One common thread to success among many successful people is having a coach. In this episode, Mark Yuzuik and Yolanda Martinez interview Michael Nitti to talk about the power of coaching and what it means to be and have one. Michael is a Life and Business Coach who works closely with Tony Robbins to coach people to lead a life with intention. Mark shares his insight into what coaching really means and how it helps people deal with their past and future. He discusses the difference between fear and limitation and accepting fear to move on from it. Michael also teaches people to recognize their 10, 11, and 12 to succeed in their ventures. To learn more about Michael and his coaching approach, you can read his book, The Trophy Effect.
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What Coaching Really Means And Why It Is Important With Michael Nitti
It’s Michael Nitti. The first time we came across, it was his daughter and his son-in-law that said, “Do you know what my father does?” I’m like, “No, I don’t know what he does.” Steve says, “He says he works with Tony. He’s one of Tony’s top coaches.” I go, “Tony Robbins?” He goes, “Yeah.” I go, “You’re now telling me this?” He goes, “Yeah.” I said, “Do you think he’ll mind if I call him?” He’s like, “No. He loves you. He’s a big fan of yours,” which he’s not. I don’t think he’ll say that to me.
That’s not true. They came to San Diego to watch our show.
He did?
Yes, he did.
Now, I pay him to coach me. We have to do live events. He’s the one speaker that I requested. He has to be there or I don’t do it. This guy is one of the best coaches. Whenever I talk to people I come across all the time, we go, “I do one-on-one coaching.” It’s rare that I do and help somebody. The other thing is I always get them to go to Michael’s events maybe because he’s one of the greatest coaches that we ever worked with. He’s a dear friend of ours and we’ve been friends for a long time and we finally invited him on. We don’t have anybody else left. We got up to the M&N’s and there he was. It was a shot in the dark. Bring him up. Michael Nitti, you’re looking good like Pitbull. I’m sorry to tell you.
What a comparison. You don’t look like Pitbull but you’re here.
I was in the other room and looked in the mirror. I’m not Pitbull.
We need a watch party. You all have to tell everybody that Pitbull is coming on and they’ll all think, “There’s more. Pitbull is going to be here anytime.”
You’re stuck with me. He must not have been able to make it.
When we're coaching, we're not following some script. We're with that human being at that moment. Share on XWe’ve got you because you’re on coaching calls all the time. I know when to call you. It’s 5:00 to 5:30. If you answer, there’s always this ending. He’s like, “Mark, what’s going on? I’ve got five minutes.” It was a hard time because you booked a lot.
I’m booked a lot, especially with Tony doing this Virtual UPW. We’ve all been pitching in and getting ready for that. There are 22,000 people in this. You know it with the actual number one guy, the big guy at Zoom, the guy who invented Zoom. He’s working with him and they were able to get 22,000 people on a Zoom call. That’s a lot more than what we’ve got right here. We’re all pitching in doing other stuff besides coaching. We’re welcoming people and doing all stuff. Anything to support Tony. It’s a crazy time and it’s going to be a riot. I’m glad you came to join us and be part of the UPW.
I like to call you more than a coach. You’re like a mentor or guru. You’re the real deal. I had to pay you to talk to me one time. It was a shit ton of money. “Do you have a credit card, Mr. Yuzuik?” I’m like, “Now it’s Mr. Yuzuik. You want my credit card?”
It’s funny, I got off a coaching call with a young guy. He’s 27 years old and probably one of the youngest I’ve ever coached. Most people at that age are not ready to be coached. They think they know everything. We were talking about that. What is coaching? He’s evolved and wants to be a coach. For his age, he’s amazing. He’s one of the most amazing 27 years old I’ve ever coached. He is taking it to heart. He has created this amazing life plan. He is on fire. You mentioned a book and by the next call, he has already read it. He’s crazy. We were talking about coaching because he’s starting to coach people. He’s a leader in his group in a major investment firm.
