In life, we as human beings thrive not just by living and doing things by ourselves but with the people around us. It is vital to our growth to learn to value and grow positive relationships with others. In this episode, Mark Yuzuik reveals how to achieve personal balance in your life to improve your personal and professional relationships. He also discusses how your energy attracts people that want to form a relationship that helps you grow emotionally, spiritually, and fiscally.
Welcome to the Get Your Mind Set podcast with Mark Yuzuik. Mark is a master hypnotist, author, speaker, and success coach who has studied human behavior over the last twelve years. In this pilot episode, he talks about the value of getting into the right mindset and having the right attitude to turn your situation around and get the results you want. It’s your mind, and it’s time for you to get your mind set up for success.
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The Power Of Positive Relationships
I’m just pumped up about everything I’ve been talking and learning about and I want to share this information with you. You have little choices out there, many choices and the one thing is to choose to read this. I appreciate it. I’m going to give you 100% and I’m going to keep on giving you information, content and things that are going to help you grow to make sure you get your mindset straight to get the results that you want. I want to talk about the power of relationships. When you talk about relationships, I want you to think about it for a second. The most powerful thing that we have and the quickest way to grow, whether it’s personal or business, emotionally, financially, spiritually, is we all need guidance.
We all need to know what we are relating to. Who are we relating to? How will we be influenced? What do we feel like we deserve? What are we going to attract into our life based on how we’re going to relate to our self and other people? Remember, relationships are all about energy. What energy are you giving out? What energy are you attracting in your life? Most importantly, what do you want to build on to make sure that your life has a balance in it, a balance in all areas of your life? If it’s about business, then most likely you’re going to probably be suffering some other areas of your life personally or in your relationship. It could be you’re suffering a little bit spiritually or emotionally and whatever that is. If it’s all one way, there’s no balance. There’s a way to balance this out when you balance your relationships out.
At that point, you have growth in other areas because you’re not doing everything by yourself, for yourself, and you’re sharing everything in your growth with other people and your vision. Many of you know that I’ve done a lot of real estate in my career and in my life and I love real estate. I remember when I do seminars, someone always asks the question, “What is the most important thing you need to know about real estate? If there’s one thing, what would it be? Would it be about how to buy, how to sell? Would it be how to market? Would it be how to fix up a property, when to buy location?” It’s none of that. What is it? “How do you do the deals you’re doing?” I said, “It’s all based on one thing. Trust your team, your relationship.” When you trust your team, at that point, you’ll be able to grow because you build a strong foundation and that’s business.

Positive Relationships: We all need guidance. It’s the most powerful thing that we have and the quickest way to grow emotionally, financially, and spiritually.
Imagine your relationship in your personal life. How can you grow? When you have a relationship in your spiritual life, how do you grow? When you’re doing it by yourself, you feel alone. How strong are you by yourself? There are limitations by yourself. However, when you create the relationships, then you can grow. The fact is you’re going to grow way beyond your own imagination. Do you know why? You’re getting other people’s experiences and you see something different the way somebody else does something, what something means to somebody else. That’s how you grow. You learn something you’ve never learned before and then you create an experience and then you have some new information to grow with. It’s as simple as that. I remember putting a team together. Take a side note here. I remember that when I would teach real estate seminars, I would do 3 to 5-day seminars.
The one thing I would say is, “When you get a good deal and you get yourself a good real estate agent and you’re doing a lot of deals and they charge you 6% commission, what’s the first thing you want to do? Raise your hand.” They’ll raise their hand. If you get to an agent you’re doing a lot of business with, the first thing you want to do is tell them, “Will you negotiate?” I said, “You’re right. You negotiate with your agent.” They go, “Perfect.” I said, “How are you going to negotiate? How are you going to create this relationship where you’re negotiating where you’re going to get the best deal?” It’s no question, everybody says the same thing. “Get them to cut their commission.”
I said, “That is absolutely incorrect.” I said, “No. You never get them to cut their commission. Why would you take somebody that is giving you the deal, doing all the work and the first thing you want to do is cut them out? How would you feel if that’s the first thing you were devalued on, on your talents and your gifts and your time? I know you’re working hard; you’re doing all this.” I remember a deal I did with who is now a friend, but we still do business. I remember buying a house. This was years ago. I bought the house, fixed it up, put it on the market and sold it within a few weeks. She calls me up and she says, “Great news. I got a full price offer. I’m even going to take $500 less on my commission. It’s cast-off. I’m going to take $500 less.” I said, “I’m not signing any deals with you.”
The power of relationships is not how much can you save but how much can you grow together because they're going to look out for you. Share on XI say, “Cancel the deal right now.” She got quiet and she goes, “I got a full price offer.” I said, “It’s not the offer I’m contesting.” She goes, “What did I do wrong?” I said, “Don’t you dare disrespect me and not allow me and give me the right and the opportunity to pay you your full commission. The fact is not only going to take your full commission, you’re also going to take a $500 bonus. Unless you agree to that, then you cancel the deal and I’ll go list with somebody else. I’ll get else to do the deal.” There was silence again. She goes, “Why would you do that?” I said, “Why would I not do that? I’m going to make $18,000 on a $40,000 investment within two months from the time I bought it until you sold it and you want me to tell you that your value to me is less than that?” I said, “Absolutely not.” Guess what? What do you think that did to my relationship? Who do you think they called when they had the deals and they know not only are they going to get a full commission, but you’re going to bonus them?
