happen?” I’ve got this whole world tour booked and now it’s over without a warning. It’s not like, “I’m going to give you two weeks’ notice.” “No, you’re done.” “For what area?” “All of them.” “For how long?” “We don’t know yet. At least until the end of the year.” What do you do?
My thing was, “This is the greatest opportunity and now I get to build more relationships. I get to enroll people in my vision. I get to build my whole audience and my list up, I can create more products, I can serve more people. What else can I do?” I’ve got more time to spend with Yolanda at home. I can plant a garden and that’s why I did it. I’m not going to let a situation control what I choose to do. When we started, somebody called me and said, “We’re creating a Parkinson’s project.” I’m like, “I’m on a webinar in London now. I’ve got to call you back.” He whispers back and I go, “Robert, you don’t need to whisper.”
Since then, we’re saying, “What are the tools out there right now? Who can I surround myself with? What relationships do I need to create to get to the level and the area that I need to get to? What are the opportunities?” It’s not that you don’t take a little hit, you take a hit, but you readjust your life in a way that says, “I can get to move forward and do the things I’ve always talked about more if I had this.” Now you’ve got it all. What’s your story now? It’s not the pandemic that’s stopping people. It’s their story and what things they’re not doing and that they’re doing. Are you sitting around watching the news? Are you sitting around watching TV? Are you getting your butt up? Are you saying, “How can I help and serve? What can I create for other people?”
This is one of the greatest opportunities. Not that people aren’t suffering from it, we lost three successful companies. What did we do? We redid everything. I’m coaching. I’m doing coaching with people. We’re building our list. We put all our videos on Vimeo. We have twelve terabytes on Vimeo. I’m teaching people how to hypnotize others. We’re still doing webinars. We’re doing them over Zoom and things like that. We’re still making an impact on people’s lives. Look at Tony Robbins. He has 22,000 people on virtual UPW. When they said it can’t be done, they can be done. If you believe it can’t be done, you already beat yourself. You’ve already cut all the relationships out that you need to go search and attract in your life because of what you believe.
Once again, it’s the whole victim. This is only happening to me. How do I get to see my family? I don’t get to see my grandkids. I don’t get to see my family. I don’t get to see my friend. If the whole focus is on you, you’re not going to be able to serve and help anybody, including yourself. You have to step out of saying it’s only happening to you because it didn’t only happen to you. It happened to the whole world. The whole country was completely shut down.
No one could travel anywhere. No one could drive. Even if they were next door to their grandkids, they still weren’t risking the chance of giving the grandkids the virus so they weren’t seeing each other. I have friends that have family in the same city that has not seen themselves since March. They went to lunch or coffee and my friend was so emotional about it. He was like, “I didn’t realize how much of an effect it is.” It does have an effect on you.
We went to a restaurant and we were talking to one of the servers. She was like, “The thing I hate about having to wear the mask all the time is that I’ve never lived my life in fear and now we’re forced to live life in fear. I never lived my life like that. That’s hard for me.” We’ve seen that. We go to the grocery store and people are walking in fear. What are you afraid of? You’re wearing the mask that you’re supposed to. You can still talk to people. You can still say hello. You’re not going to get the virus if you say hello to someone.
If the whole focus is on you, you're not going to be able to serve and help anybody, including yourself. Share on XThey’re walking like zombies. They walk in the store and they don’t look at anybody because they’re afraid they’re going to get contaminated. That’s the thing that’s scary. People are falling into that routine of believing we have to live in fear otherwise, we could get this. That’s scary. To put it in a different perspective for me, we don’t live in fear, I don’t live in fear. I don’t live in what if this happens? When she said that, it hit a nerve for me too.
You’ve got to be careful. You’ve got to be in certain things. It’s going to affect people but doesn’t have to affect the long term. It’s going to affect you in the long term, absolutely but the effect is going to be your choice if it’s positive or negative. That’s the choice.
I’ve got goosebumps while you were sharing Yolanda because so many people are affected and when we see the mindset and all this possibility. There’s an infinite possibility out there to live in another reality as you guys said with changing the story and changing the meaning. What would you say to a person that doesn’t have the tools? They have no idea how to change the meaning or they tried but it doesn’t work or they’re maybe thinking, “How can I create relationships now when I’m at home?”