He doesn’t teach them, he coaches them. It’s being real. It’s being intuitive. You coach. You’re a great coach. When we coach, we get a lot of coaches. When we’re coaching, we’re not following some script. We’re being totally with that human being at that moment. It’s almost flowing through us as to what needs to be said next, where it needs to go and we build on years of experience of having done this stuff. There’s still something that comes out of us that’s the truth. It’s the truth. You know what that person needs to hear now. You also have tools that we equip them with. You mentioned Erica and Steve. Erica, my daughter is also a master platinum coach with Tony. It was set in stone or inevitable that that would happen because I remember a phone call when she was only nine. I tell all of my parents this, “Parenting is coaching. If you want to be a successful parent, you don’t parent them. You never let the word, ‘Because I said so’ come out of your mouth.”
Yolanda uses that on me a lot. I’m like, “How come I can’t do this?” “Because I said so.” I’m like, “Okay.” She’s not coaching at that point.
When she’s telling you, that’s because you need to hear what you need to do. She does need to tell you what to do but I’m talking about how the average parent should not say that.
I do that in all of our seminars all the time. A friend of ours, Savah is saying, “Say hi to Michael and Yolanda for me.” It’s nice that people still remember you because who remembers you.
It’s powerful when you teach it.
The trophy effect is nothing more than allowing yourself to discover what it is that stopped you from being your ten. Share on XYou coach the highest end of the highest end. I know you can’t mention some of the clients you’ve coached. Tony always calls you and asks, “Michael, take care of this one for me.” I was like, “He meant to call me and I was busy.”
You’re busy and you have so much going on.
I’m knocking trees over. I’ve got a blister and it wasn’t from a microphone. It was from a shovel go on the wrong path and go back out the right path. Every time I see the movie Billions it reminds me of you. How many billionaires do you mentor and coach? Michael, you’ve got to coach me some stuff and teach me how to do some stuff. I don’t like to say pick your brain because people are always, “I want to pick your brain,” and I hate that. I’m excited to invite you all for dinner and we’ll chat.
When it comes to being a billionaire, I don’t think anybody picked my brain on how to be a billionaire and that’s not going to be it.
That’s a different deal. To stay a billionaire, to be fulfilled, to be happy, to be on the track, to have a strong relationship, you should know how to treat people and that’s where you come in. To get their mind in the right frame, get them up back on top. That’s the key. On the strategies on making money, they know. It’s all the other things that got to go with that you’re good at.
Few people come to me for coaching what they already know. It’s the thing where they’re stuck. Usually, it’s relationships. It always has something to do with the relationship. Other times it has to do with staying on top of their game because many people who have succeeded at a high level have put their feet up and they know they have. You may not notice it on a daily basis, but they do and especially in one area. When you’re operating at peak state, everything’s working, but when something stops working, it’s always because you’ve let down energy.
For me, it’s a lot of energy work. What I do is I take men and women and take a look at where they were when they were performing at a high level. It’s when you were on top of your game, you were bringing it when you built that business, but you made it happen when there was no stopping you. They were at a 10, 11, or 12 out of 10. They know that’s where they were so they do what they do and they don’t check in but when something stops working, what I do right away is we take them through and find out where they are, especially in the relationship. They’ve taken a hit, something’s happened, there was an interim failure, and relationships are not going well and I find out that they’re operating at four.
How do you find out?
I take them through a process where we reveal that because if you ask them, they’re going to guess. They don’t even understand what I’m asking. First of all, they didn’t know they were operating at a ten, they were bringing it. When you take them back and have them look, what we also do is we find where they lose it. Where did they lose that 11 or 12? I found out there was an incident, something happened and we all took a hit in life. We know we’re not quite on top of our game, but we don’t know that it’s affected us to the degree that it is so we try harder, work harder, and do whatever we do.

Life Coach: Parenting is coaching. If you want to be a successful parent, you don’t parent them. You never let the word, ‘Because I said so’ come out of your mouth.