When people get excited about something, they want to share the information. It’s like, “This client of mine, you wouldn’t believe what they did.” They go tell. Guess how many phone calls I started getting after that. Because agents are used to people saying, “You’ll take less cut in your commission,” and all that. Never do that. I want you to see the value in how you’re relating. How did I relate to that person? I remember we did so many deals with her that we brought her and her whole team, the contract and everybody, escrow agent to Las Vegas and we picked them up in a limo. We’d put them in a hotel. When they came into their room, we had it set up to where there was champagne in the bathtub that was full of ice. If they drank beer, we filled it up.
The next day, we went hot air ballooning. We took them to the Blue Man Group. We took them to a nice dinner. We treated them so good that they would never go anywhere else. Who do you think they’re going to work for? Who do you think they’re going to represent? Who do you think I’m going to get the best deals for? That’s the power of a relationship. It’s not how much can you save. It’s how much can you grow together because they’re going to look out for you and you’re going to have your back. Do you think they’re ever going to want to rip you off? Never. I understand the value of the relationship. To me, I’ve done business with people where I have been ripped off for millions of dollars. Do you think I’m ever going to do business with those people again? No. Not only that, that’s how they do it. That’s who they are.

Positive Relationships: When you balance your relationships, you have growth in other areas because you’re not doing everything by and for yourself.
Instead of creating a relationship and knowing that there’s always a bank there that you can always go back to and you could build your banker with other bankers, it’s a one and done and then they’re out. Who does that? People without values and standards and morals. I’m not doing that stuff. I’m going to make sure I respect people for their time and their value. You got the same respect. Your time is valuable. Don’t put a dollar on your time. Realize that what you have to contribute and the value that you’re bringing to the table is worth something. If you’re always discounting yourself, then other people are going to view you the same way. Don’t discount yourself now. Don’t overcharge either. Sometimes you want to contribute to a relationship.
I got off tour in Poland, Romania, Paris and Warsaw. I went to London and I remember doing the event. I remember telling the promoter, “You don’t make any money on this on the first end.” He goes, “No, we don’t.” I said, “Why are you doing it?” He goes, “Because I’m investing in the relationships that are in the backend. We all can come together and make some money.” I remember going to him and I said, “Here’s my deal. My wife and I don’t want to take any money from the front end. We want you to have 100% of it.” He didn’t say anything. He calls his wife there and he didn’t say anything. He goes, “There are only two people in 25 years that have ever done that.” I said, “Few people get it.” I said, “I’m investing in you because I know that you can always depend on me. You can count on me.” Guess where that relationship has grown now.
From there, now I’m going international on all kinds of stages and they want me to start speaking for them everywhere. I didn’t do that to buy my way in. I did it because I believe in the relationship. It just happens to say, “If I’m going to be treated like this in the front end and I’m going to treat them like this, how are they going to treat me in the backend?” It’s the way you set up how you want to be treated. If I’m going to treat you like this, this is how I want to be treated as well. What you’re doing is you’re effectively communicating on what your expectations are and where you want to go. You’re investing not only in other people but in yourself. I got off the phone with one of my best friends that I grew up with. He’s got a business that grew. He was probably the fastest-growing business in Phoenix for doing windshields. In 1.5 years, he has surpassed everybody out there. They’re expanding, growing. I simply told him, “Do you know what I invest? I invest in you.” It doesn’t matter if you’re doing windshields or you’re selling cell phones or you’re selling your blankets. It’s you I’m investing in.
Make sure you respect people for their time and their value. Share on XBecause we can invest in products or we invest in people that have good products, now you’ve got to have both. When you invest in people, you can grow. Here’s the other thing. When you invest in people, all the other needs we’re talking about, remember the other time, I talked about what are you focused on, how do you wake up in the morning, what are you grateful for, are you saying, “I’ve got these grateful relationships?” When you focus on that and you create a good relationship, your focus isn’t based on stress. It’s based on excitement. When you have that excitement, you’re waking up full of energy. You know you’ve got the energy that says, “I am full of life right now.” Honestly, isn’t it better to share this information, work together with somebody? You become productive. Because when you can delegate out and if you don’t like to do something, get somebody that enjoys doing it.
That’s how you’re delegating out. You don’t want to be busy and doing things you don’t like to do because you’re never going to be good at it. If you aren’t good at it, you’re going to say, “I can’t wait until this is over.” There’s going to be eventually where you may even stop doing the best you can do because you don’t like to do it. When you can delegate out and you create the right relationships, you start doing things differently every day. All these pieces are coming together. Your focus is different. Your energy is high. You’re more productive than you’ve ever been. You’re doing things different daily because you’re creating relationships. The power of relationships is going to get you to a level far beyond more than what you could take yourself.
