It has become easier to lose ourselves in the midst of this busy world, where everyone seems to be doing what they need to do. Here to remind you of the power that is already inside you, Mark Yuzuik guides you into a simple meditation that will help you tap into the beautiful person that God has created. Listen to this short yet meaningful episode to discover the tigress that lives inside you, waiting to come out and create a positive impact on thousands of people out there.
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Tapping Into The Tigress That Lives Inside You
Carrie, I want you to get comfortable and know that your mind is the most powerful gift that you have. You are a very powerful woman. I’m inspired by you and your husband. This is going to be in reinforcement to the induction and to make sure that you follow through. We get the little girl where she’s resting and she’s not interfering in a negative way. Read this when you’re going to bed or whenever you feel the need to. Get comfortable, you’ll be laying down, sitting down, or whatever you want to do. Take a deep breath in. As you let the breath out, begin by simply focusing your attention on me. You’ll find that as I talk with you, there will be other sounds possibly around the house or wherever you are.
It’s the sounds of everyday living. It’s not going to disturb you. It’s going to relax you even more. Take another deep breath in. As you let the breath out, think of your legs, one, and keep your hands comfortable. As you think of both of your legs, let that wave of relaxation relax your entire body. Today is past, tomorrow is 1,000 miles away, but right here, there are no problems. No worries, no cares. Only a few moments of total peace, total relaxation. As you allow that wave relaxation now to go from your feet, move it to the right to your knees. With every breath you take and every beat of your heart, feel your entire body drifting down into a pleasant state of relaxation.
From your legs, move that wave of relaxation to the top of your legs now. For every breath you take and every beat of your heart, allow your entire body to relax physically. There are no worries, no problems, no cares. Only these few moments of total peace, total relaxation. Both legs are getting heavier and heavier. If they feel a little tingly, that’s perfectly normal. Allow it to relax you even more. Move that wave of relaxation from the top of your legs, to the bottom of your back, relaxing. That’s the way, drifting down deeper and deeper. If at any time you need to move around to get comfortable, allow and respect your body to do that. As your mind goes more and more relaxed, move that wave of relaxation from the bottom of your back to the top of your shoulders, relaxing even more with every breath you take and every beat of your heart. Feel yourself drifting down.
Honor who you are. Love who you are. Share on XTwo, drifting down deeper and deeper, from your shoulders down to your feet or just relaxing. As you allow that wave relaxation to roll off your shoulders down to your elbows. Now you can feel the weight of your arms getting heavier. If you need to move around, it’s going to relax you even more. From the elbows, move that wave of relaxation down to your wrists right through your fingertips. Drifting down, there are no problems, no worries, and no cares. Only these few moments of total peace, total relaxation.
Three, drifting down deeper and deeper. Relax the neck muscles. If your neck goes from side to side, wherever it’s most comfortable, honor that and allow your entire body to relax physically, mentally, and emotionally. I want you to visualize. Make this a vivid mind experience that you in the most comfortable place you could imagine, and your whole body is relaxed, melting, feeling great, and perfect. You allow your body to continue to drift out into this pleasant state of relaxation into this wonderful slumber. Feel your entire body relaxing with every word I speak and every breath you take. You allow yourself to drift deeper and deeper. More and more relaxed, opening up your mind to accept suggestions that you are always in control. That’s the way. Now, you’re telling your mind and body to relax as well.
Four, as you take a deep breath in and let it out, you feel your entire body relaxing even more, drifting down deeper and deeper. Five, totally letting go of your mind and body. If at any time you move around or you hear any sounds, it continues to relax you as well. I’m going to count from 10 down to 1. With each descending number I count, you continue to allow your body to relax physically, mentally, and emotionally. Ten, every muscle, nerve, and fiber and letting go. Today is past and tomorrow is 1,000 miles away. Nine, but right here, with every breath you take, every beat of your heart.
Eight, feel yourself drifting down. Feel yourself getting more and more comfortable. Seven, deeper and deeper. Every breath you take, every beat of your heart. Six, allow your body to relax even more with each descending number. Five, you continue to enter this wonderful state of relaxation. Four, drifting down deeper and deeper. If at any time you move around, it will continue to relax you as well. Drifting down. Three, completely letting go now. Opening up your subconscious mind. Two, and allowing your entire body to relax. On the count of one, deeper and deeper. Two and one relaxing. Realizing that you are the most powerful and beautiful person that God has created.

The Tigress Inside You: God has a mission and a purpose for you, and that is to grow and help thousands of people out there.
God has a mission and a purpose for you, Carrie, and that is to grow and help thousands and thousands of people out there and realizing that the power that you have is all from God. Carrie, you are the most beautiful, loving, caring, and powerful leader. Everybody looks up to you. You are honored by this gift that you have been chosen. You have passion. You are here in this world for one reason, to allow yourself to be a tool of God, to allow you to do the work necessary. To help those that are in need, that you can help, Carrie, coming from a place that you know you are confident, powerful, and unstoppable.
If at any time the little girl shows up, you realize she had a purpose in this life and she served a purpose, but the little girl is now tired. Carrie, I want you to give the little girl permission with love, respect, and honor to allow her to distance herself, not to get rid of her and take some time to relax. Honor her for all the work and love that she showed up for you and because she loved you. Her job is completed. Her life is full of abundance because she allowed you to be influenced in a way to show how powerful you are.
