Everything that you have in your life, you are attracting. This is the Law of Attraction that everyone has heard of. Yet, what does it really mean? Host, Mark Yuzuik, explains the secret to finding success in our endeavors. Sharing his personal experiences on how to harness the power of attraction, he imparts the mindset we need to have to take the opportunities in our lives and manifest what we believe in. Listen to this episode and discover why thoughts and intentions are worthless without action.
Welcome to the Get Your Mind Set podcast with Mark Yuzuik. Mark is a master hypnotist, author, speaker, and success coach who has studied human behavior over the last twelve years. In this pilot episode, he talks about the value of getting into the right mindset and having the right attitude to turn your situation around and get the results you want. It’s your mind, and it’s time for you to get your mind set up for success.
Listen to the podcast here:
The Law Of Attraction: Putting Thought To Action
I want to talk about the Law of Attraction. What does that really mean? Have you ever imagined that you wanted something? You thought about it, you felt it and you want something, but you didn’t do anything with it. You didn’t share the information and before you knew it, it felt like the opportunity wasn’t there. It wasn’t the right time. You didn’t have the knowledge, you didn’t have the right money. You were in the wrong season. You didn’t know the right person. All these excuses came up all about because you made it a thought and didn’t share the information. What I’m about to share with you, the Law of Attraction is exciting. I actually woke up because I was excited. Do you ever get up in the morning not because the alarm goes off, you go to bed late and you still wake up and you’re full of energy? I was like, “I’ve got to do this.” I had no intention, no idea I was even going do this about the Law of Attraction, but sometimes things happen for a reason and it’s the right time. Maybe the right time to do something is always in front of you. You just have to open the doors for it. I want to talk about Law of Attraction because everything that you have in life, you’re attracting, even if it’s poverty or not getting the right relationships, you’re attracting that.
Thought To Action: Attracting What You Want In Life
How could you say I’m attracting that? What are you not attracting in your life means that you’re attracting something negative or something that you don’t want? If you’re not attracting something, you’re still attracting something in your life, maybe not what you want or not your expectation. How do you meet your expectations? How do you attract your expectation in your life? One, it goes from thought. When you have a thought, what do you do with that? This is where I want you to ask yourself. I’ve had thoughts before but they never panned out. Thoughts will never pan out ever in your life. If you think a thought is going to pan out, take the pan and whack your head because that’s about where you’re going to get. It’s a thought. You’ve got to take it from a thought to an action. You’ve got to take it from, “If I’ve got this thought and this is my focus, how do I turn my focus into action?”
One way to do that is you create energy. You let that thought build up the energy where it’s not internal. It’s going from the internal to the external to where now you’re sharing the information. Do you want to take it from a thought to be an action? As soon as you get that thought and you create that energy, when you wake up, don’t put it off and immediately do something. Be productive. Don’t wait and get busy doing something else. Put up something right there like, “This is where I’m at. I’m going to do something.” You’re going to do something different than you’d never done before. When you do that, what’s going to happen? You’ve got to create the right relationships. They’ve always been there. This is what’s mind-boggling to me. You’re talking about getting your mindset, let’s get our mindset. Let’s set our minds up so we can get our expectations and we can attract the things in our life that we want.
I watch a TV show on MTV called Ridiculousness. Rob Dyrdek, the skateboarder, he would go and find all these videos on YouTube and they’re hilarious videos. There are all kinds of different subject matters and crazy stuff. What he does is he sometimes has guests on there. One time he had Marcus Lemonis from The Profit. He’s had all celebrities on there, rappers, artists, country artists, motivational speakers, boxers, athletes, models, actors, you name it. He’s had every guest you can imagine on there. I thought, “That’s something I want to do.” I remember talking to my wife and I go, “I want to be a guest on his show.” I’ve done enough 10,000 hypnosis shows. Certainly, we could take some of the funny, crazy clips, send them to him and maybe we can be a guest on the show. We can get a category because he does categories.”
I thought about this for a while and what’s interesting is when you think about something, you build up the excitement. The more I watched the show, the more excited I got. I said, “How am I going to get on that show?” Here’s where the change happens. You’ve got to sometimes listen to your own advice. Sometimes the advice you’re giving to somebody really is the advice you’re giving to yourself that you need to take for yourself. It’s an eye-opener. That’s good to call a wakeup call right there. It’s like, “There’s a wakeup call Mr. Yuzuik. It’s right there.”