Now is the time to create. Everybody has the opportunity to create a relationship. It’s the relationship that you’re going to create because of that. If you say, “I’m not in the right relationship at the time,” you have the wrong relationships. You have relationships, just wrong ones. Here’s what you do. Write down on a piece of paper where you’re at. If you don’t like where you’re at, what are you going to do differently? What are you going to change? Who do you surround yourself with? Who do you have to become to track that into your life? If you don’t know those answers, you’re the victim to whatever happens and default. You’re allowing things to happen to you, instead of designing the life that you want for yourself. Get clear on what you want. If you don’t know where I will make a move to know where you want to go. If you don’t know where you want to go, you have to accept what’s given to you.
There are so many free resources for people to use to get to the next level, whether it’s they’ve lost their job and they’re not working and they have to transition into a different career. There are so many speakers that are giving free content. They’re sharing the free content to get you to the next level. Whether it’s starting a podcast or making videos about your experience through this pandemic or changing someone’s life while you’re in the pandemic. People say you can’t keep in touch, but you can. You have FaceTime, StreamYard, Zoom, WhatsApp, and Messenger. They all have video where you can still see the person. My friends even though I talked to them on the phone on a daily basis, when we would travel now I’m FaceTiming them. I’m like, “I need to see a human being. I need to see the face.”
My friend called me when I was working out. I’m chatting with her while I’m on the treadmill. We FaceTime each other. You have to do things to be connected to people. There are people that isolated themselves so much that they completely disconnected from everything and everyone and they watched the news all day long. How depressing is that? They were even afraid to go outside and breathe fresh air. I’m thinking, “You need to go outside and breathe the fresh air to clear your mind.” That’s why I work out in the morning. First thing in the morning, I do my workout to clear my mind and get my body going because you need to do that every morning. It’s conditioning yourself to do a different thing to get to. You don’t need the cheerleaders and you don’t need, “Rah, rah, rah,” every morning. You need to be your own cheerleader. You need to find what makes you feel good when starting your day.
I love what he said. How can somebody be their own cheerleader?
You have to figure out what it is that makes you feel good. Is it taking a walk in the morning? Is it getting up early sitting outside and having a cup of coffee and relaxing and not thinking about having to get on a computer and doing emails until you have to clear your mind? People write. They have gratitude journals that they get up in the morning and they write in or journal that they write it. For me, I get up in the morning getting my cup of coffee and sitting outside with my dogs. We sit outside and lounge for an hour or so and I go work out.
You guys mentioned that sometimes there are certain hits that you get. If you’re in a journey of growth and growing your mindset from negative to positive for example, you might get certain hits. What are some ways that people can bounce back faster from those hits? If you get a negative loop and all you see is red, how can you come out of that red?
Think of the things that made you be in a good positive vibe before this happened. You have to put yourself in that state. During this pandemic, my nephew passed away, my sister called me to tell me. She wasn’t going to do anything and I thought, “That’s harsh.” Instead of thinking of all the negative things of his life, as an adult and what went through, I started remembering all the times that he would come to visit. The time we spent together, the time we went to the amusement park, and we went to the Grand Canyon. I remembered all those things.

Thriving Relationships: Whether in business or in relationships, always be clear on what it is that you want. Always focus on that.
I pulled out some pictures and I made a little collage for him and that was my memory for him. I didn’t want to sit there and dwell on all the negativity because everybody goes through hard times. I only know part of what he was going through. I know part of why he was going through it but I don’t know the whole story so I can’t judge and I can’t make a judgment on him. He’s already gone so the only thing I can treasure to validate what he meant to me is to remember all the good things. You have to not think about this pandemic as the worst thing that’s happened in your life. Because there have been other things that have happened and you’ve gotten through them with a good mindset, a positive vibe, and a feel-good attitude. You need to think of those moments again to bring back that feeling so you can start creating new things for yourself during this pandemic.