This little girl wants to take a break now. Carrie, I want you to give her permission to relax, realizing that she’s also a child of God. You, the tigress in you, and with your beautiful husband, the lion, is so powerful and unstoppable. Your purpose and mission in life is to help save, influence, and inspire so many people out there. Even the little girl played a part in that but now the little girl says, “Thank you, Carrie, for allowing me this time to relax, to let go, and to allow myself the freedom to move on. I served a purpose.” Now, there’s another purpose for her and her purpose, the little girl, is to allow her time to be relaxing.
It's time for you to be the tigress and allow that love and passion to flow through you. Share on XCarrie, you honor this little girl and you give her the permission and it’s time for you to run the show to take back. Carrie is now in charge. Carrie is the leader. Carrie is somebody that this world needs right now. Your husband needs you. Carrie is now ready to step up. Feel Carrie in your heart, in your mind, and in your soul. Know that God is there directing you, guiding you, holding every ounce, and part of you in your heart, in your mind, in your soul. Through God, everything is possible. You know that your entire family, Logan, the lion and Carrie, the tigress, is all a part of God’s plan. You’ve always been on God’s plan. It’s time to prove to God how much you love Him by letting Carrie run the show.
Any thought that comes in your mind, you simply take a deep breath in and let it out. Carrie says, “It’s time for me to run the show, little girl. I’ve got this handled.” You feel the love in your heart by allowing this beautiful gift, allowing the direction of where you need to go to inspire others, to influence, and to be there. To be the unstoppable person that you always have been and still are. You are a gift and you’re working with God. Your entire family is grateful that you are inspired. Even though the little girl had a place in your life, she’s no longer running the show.
Carrie runs the show and knowing that the little girl will be okay now, there’s never a loss. There’s only growth. The tigress with Carrie comes out and knowing that nothing can stop this beautiful power because she’s working side by side with her husband, God, and the beautiful person that God created, yourself. That’s Carrie. Feel the passion, Carrie, that you now have in your heart. Loving yourself, honoring yourself, knowing that people will come to you with problems and you will be having the answer already there, guided, trusting, knowing, having the confidence.
As you look into your husband’s eyes and you see the love, the passion, and the caring. As you hold him and hold his hands and you look deep into his soul, you know one thing. He’s always been there for you and will continue to always be there for you, with you because together, he made a deal with God and he will always take care of you. You made a deal with God and you will always take care of him. Now the deal is you’ll love and grow together and you’ll allow the little girl time to go and relax. There are some beautiful things, a purpose that you’re now on track on. That is to allow Carrie the tigress in her to run the show with the lion right by your side, knowing that she takes care of him. He needs Carrie to take care of him.

The Tigress Inside You: You are a child of God, and you’re going to continue to serve Him because you are confident, powerful, and unstoppable.
Feel that love when you’re taking care of your husband. Feel the passion, knowing that you are one heart surrounded and protected by the love and light of God and everything you’ve ever done has been honoring God. Even letting the little girl take a break. Honors you, honors Logan, honors God, and it shows up as the tigress that is so passionate, caring, and loving. You run the show, Carrie. This is you taking your story and your life back. Problems and challenges are simple, easy, and fun. You simply let it take a deep breath in and let it out and everything clears up. You stay focused, you’re passionate and you’re full of love. You’re a beautiful woman and it’s time for Carrie to show up and run the show. You deserve it. This is your time.
You honor who you are. You love who you are. You are passionate about who you are and you even allow the little girl to realize she had a place in your life for a reason and a purpose and in a small, short time in her life, she was there. Now she wants a break and you honor her with the love by showing her that you’re in control, you’re in charge and you’re there to make a difference and take back the show. This is your show, Carrie. It’s time for you to be the tigress and allow that love and passion to flow through you. You stand tall, you breathe, you have a physiology, a physical passion. When Carrie is in her element, she is a person that everybody knows is inspired by and confident and unstoppable.
You take a deep breath in and you stand tall, you stand proud and you have passion in your soul and in your eyes. You’re a confident, powerful, and beautiful woman. When you wake up in the morning, you realize you have things that you get to accomplish and you simply start acting and moving on those reasons and purposes that you woke up for. To serve God, to inspire and influence other people out there to grow. When you go to bed at night, you focus on all the beautiful things you’ve accomplished and what you’re grateful for because you are Carrie and you care so much for everyone, including yourself.
When you look in the mirror, you look up at a confident, powerful, and beautiful person. When you look in your husband’s eyes, you feel that love, your soul and your heart reaches out, knowing he needs you. He loves you and he wants you. He’s always there for you. With God, everything is possible. You are a child of God and you’re going to continue to serve Him. You are confident, powerful, and unstoppable. Full of love. You are serving your purpose in this world. God honors and loves you for that. You remember everything that was said.
If you choose to read this and fall asleep at night, you’ll be able to continue your sleep. If this is during the day, you will simply open your eyes, stand tall and be passionate, knowing that Carrie is back. One, feel the energy going through both arms and both legs. Two, your heart beating is normal. Your eyes feel they’ve been bathed in cool spring water. Three, as you move around, stretching your body, your choice to wake up, go about your day full of energy and passion or simply get a great night’s sleep. Four, continue to move around. Five, eyes open, feeling good.
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