Maybe the right time to do something is always in front of you. Share on XI remember in 2004, this is the first time they’ve experienced this Law of Attraction. When you believe something, what you believe to be true is true for you. You’re going to manifest the future, good or bad. I want you to understand, “I don’t have any control over my future.” Your future, your present is because of you saying that. You can design your future. You can attract the things into your life and into your world that you choose to, but you’ve got to take it from a thought to action. You’ve got to do something different. You’ve got to create the right energy for it. In addition to that, you’ve got to share the information. I don’t want you to know what you want. I want you to expect that it’s going to happen.
How many times have you ever believed something where you absolutely knew wholeheartedly that you were going to get something, attract something, a phone call or buy something? Somehow you didn’t know how it was going to happen, but you were certain you were going to get it in your life? Is there any time in the past that that has happened? My guess is yes. Not once, many times over. Why is that? Why do rich people get richer and why do poor people stay broke? It’s because you’re attracting that. It’s what you feel you deserve. I’m talking to my audiences and I’m building up my YouTube channel. I’m getting more Facebook followers and on my Instagram. I’m working this social media, which I never did before. I didn’t because I was like, “It’s not my shtick,” it is my shtick. All I’ve got to do is decide that it’s my shtick and then I opened that idea. I share this information and when I share the information, guess who shows up in your life? The people that can help you, but what’s interesting is the relationships are always there. It’s just you never had the door open.
Taking Advantage Of Opportunities
You’re trying to see what’s on the other side of the room with the door closed and no windows. In your imagination, you believe there’s a window but it’s an illusion unless and until you take some action. When you take the action, make sure you are so focused, you know exactly what you want. Why do you want it? Your attention and what you focus on and the details that you’re going to focus on, what you pay attention to and what your intention is what is going to attract into your life. Your expectation will meet your proper preparation and the busyness will go away and you’ll be productive. All these people, all these relationships have always been there. You just haven’t seen them.
Ask yourself, I want you to stop and reflect and go, “Have I missed out on an opportunity in the past?” I don’t want to say I did, I know you did. It’s a fact. You are where you are because either you’ve gotten taken advantage of the opportunities or you’ve missed some opportunities. It’s always going to be both. I want you to realize that you can start utilizing and taking advantage of more opportunities when you set yourself up right. When you have the right hand and you’re playing the right cards, you could always win this game. What are you going to attract in your life? Did you want something that you went from thought and that thought just dwindled away? I’m on stage and I’m going to show you how fast and how powerful the Law of Attraction happens. It will happen and it’s always been there. I get on there and I’m doing my second show. I had three shows. I decided and I felt good. I said, “I am going to decide that I’m going to get on Ridiculousness. I am going to figure out how to get it done.”
What I did was I get everybody in the audience, “Pull out your cell phones.” I want to share this information. What did I do? I took the information from a thought and I put it out there. I said, “How many of you watch this TV show Ridiculousness on MTV? It’s a funny show. I love it. It’s great. I want to get on that show so I need your help.” When you ask for help, people enjoy helping other people. Don’t be afraid to ask for help. We’ve got a couple of thousand people there and I said, “Here’s my vision.” I shared my plan. I said, “I need your help. I want you to somehow get ahold of them, find out and tell them you want to see the hypnotist Mark Yuzuik on the show. I want to even maybe use some of the clips that we use from these shows here. When I get on the show, I want to make sure you all watch. Will you all support that?” They were all going crazy. They were clapping and all that.

Law Of Attraction: You are where you are either because you’ve taken advantage of the opportunities or you’ve missed some opportunities.
I do a live video on YouTube and Facebook Live and I tell him, I was like, “Rob, we’re coming on, we’re going to make this happen. West Coast, we’re going to do it. Steve-O, we’re going to make sure it happens.” I’m reframing myself as if it already happened because what you believe to be true is true for you. What you’re going to think and we thought because it manifested and that manifestation becomes reality for you. I did the show. We got all these people all excited and pumped up. I don’t know how I’m going to get on there, I just know I’m going to. You don’t need to know how to do something when you share the information and your vision. You have to know that you’re going to and expect it to happen and why you want it to happen.
Make that very clear to yourself because how you’re going to get there is an opportunity that will always change and that you may not know what it is and it’s sitting right in front of you. It’s staring at you right in the eyes. It’s a big old sign that says, “Opportunity,” but you didn’t see it because your door is closed. We’re going to open up your doors. I get done with my first show, all excited. A great show, we had a lot of fun. I got a lot of people on my YouTube to subscribe to it. I’m getting more followers on Facebook and Instagram. The third show comes up, this is a 10:00 show and I’m sharing my business, “I want to get on Ridiculousness, I’m going to do this.” I’m sharing my vision. It was not even three minutes later, a group of 4 or 5 guys come up to the stage. They had no idea what the show was even about. They had no clue it was a hypnosis show. There were two doors and I guess they were YouTube stars. They travel all over YouTube. They’re in the internet business and they go, “We want to do this, we want to volunteer.” I go, “Do you know what you’re volunteering for?” They go, “We have no idea.” I tell them, “It’s a hypnosis show.” We’re taking pictures. I said, “There’s some great energy here.”