I was talking to somebody, a gentleman that I was coaching with. I remember as I’m coaching with him, he says, “We can run a race and we’ll go as fast as we can, but if you want to run distance, you want to be with a team because you can go a lot farther with the right team.” Do you want to go fast or do you want to go far? Do you want to build something with a foundation or do you want to throw up a building without a foundation where the first windstorm that comes by or hailstorm, it blows over? It made sense to me. To build something, think of every major company out there. How did they build it? Who did they bring into their relationships? The marketing, key people, CEOs, people with experiences that they didn’t have? I remember getting into a business, a company that this could have been a $100 million a year company easy, but the artist would never let go of control.

Positive Relationships: There are limitations when you’re doing things by yourself. However, when you create relationships, you can grow.
We had a multibillionaire want to invest in this and take it over. The artist said, “It’s my project and I’m not doing that and I’m not letting go of control.” You’re broke. He’s a billionaire. He can get this company into worldwide acknowledgment where everybody knows about it. The branding is powerful and because he didn’t want to let go of control, all the investors lost their money. He had a warehouse full of product that he had to sell at a discount to the dollar stores just to pay for the storage fees. He got to keep control of nothing. Other investors lost, including myself. It was a phenomenal product. It was a worldwide distribution and there were millions of dollars invested in it. He wouldn’t let somebody who had a track record, who could have put it in every store, could have done TV commercials, cartoons, licensing fees, who had the experience and was going to take it overnight to the next level. He didn’t want to lose control.
It’s the power of a bad relationship. Here’s a $100 million a year product. The product was good, the relationship was bad. When you invest, you invest in people. Because when you can invest in people, you’ll see a return. You got to be a good investor too. You’ve got to treat people the way you want to be treated. If you don’t treat people the way you want to be treated, you’re going to attract that into your life. Sometimes you know what we do is because we’re a nice person, sometimes we get burned. We get walked on because we’re not that. Everybody else isn’t like us. You got to investigate and do your homework on your relationships. Do your background checks, check them out, see who’s legitimate, who’s honest, who’s got integrity and you’ll find out that before you know it, you’ll go through some bad apples, but that’s part of growth. When you get the strong ones, you can build a solid team and you can do it rather quickly.
I’m putting a team together right now, always. I’m not great at social media, but I’m good at finding the right relationships. Even doing this I never did this before, but I found the number one is out there and she trained me and she said how to do it. She set it up for me and she did everything. I didn’t like to do that. I didn’t know how to do that. I didn’t want to do to make sure that when this comes out, I’ll be able to grow this thing. Do you know how easy it is to get people who don’t want to come and share their information? I set up a meeting with somebody who wants to create and build. How do you put together a seminar, an event? What do you do?
That’s what she does and she’s teaching people how to do it. You may have a great event up there, but you don’t know how to put it together and how to save money. She’s going to teach you how to do that. I’m going to have her as one of my guests. She’s going to come on and be one of my guests. How do you put a successful event together and also make sure that you give everybody their needs that they want so they get the result that everybody came there for? That’s critical. There are many little things that we need to learn and build and have relationships in this business.
As an entertainer, it is important to have the right relationships. If you don’t have the right agent, if you don’t have the right talent agent to put you in the right venues, you either got to do it yourself or you’re not going to represent yourself and get the money that you should be getting. You got to have the right people that are going to advertise for you, the right contacts. When you put that relationship together, at that point, you get to grow. What’s the business that you’re in and what kind of relationships do you need in your business? Let go of control, still maintain and oversee everything. You’re not losing control. You’re gaining control by letting other people do what they like to do. Take a moment and write down what relationships are you missing in your business or current personal life spiritually, mentally, emotionally because you want to make sure you’re strong and balanced.
Write down what relationships are missing, but also write down the relationships that you have that are positive, that is helping you grow. Can you give them more control, more growth, more ideas so you can grow? What is it that you can do? Who can you bring into your life? What business are you in? Who in your current business, your competitor, is doing better than you? Find out what they’re doing differently. Hire somebody that’s good at that. If it’s about learning how to advertise, find somebody who’s good at advertising. Learn about social media. Find that person. Is it a CEO? Find that person. You don’t want to be micromanaging and being busy. You want to make sure that when you wake up, what is your focus? How is your energy? Are you able to be productive? What are you doing different every day to grow your business? What relationships are you surrounding yourself with? The key to putting all this together is the relationships.
If there’s one thing you can take away from this is that when you surround yourself with the right relationships, you’ll get much more done and you’ll learn much more. That’s how you truly grow. I would love to hear your feedback. I would love to hear exactly what you’ve done differently. How are you growing? How do you take your life and business to the next level? Go there and check it out. Send me some information and I want you to remember I told you I want to put some people in the hot seat. Where are your struggles? Email me, connect with me and I will talk to you soon. Create the relationship that you want.
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