I take them back and they don’t see that they’re operating out of 4, 5 or 6. When you see that, and you brought the 10, 11, or 12, you didn’t do anything to bring that 10, 11, or 12. It was from inside of you, you brought the fire and passion. Once you realize that it wasn’t because you did something or learned something, you had that energy and you brought it. When they find out they lost it and they find out it didn’t seep out through their pores or lose it while they were sleeping or they still have it and they find out all you have to do to bring it back is to bring it back.
At first, they’re like at the end of the Wizard of Oz is where she wants to go back home. She’s like, “How do I do it?” He goes, “You’ve always had the ability to go back. You’ve never lost it.” That’s what it is. I will simply reawaken them to the power that’s already inside them. It usually happens instantly. By the next session, they’re usually back on their 10, 11, or 12. They are back in love with themselves and they are brilliant. It’s not like, “You’ve got to do this, read this and you’ve got to do it.” No. You have to bring it. You’ve got to reaccept and bring it.
How do you bring it? Here’s the question. Savah bought your book and started reading it, The Trophy Effect. You don’t only have a book out. We co-created a whole program where you teach your mind to hypnotize them so they take all the action necessary on the information given. It’s a great program. The Trophy Effect, before I even let somebody contact you, I always go to you first. I tell them that you won’t even take on a client without reading The Trophy Effect because you’re all about results. You’re not there to get a long–term client. You’re there to get your car washed, make it shine, and get back on the road. You’re in a race to be fulfilled and that’s what life is about. It’s not maintaining a car that‘s not getting it going.
Here’s where you’re wrong. The Trophy Effect is nothing more than allowing yourself to discover what it is that stopped you from being your ten. We’re all walking around with this private collection of failures from the bed. What it does is it allows you to be conscious of what those are. We all know that we had that incident, the bankruptcy, divorce, and the abuse. We know there are reasons why we were not playing at the highest level but we don’t realize how that affects our psychology at the level it does affect our psychology.
The Trophy Effect allows you to go in there and clean that out quickly. First of all, identify it. Understand why it’s in there from the perspective of being human. The problem is whenever we have something in our past that’s holding us back the first thing we do is feel we’re not good enough. If that thing happened, if I was abused, if I did have this thing happen, I’m not good enough. Everybody’s walking around with this fear that they’re not going to this feeling they’re not good enough. When the truth is, we’ve all got that stuff going on. We’ve all got it but there are other ways I caused them to see that it’s not true. It’s a shift in perspective or you’re not good enough and you’ve got to let that go. They get to see clearly that it’s bullshit. They’re able to let it go at which point now you’re able to bring that ten back, and you start showing up as the truth of who you truly are. It’s amazing.
Tony gets people to UPW and there won’t be a Firewalk at this virtual thing, but they’re going to do something else. If not, he’s still going to show people how to shift their state. It’s what he calls The Triad and he’s going to show people how that happens so there are things you can do to get yourself back into a state. The truth is, once you own that, and that the only thing standing between you and bringing it fully in every moment is whatever is in the way and it’s not in the way you have to simply bring it. I know it sounds so simple, but it is.
People want to make things complicated because they’re not getting the result and they blow it up in their mind that it’s all these things that I’ve got to do and when they do it they’re like, “It was easier than I thought.” They get irritated because they should have done it earlier and they didn’t because they thought it was harder than it was. The drunk syndrome is when you get more confidence if you’re at a bar to go ask some girl to dance. You don’t care if you get rejected versus you have to build up your courage. What I like about what you do is you put them in a hypnotic state and if they don’t think about it, they will react. They go out there and they’re doing it. They’re like, “I got the results. It was that easy.” That’s why you’re so effective. You’re the hypnotist, aren’t you? Don’t you do hypnosis and stuff like that without them knowing it?
When I speak directly into somebody’s mind and I do what I do with them and I speak the way I speak but there is something methodic happening there. I certainly am not an expert like you but what I do is speak in such a way and cause them to be receptive in such a way by having them see the truth. In other words, it’s not a technique. It’s not a way of doing something. It’s the truth. I’ve learned about this truth over the years that they’re able to perceive the way I speak it and they get it. When they get it, it’s like, “Of course.”