We’re sorry for your loss and thank you so much for sharing that because this is so important in how you do anything. We hear it all the time that how you do anything is how you do everything. You guys truly demonstrated and it’s so powerful to see how it plays out when you choose the right thing and choose to focus on the positive and the love that you can create in whatever season. I truly love your hearts so much. What you and Mark stand for is absolutely amazing. What I wanted to ask is you guys who do a lot of hypnosis shows. What I like to ask are some myths, Yolanda. Myths of hypnosis, and how can people use it in the season now more than ever? I love hypnosis. I’m all about hypnosis. I’m like, “Give it to me.” “I’m so afraid.”
It’s like what Mark says, “All hypnosis is self-hypnosis.” What you tell yourself on a daily basis, you’re basically hypnotizing yourself on a daily basis with what you say, what you say to other people, how you say it, and the words that you’re using. We all do it every day. Commercials hypnotize you to buy their product, by the color, words, and the music they use. The people that are in the commercials. For music, it’s the same thing. The type of music that you listen to or the videos that you watch are the same things.
It’s the words, the people, the music, the sounds, and how it makes you feel. Everything you do on a daily basis is part of being hypnotized on a daily basis. The way Mark does it is more for the comedy part to get people to do funny things, to get people to laugh, and have a good time. Everybody does it on a daily basis. You could hypnotize people by being negative and say negative things all the time and say them to yourself.
You spoke about positive language. Can you share a little bit about it with us? What is your transformational language? What is that? Can you give us a little bit of insight so people can use or start using in their everyday life and they’re going to see a difference?
When people say, “I can’t do this,” and somebody says, “Do you want to do this?” You go, “I can’t do that.” How do you know you can’t do it? You’ve never done it, but you’ve told yourself so many times that you can’t do it that when somebody tells you something new, your mind automatically reacts and says, “Remember, you can’t do that.” “I don’t like this. I don’t like that.” How do you know? Have you ever done it? Have you ever had it? When people say, “I don’t like this certain food.” How many times have you had it? I’ve never had it. How do you don’t like it?
When I used to teach, my kids were not allowed to say, “I can’t,” in the classroom. They’re not allowed to say, “I don’t like this or I don’t like that,” unless they had done it and experienced it and knew that they didn’t like it. With my own nieces and nephews when they used to say, “I don’t like this certain food,” I’m like, “How many times have you had it?” The next time I make it, you’re going to taste it and you can tell me you don’t like it. Until you’ve tasted something or done something, you can’t say you don’t like it. That’s what I mean by negative language that you use on a daily basis and we use it all the time. You have to change what you’re telling yourself because you have to remember that you’re not only saying it but you’re hearing it. You’re not only programming the person that you’re saying it to, but you’re also programming yourself.
How can somebody deprogram?
You have to be aware of what they’re telling themselves and they have to reword it. They can say the same thing but they have to reword it in a more positive way. We can word things and we’re thinking, “That sounded good,” but you say it again and you’re like, “That sound is not good,” because it’s contradictory. It’s like saying, “I don’t like to do that but I will do this.” You’re saying you’d like to do this, but not that, but you’ve never tried that. It’s two things. You’ve got to be aware of what you’re saying on a daily basis.
All hypnosis is self-hypnosis. Share on XIt’s like Mark when he tells people when he does his lose weight seminar. We’re not here to put you on a diet. We’re here to get you to your ideal weight. It’s how you use the words to get that feeling out of the person to get them to want to do it. When you say, “Diet,” people cringe because the first thing they think about is all the things they have to give up and all the things that have to do that they know they’re not going to like. That right there puts a negative stigma on the fact that they’re not going to do the work. They’re already programming themselves to not want to do the work. When you say ideal weight, that person thinks, “What is my ideal weight? What do I want to look like? What do I want to fit in? What do I want to wear? How do I want to look when I go out and my friends see me?” The whole feeling changes.
If somebody is having the wrong language patterns and let’s say I noticed them. I go there and tell them, how do I do it in a way that’s not judgmental, doesn’t sound judgmental, but it gets them out of it and they can shift it?
If you’re going to approach someone and tell them they’re saying something negative, you have to approach it with, “This is how you should say it to make yourself feel better.” You have to give them an example so they know how to say it. For Mark, he doesn’t say, “Today, we’re going to go on a diet and get you all to lose weight.” No. He says, “Today, we are going to get you all to get to your ideal weight so you feel better and you influence other people when they see that you’re doing positive for yourself.” You have to have an example. If you’re going to approach somebody and say, “Maybe you should say it this way. Try this and tell me how you feel.” Say it and have them repeat it to you. You’ll see the change when they hear it and say it. You’ll see them change instantly.