I even said, “My goal is I want to get on Ridiculousness.” Sam, the guy goes, “We were on that show. We’ve been on it. I can help you get on there. I can show you how to do it.” How did that happen so fast? The opportunity has been there for years. As soon as you share your vision, you put it out there. You expect it to happen. They did not hear me ever talk about Ridiculousness. Those guys that were around there, they didn’t hear me talk about it, but yet they walk up and who shows up in your life? Exactly who you want to show up when you need it to show up, when you put it out there and you truly believe it’s going to happen for you. Isn’t that ironic? They told me exactly what to do and how to do it. We’re putting the steps in motion. We’re going to edit some video. We’re going to send it to them and hopefully, as soon as they look at it, we can get on there quicker than we want while I’m still in town.
I don’t think I’m going to get on this show, I know I am because here’s the reason why. I believe number one, is there’s no doubt in my mind when you put it out there, you attract it in your life. The other thing I was talking about was I was building my YouTube channel. A fan of mine that I’ve known for years and years always in the audience walked up to me going, “I didn’t know you were trying to build a YouTube channel. I’m huge on YouTube.” He’s telling me and inviting me to all these things. When you put it out there, all you do is you’re putting it out there so people can receive it. What is the greatest gift? It’s when you receive something, are you able to give back?
Imagine given the greatest gift you ever gave to somebody who really cared about and loved. They smiled, he jumped up and down and they were excited. Who got the gift? They received it, but didn’t you get that gift because you were part of making that happen? You are part of making that person that happy. You made a difference in their life. Isn’t that what this world is about? About gifting back to each other, about putting it out there so we have the opportunity? If we keep on holding it inside, if it’s inside your mind, it’s inside. You’ve got to get it outside so people can see. If you’re inside the box, who can see you? Nobody. Who can hear you? It’s a thought. It’s not shared. When you bring it out and you share with people and you have the right energy, the right focus, and as soon as you wake up in the morning, as soon as you ever thought you don’t put it off. You don’t be busy doing something else. You immediately start your productivity. You’ll be productive on it. You’re taking the action, you’re sharing the information, and you’re doing something different. Who’s going to show up in your life? The right relationships. They’ve always been there.
Sometimes, the advice you've given to somebody is the advice you're given that you need to take for yourself. Share on XThey’re still going to be there and they’re going to be able to share your vision. The people you don’t even know will step into your life at the right time when you’re open to it. When you’re bringing it out. That energy is contagious. They will show up. How is it possible? Since 1992, I’ve been working in this venue. The very day within two hours, I put out there what I wanted to create and manifest on my stage, not even knowing what the show is about. Two people who have been on the show that I intend to get on and we’ll be on, show up. Was that an accident? There are no accidents. This is what I want you to understand. Would you believe to be true is true for you?
If you believe you deserve something, you’re going to attract it. If you believe you deserve wealth, you’re going to attract it. If you believe you deserve to be famous, you’re going to attract that in your life and the right relationships. If you believe you’re going to have a healthy relationship, you’re going to attract it into your life. If you believe you want to be clean and sober, you’re going to attract the right people into your life. If you believe something strong enough, your mind does not know any other way than to deliver that information to create that for you. Do you understand that? I want you to be very clear. The power of your mind, it only delivers what you put in there is what is going to deliver out.
The Energy You Are Giving To Your Thought
If you intend to make a cake and you put all the ingredients into the cake and you bake it exactly right, you’re going to produce a cake. If you think about wanting to bake a cake and you think about what ingredients have to go in there and you think about making it and you go out and do something else, you will never produce a cake. A thought is an introduction to create and manifest something in your life that you want to create and have appeared. You want to attract and you want to live and you know that you deserve that. It’s always been there for you. The whole idea is, what are you doing differently and what energy are you giving to the thought that you want to create and have in your life? That’s the real thing. If you don’t know why you want something either, you’re not going to have it. It’s going to go from a thought, to depress thought, to it wasn’t possible. I’ve tried that before and you never tried it. You thought about it and you gave up on your thought because you didn’t put action into it and that’s why it failed.