Life gets so simple. It’s simple once they get it. It’s like, “Why did I do that?” We were done doing three-month coaching. I did coaching for this group for 90 days. It was on podcasting and all that. I remember we had a live event. It was March 13th and 14th 2020. I missed the 13th because I was speaking in Dallas at Mary Glorfield’s event, who also has been working with Tony for a number of years.
We don't do anything effectively alone. Share on XI remember we did 90-day coaching with me. I did an intervention with somebody and we brought him up on stage. His name is Alex. Sam was the podcast fan. I said, “Sam, what are you doing?” Sam said, “What are you going to do in your first podcast?” I go, “You’ve never done a podcast?” The guy goes, “I don’t know.” I go, “What? Stop. Sam, get your phone now. Pull it out. Turn it on. We’re doing a show. We’re doing it now.” It happened so fast that he couldn’t think about it. When it was done he was so excited. He was like, “I did it.” I go, “Was it hard?” He goes, “No. It was easy.” It’s easier to do it. It’s hard to think about it and manifest the illusion in your mind that isn’t real and it’s not going to be real. When you do it, it’s going to be real. It’s crazy.
They have grown so much over 90 days. I told him, “Go back.” There were only twelve people at this event. It was an intimate event and some were couples. Five bought. I said, “Go back and look at the ones that didn’t buy and where they are now. Imagine where you’d be if you didn’t have this mentoring and coaching and look at where you’re at.” They didn’t come on in 90 days than they did in five years and they are massive.
We had one girl, Maria. She’s out there and she’s got two coaching clients at $3,600 each. She’s like, “I can’t believe they bought it.” I was like, “Why wouldn’t they?” As long as we put ourselves down as people and we don’t feel like we deserve it, that’s where you come in. You get all pumped up. You go, “You do deserve it.” The fact is not that you deserve it, you have an opportunity and a moral obligation to be your better self. That’s where you get them in that state. I come in and hypnotize them and I make them do it.
There’s something valuable there. Here’s what it is and what you said. Here’s the problem. We all have fears. We all feel we’re not good enough but we take it personally. We make it personal. That fear, the thing that happened to me, or the reason I have a fear, that’s my fear. We all have fears and you may hear somebody say that they don’t have a fear that I have. We don’t all have the same fears. The point is, when you have a fear, rather than make it personal and think it means something, it’s nothing more than having a fear. I have a fear of going up on stage and talking. I have a fear of doing this. I have fear of making that phone call.
You’ve got to get that it would be impossible not to have fears. They don’t where you coach people enough that they do get rid of the fear. No, we don’t get rid of the fear. We build the muscle that allows you to see the fear and step beyond it. You become so adept at seeing the fear that laughing at it and moving beyond it that it looks like you don’t have fears, but the truth is you always will have fear because it’s biological. The purpose of our survival animalistic mind is to be on the lookout for danger.
That doesn’t stop. As long as you’re alive, your mind is looking for danger. It’s something where you might not be good enough, where you might fail, or where you might look a fool. That’s its job it never stops so all we can do is catch it and observe that’s happening, “I feel stupid. I’m going to look dumb. “They’re not going to want to do that with me,” or whatever it would be. Notice that and override it. How do I override it? That’s with that power. You’re not going to override it from a three. You’re not going to override it from your fear-driven place from the place where you have a belief that you’re damaged because you were abused or whatever it is. When the truth is, you’re not being abused now. It’s not there.
What’s the difference between fear and limitations, Michael?
Fear is the actual physical sensation that’s driven by our survival mind and it’s to keep us safe. It’s like, “Don’t go down that dark alley. You better not go down there.” That’s a good idea. If you’re all by yourself and there’s nobody else around, the mind says, “Don’t go down that dark alley.” Don’t go down the dark alley. What’s down there that you need? Unfortunately, you see dark alleys everywhere. It’s constantly telling you that’s fear. Limitations are when you buy into the fear and you’ve got a limitation. You don’t take action. You don’t do what you need to do. You don’t start your business. That’s the limitation born of fear. When in truth is when the fear whispers in your ear, you simply don’t listen to it and you do what you need to do.