Can you share with us a little bit more about what is coming up next for you? I know that you have your program 21 Days with Yolanda. Mark has his hypnosis seminar online. What is new for you guys?
Mark has all his programs online, but I know he’s going to be speaking at an event. He’s offering all his programs for $497. Usually, it’s $1,000 to $1,500 but he’s not doing that for everybody because we all need this right now. Everyone even though some people may be working and some people may not, he lowered the price to offer it and make it accessible to everybody. We also have all our videos if you want to have a good laugh and you’re feeling in a down mood. We have all our videos on Vimeo. You can go and stream. You can buy downloads and rent them. They’re fun shows. We will always post clips on our fan page.
As far as my program, I’ve got my 21 Days with Yolanda online program. I’m excited about getting it out there to people and I am working on coaching. He’s going to be helping me coach so I can get comfortable with it. I already have a couple of women that are interested so we’re going to do a little questionnaire for them so we know where they’re at, what they’re looking for, and where they want to go. We’re working on that. He’s always doing something. He’s getting back into real estate.
He wanted to travel. He wanted to get in the car and go on a road trip. We had all these places we were going to go but the protests started and now it’s cities and states are closing down again. Two of them were the places we needed to go to for some of the properties we wanted to look at. For now, we have to wait and do our road trip later. We’re home. We’re doing a lot of stuff around the house. Spring cleaning in the summer.
With your programs, it is spring cleaning for your brain and soul. I recommend all of your programs. We love you guys. We love everything that you create in the world and we highly recommend that you follow these guys. Feel free to reach out to Yolanda and Mark.
It’s amazing to have you in our lives and we love what you’re creating because we know that you are changing the world with all your craft with everything that you’re about. It’s so beautiful to see everything that you are putting in these beautiful programs so people and all families can have the benefit of change and transformation. Hypnosis is a beautiful tool and it’s great that you are now sharing these tools also online. How long is this program for you to learn hypnosis?
The program has a workbook, the information and it’s got two hypnosis CDs. For the hypnosis CDs, you have to listen in for at least two weeks. One title at a time, but you can make it as long as you want. You can take as long as you want to do it. I know he’s got videos that he’s posted. He hypnotizes me and he shows people how to do it.

Thriving Relationships: You have to have a leader. If your leader is not showing up when the team needs them, then no one is going to be leading the team.
Where can people use this, Yolanda?
In all aspects of their life. It’s not for one thing. It’s for your business because he’s got a Love & Wealth program in there. You can use it for emanate and personal use also. Once you implement everything, you realize that everything that you learn, you can implement it in everything that you do. It’s not just one thing. It’s not only to make you better, it’s to help your business and relationship, both business and personal relationships. It helps you be a better servant instead of expecting that everything is going to come back to you. You start thinking more about, “How I can give back?” Everything comes back to you when you give with an open heart.
This is what you guys are all about. You’re all about serving. You’re all about giving. It’s so amazing to see what you’re creating in this world and also see your clients having these beautiful results and benefits. They’re changing their lives. It’s a blessing to have you in our lives and to call you our dear friends. We love you so much and thank you so much.
We’re lucky to have you in our lives. You’ve changed our lives with your knowledge and your expertise in what you do. We miss you guys.
We miss you too. Yolanda, can you share with us please the phone call number for the offer that you and Mark mentioned?
They can go to the website. The website is or they can also email there. There’s a way of emailing us. If they have any questions, they can contact us through there. I check email every day and we respond every day. If there’s someone that wants a coaching call, they can leave their information and phone number. Mark will reach out on that same day. As soon as he gets the message, he’s on the call. That is one thing that he’s committed to. If someone reaches out for a coaching call or for a question that they need help at that moment, he does keep in touch.