It only failed because of one reason, you forgot to take step two. It is to move in the right direction. Create energy and then do something immediately. Be productive on it. When you’re productive on it, you do something different than you haven’t done before. The relationships that have always been there will show up and they may not be people that you know, they may be people you already know. You don’t think about maybe it will happen. You believe in your heart that’ll happen. Remember a time when you absolutely believe something was going to happen. Nothing was going to get in your way. What was the result? You got what you believe you’re going to have. It showed up. It wasn’t a coincidence. It was created, it was manifested, it was your intention, and it’s what you paid attention to and so created this in your life. The Law of Attraction, that’s the real deal because you’re attracting things in your life.
You may be attracting procrastination and you may be attracting failure. If you don’t like the results of that, you’ve got to change that belief. How you change that belief is you’ve got to break that pattern by creating energy, doing something different, immediately being productive on it and opening up and sharing to everybody what your vision is. I’m not talking about lowering your expectations. I’m talking about conditioning your body with the right energy. Your mind, when you raise your imagination, you don’t lower your imagination to fit in with others. You raise your imagination to create new expectations and you create that energy. Everything is possible. The difference is, which side of the fence are you going to be on? Are you going to open the door? Which I believe you will and I want you to even do this. Test it for a while. Try to set yourself up to see if you’ll get the results. Come with the right intention because when you do that, you’ll shock yourself.

Law Of Attraction: A thought is an introduction to create and manifest something in your life.
Manifesting What You Believe
I remember in 2004, I went to a live event and it was with Marshall Sylver, another hypnotist called the Turning Point. I highly recommend you attend it. He is an inspiration to me. He’s got a very phenomenal program. It is life-changing, providing you utilize the information. The only thing we can do is give you information, but you have to accept it. It’s not accepting it, it’s doing something with that information. I remember Marshall saying, “You’ve got to manifest this in your life. When you believe it, it will happen to you.” This was back in 2004 and I never did a lot of Christmas parties and I never promoted that. I usually took that time off. I remember this specific year. I said, “I’m not here to learn information. I’m here to produce a result.” What I’m going to do is I’m going to challenge myself. I’m going to create, decide and put the energy out there. I didn’t know how I was going to do it, but I’m going to make at least $25,000 in December because I’ve never tried before. It was always a month that, “If something came up, great but if it didn’t, there is no big deal.” It’s time off month.
It’s not at the time I’d go back to work in January. I decided to do something different. I remember putting it out there and I said, “I don’t how I’m going to do it but I truly believe I’m going to do this.” I remember all this offer. People are calling out of the blue. A chiropractor wanted me to do a show in Florida, in Chicago and in California. I’m like, “This is so strange.” I’m in disbelief because I never believed that it would happen because I never did it before. When you don’t do something before then you have a belief that, “I wonder if it could happen.” I wonder if this is an action and if I take, I’ll get the results or if I didn’t. I went up doing $32,000 that month.
I remember talking to my father and I said, “Dad, you’ve got to believe certain things.” I remember in part of the event of what Marshall does, he gives away money. He says, “How many of you believe that people walk up to strangers for no reason to give them money?” A few people raise their hands. I told my dad that and he goes up, “People don’t ever do that.” I said, “Dad, why don’t you go ask my mother? Ask her if people don’t give her money because, for the last fifteen years of her life, I have given her money because she has a different belief than you. When you could adapt your belief to be different, you’ll attract more wealth into your life.”
He goes, “I don’t know about that.” I say, “Perfect, then let’s challenge it. Please try to prove me wrong and I want to see you believe in your heart that this will happen to you and test it, dad, because it opens up a whole new lifestyle for you when you have a different belief.” I remember that conversation. I don’t know if he ever did anything with it. It’s hard to take advice from your son when you’re the father. What is this? I could give advice to other people, but my dad doesn’t take my own advice. Talk about the Law of Attraction.
I tell this story sometime in my live events. I remember when I was ten turning eleven and my birthday is January 31st. We lived in Phoenix at the time. I remember for months and months telling my dad, “Dad, I knew at my birthday I would get about $11 to $12.” My aunt from back East always sent me $10 and I figured, “I’ve got enough family here. I might be able to pick up another buck or two.” This is the story that I still tell my dad. I was ten turning eleven and I remember saying, “Dad, when I got my birthday, I want to make sure I go to the horse track Turf Paradise because what I want to do is bet the last two races called the Big Q.” You pick the first and the second horse of the second to the last race.