For most people, here’s the problem, they only then take a little step toward what they want to do. The people who are successful took big steps, not necessarily skipped any steps, they still had to do what they had to do but they took the step with passion. If Tony asks you to walk over a fire, you don’t walk over the fire like walking over the fire. You walk over the fire with passion, with some alacrity. You have an energy that allows you to walk over that fire. You walk over the fire like, “I was afraid of walking over the fire, but now I’m going to do it.” If you softly walk over the fire, you’re going to burn your feet. Most people, when they step beyond their fears for the first time, say, “I’m going to do it.” They do it at a level of 3 or 4. They tentatively give it a try and they wonder why it doesn’t work. You’ve got to bring the energy. It’s not rah-rah energy. It’s knowing that, “I can do this thing. I can make this happen. This is my passion. I’m going to start that cooking channel. I’m going to make it happen.” You’re going to get on that thing. You’re like, “I want to watch that person.”

Life Coach: Many people who have succeeded at a high level have put their feet up. You may not notice it on a daily basis, but they do and especially in one area.
One thing is to surround yourself with the right people too. What they do is they start convincing themselves what they don’t have instead of saying, “I don’t have that information.” There are so many people that have it and they go out there and create these relationships. They can get to the next level. I don’t think about it so I’m moving and making progress instead of holding back going, “I don’t know that. What do I do now?” You think about someone like Tony Robbins or Oprah as super-achievers. They still have the fear but they keep on surrounding themselves with people that know how to get it done even better.
I went to UPW and I did the Firewalk. I remember when they prepare you to go out to do the Firewalk, they show you the video with these huge flames. I remember saying, “There is no way that I am walking on that fire. I am not doing it. They are not going to get me to do it.” What they do is they get you to look at that, the people doing it, and the way that they’re doing it. What they do is they’re like, “Everybody up on your feet. Let’s go.” They don’t give you time to talk yourself out of doing it. By the time you are sitting there saying, “There’s no way I’m doing it,” everybody is getting up. You get up and you’re following everybody and you’re getting in the line to walk down the fire and do the Firewalk.
That’s in life, though.
A lot of times people sit back and pumped up about something. When they sit back and think about it, they talk themselves out of doing it and they find reasons why they can’t do it. They’re not good enough. It’s not right for me, or people are going to think, “What are you thinking by doing that?” Sit back. That’s why a lot of times people need a coach because the coach is like, “This is what you’re going to do. You’re not going to think about it. You’re going to go out there and you’re going to bring it.” You’re going to do it and you’re going to succeed. A lot of times, they don’t do that.
We don’t do anything effectively alone. Maybe you write. Even if you’re writing, you’re not alone. You’re connected to the universe. You’re connected to the source energy that’s flowing through you. If you’re trying to write words from your own memory, you’re in big trouble. It’s not going to be a good book or you’re not going to do anything effectively if you’re creating at your desk unless you’re connected to a source. You’re not alone. You’re not going to do that.
The point is, it does help to get everybody out there for that fire in a big group rather than when nobody’s looking, I’m going out the door. Even that person in front of you walked across the fire and you’re going to follow them, you’re going to get burned feet. You still have to get yourself into an energy where you know that you can do this. You’re going to march across that fire. That finally pushed through their fears, they go out and they’re going to start that business and they drop it down to where they’re doing what you’re supposed to do. Make the phone call, get the stuff going, get your website going but they’re not bringing that energy.
If you talked to anybody who’s ever created something and made something happen, they’re bringing an exciting energy and certainty to the party. They may not be going rah–rah every single day, but they are on fire. They are bringing something. A lot of times I get these questions from people who are different personality models. They’re the more cerebral type, personality model. They maybe don’t have that rah-rah spirit. They’re more of the background type of a person. They have already created a little belief system. They don’t have that energy so they’re in trouble.