For anybody that signs up for the program, he’s good at keeping you on track. I will say that he does call you and he’ll spend 30 to 40 minutes with you on the phone if need be to get you on track and to get you to where you are wanting to go. That is one thing he’s good at. Not a lot of people can say that they do that. It’s one of the things that he is unique about when it comes to keeping his group connected in the seminar. They know that they’ll get that phone call at the end of the day if they sign up for anything that he does.
This is so important and rare. I remember when we were with you guys on the world tour, and also when we were together in Singapore. We had the privilege to see you and how you are team players in the team and you were showing up there for the team and for the other speakers too. You were there holding space for other speakers, giving energy and serving and you also do the same for your clients. You’re truly team players. You’re holding your word and you’re showing up and giving your clients this beautiful certainty that you matter.
If you have a problem and issue, you’re going through something, Mark and Yolanda are your people because they truly care. You’re going to get this phone call as you shared. This is beautiful. If you’re having a business now, I want you to write this down because this is so important. This is so important to give certainty and love and contribution to your clients. You guys who demonstrated highly, thank you so much for sharing that.
Until you've tasted something or done something, you can't say you don't like it. Share on XWhen somebody works for a company, for me, it’s important to treat them as if they are part of the company. Even though they’re an employee, they’re part of your company because your company wouldn’t run if you didn’t have that employee. You can replace them, but are you going to treat the next person the same way. When you make them feel they are part of the company, they will do so much more.
It’s the same thing with building a team. Mark, when he wants to build a core team, you have to have a leader, and if your leader is not showing up when the team needs them, who is going to be leading the team? What happens to the team? It falls apart and that’s one thing that Mark is good about. If somebody has an issue even if it’s financial, he will get on the phone and help them to where they are able to stay and do the program so it can follow through on what it is that they want to do. That’s important.
Thank you so much for sharing. We have one last question that we forgot.
For your relationship, let’s say that somebody is single and they’re looking for the perfect partner and you guys have found each other. You’re the perfect example. You guys are amazing. You love each other. You have so much respect for each other. If somebody who’s single and they’re looking for that special someone, what can they do? What should they look for?
When you’re looking for someone, no one’s going to be perfect. Someone will present themselves to be perfect, but when you get to know them, their little imperfections are going to come out and you’re going to have to be able to deal with those. If not, the relationship is not going to work. You need to be clear on what are your deal breakers and are in a relationship. What are the things that are not going to be up for discussion if they’re broken? If it’s trust, cheating, being an alcoholic or drinking too much, or drugs or any of those things, you need to be clear on what your deal breakers are. If you’re not clear on those deal breakers, you’re going to tolerate anything that comes into the relationship.
You’re going to be miserable because you’re like, “This is not my life. This is not what I wanted in my relationship.” I had a clear vision of the person I wanted him to have as a partner and I was not going to settle for anyone who fits into the little slots. They had to fit into everything that I had listed in my deal breakers. If those things did not fit in the deal breakers, the relationship didn’t work. Those things were key to having a strong relationship. I clearly knew what I wanted and I didn’t focus on the things that I didn’t want. I didn’t focus on the deal-breakers. I focused on all the things that I wanted. What was my ideal relationship? What did my ideal person look like? How was he going to treat me? How is he going to value me? Those things have to be clear when you go out looking for it. If not and you focus on all the things that you don’t want, those are all things that we’re going to come into your life.
You’re going to be like, “Why do I keep getting the same type of guy?” It’s because you’re focusing on one thing, you’re focusing on all the things you don’t want. Your mind is always aware of what you don’t want so when someone nice comes into your life, they’re like, “No, that’s not what you’re focusing on. We’re focusing on this over here. Remember, these are the deal-breakers.” You have to be clear and always be focused on what relationship you want.
How do you want a man to treat you? How do you want the relationship to be? Do you want it to be 50-50, but you’re both 100% committed to each other? It can’t be that one day he’s going to decide that he’s going to give 25% in the relationship and you better fork the rest. That’s not going to work and you’re going to start having resentment towards that person. Here comes the hate, the bickering, and the fighting over everything. Always be clear on what it is that you want and always focus on that.
Thank you so much for sharing. Follow Mark and Yolanda. Thank you so much for joining us. You’re awesome. We love you.
Important Links:
- 21 Days with Yolanda
- Vimeo – Mark Yuzuik
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