If you believe you deserve something, you're going to attract it. Share on XIf you win that, you turn your ticket in and then you’d pick the first and second horse and come in either order. It’s called the Big Q. It’s a $2 bet. I remember even talking to our little dog named Sugar at the time and I go, “Sugar, when I hit the Big Q, I’m going to make sure I go get you groomed.” I remember calling my relatives and family back in New Jersey and I planned. This was months before my birthday. I said, “I’m going to be coming to visit you this summer.” They go, “Why do you say that? How are you going to come here?” I said, “I’m going to fly.” They go, “Who’s paying for it?” I go, “I’m paying for it.” They go, “Where are you getting the money from?” I said, “I’m going to hit the Big Q on my birthday, I’m going to win that and then I’ll have enough money to come back there.”
They didn’t believe it. I absolutely, wholeheartedly, there was no doubt, no question, the absolute certainty that I was going to be there. I even planned my trip to New Jersey, who I’m going to visit, what we’re going to do. I planned it verbatim. I’m ten years old getting ready and the eleventh birthday is coming up. This kid comes to payday. It’s happening. I remember my cousin is a very famous radio announcer. He’s got his own radio show in Las Vegas called Race Day Las Vegas. He knows horses like nobody else. That’s his whole life.
I remember saying this so much that when my birthday came along, I kept bugging my dad and go, “Dad, we’ve got to go to the horse track. I’ve got to win.” He goes, “I’m not taking you to the horse track. You’re not going to lose your money.” I go, “Dad, I’m not going to lose my money, I know that. That’s what I’m telling you. I’m going to win.” He goes, “Mark, I’m not taking you so you can lose your money.” I go, “Dad, you don’t understand. I’m not going to lose my money. I’m going there to win.” I don’t understand how he didn’t get that. There’s no doubt in my mind that I’m going there for a purpose. We’ve got to pick up a paycheck, but he’s got to punch my card in the last two races. That’s my card. I remember finally my dad got irritated and he told my mom, he said, “Take him to the track and let him lose his money. We’ve got to teach him a lesson.”
I think you know where this story is going. I remember going to the track. I waited because I knew I needed to have $2 for the last two races. I remember coming up to him, here’s getting ready for the last two race. The first race comes down and I don’t know what I’m doing. I’m ten years old. I remember saying, “I’m going to bet the 1/5.” I have no clue. My cousin at the time said, “That’s a good bet.” He bet a few and sure enough, the 1/5 came in. I’m jumping up and down. I’m celebrating. I’m halfway there. Things are happening. This is the way it’s going to be.
I remember the next race, it was a choice. He really liked the 1/3. He bet a lot of money on that and I said, “No, it’s the 1/8.” He had a couple of tickets on the 1/8. I remember that race coming out and they took off and the 1/8 is never in the front and guess what happened? The 1/8 came in. I hit it. I’m not telling you should become a gambler and that this is going to work for you every time. I’m saying at ten years old, I had such a belief that I attract this. There wasn’t a thought, I knew that I was going to win and it was $222.20 is what I won. When you’re eleven years old, that’s a lot of money. I’m jumping up and down. Call it energy. I was the loudest kid on the Turf Paradise in that whole park.
I remember we go home and walking to the house and my dad is standing there. He got his arms on the side and said, “I taught my son a lesson. Mark, did you learn your lesson?” I said, “Yes, I did, dad.” I pulled that money out and his mouth dropped. You knew what he was thinking. “He did it.” He got this smile on his face and he looked at my mom and he was like, “I don’t get it.” He was going to teach me a lesson. He did. He taught the greatest lesson I ever learned. When you believe something and you know what’s going to happen for you, it will happen. I believe that I love to do deals with very high-end, successful people and attract them into my life. Guess what’s happening? I’m attracting that into my life but you’ve got to open that door.
I want you to do something that you haven’t done before. I want you to think of something that you want, that you haven’t shared this vision with somebody else. I want you to share that with other people. I want you to come from a place of gratitude, number one, but with the energy. What actions are you going to take that’s going to be busy immediately? What are you going to do differently that you haven’t done? Be open and know that the relationships will show up for you. I want to hear your feedback on this, but I want you to take it seriously because remember, you’ve done something in the past. Let’s create a more compelling future. I want you to condition your body and condition your mind with the energy but raise your imagination. If you can raise your imagination, not lower it to fit in with other people’s beliefs, then you’ll have a better quality of life and you’ll start living the way you want to live.
It doesn’t matter if you’re addicted to drugs or you want a better relationship or you want to create more money or whatever that is for you. That’s the formula for this thing because what you believe to be true is true for you. Got to GetYourMindSetWithMark.com. There’s a free gift for you. I want to keep in touch with you. I want to know how things are going for you. I want to make sure that you’re on track. Let’s continue this whole growth thing. I want you to read the other blogs and subscribe to be notified of my new show. There’s a free book for you too. I will see you in the next episode. Remember, attract it into your life because you deserve it. I will see you soon.
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