They’ll be the person who’s the accounting for the successful person. They’ll make a lot of money doing that stuff. Everybody has the ability, this whole thing about personality. There are some of us that are maybe more naturally being that way for so long that maybe brings more high energy. I don’t care who you are. When you attack something with a passion, you have the ability to bring a passion to the party. It’s usually through the belief system that they say, “I’m an introvert.” That’s a belief system. You did not pop out of the womb as an introvert.
I did.
When you attack something with a passion, you have the ability to bring passion to the fire. Share on XYou’re an introvert and you’re on drugs so we can’t tell. There you go. The point is, it’s all a belief system. No matter what we have, even personality. That baby did not pop out of the womb as anything other than whatever happened. It made decisions growing up. The parents did whatever they did, and maybe they were coached properly and they weren’t beat up, whatever happened. Even if you were, I promise you that you have the ability to wake up to the fact that you’re nothing more than a human being that got influenced by whatever happened.
Whatever happened is not in you now. You have the ability to step beyond it. Reinvent yourself and jump into a new level of passion for something. No matter what it is. Most people are waiting for their passion and they will get excited. It’s the other way around. Find what you want and love, and bring the passion to that. What I do is get people to take a look at what is it that’s still stopping them from having that passion and we bring them back up to their 10, 11, and 12. That’s what we do.
When you’re coaching somebody, every single coaching thing is different. You’re finding out what their story is or talking about and you’re interrupting the pattern of what their story is to give them a better result.
True, but that’s early on because after we find out whatever their story is, we crush that immediately and they’re not allowed to have that story. We don’t need to keep going over the same story.
That’s what a therapist does. A therapist keeps on going over the same story and teaching them how to deal with a problem.
That is the challenge. Therapists are beautiful people. I coach many therapists and I know therapists. Most therapists who are successful do a combination of what they were taught as traditional therapy and they now know to not keep talking to the person as if they’re still broken.
Good therapists know what they’re doing. They won’t know what we’re talking about them anyway, so that’s cool.
A fear that we’re not good enough. Everything is in our fear of not and being good enough if we let it. If you’re in therapy or you’re seeing a psychiatrist, let’s say, the simple fact that you’re now going to the psychiatrist’s office when you go through the door that says Psychiatrist on it, you’re already thinking you’re not good enough. It’s like, “I’m seeing a psychiatrist. There must be something wrong with me.” Once that professional is able to break that pattern and say, “You’re here because you have exhibited some behaviors that are not serving you.” That’s true and they work to break free of those, as opposed to simply say, “You’re broken. That happened when you were twelve. We’ve got to keep giving you drugs.” That doesn’t work and yet there are many people who are in a disoriented mental state where they should be given something that probably keeps them saner. That’s a whole other conversation.
The truth is this. We all have the ability to invent a new future in every single moment. We are not the same way we were ten minutes ago unless we say we are. Unless the way we were ten minutes ago was pretty good, then be that way. Anything you’re holding on to from the past, you are holding on to it. First of all, that’s the funny part. The mind holds on to anything that happened to you in the past, whether you were abused, raped, in an accident, beaten, or something happened. Terrible things happen to human beings. Some of the stories I’m reading with all the people and this is going to be their first UPW. There are 22,000 and I’m letting people into the group and it’s amazing reading some of their stories.

Life Coach: The purpose of our survival animalistic mind is to be on the lookout for danger. That doesn’t stop. As long as you’re alive, your mind is looking for danger.
There was a guy that was terrible. The point is, that’s not happening to him now. He woke up to that fact already that it’s not happening to him. Here’s the point in why we hold on to it for so long. We survived it. The mind survived you through it. You may not be thriving, you’re still walking around like you’re damaged goods, because you were beaten up by your parents or by your father when you were six, you did this when you were twelve or you were raped when you were fifteen. You survived it, you did. The mind is associated to it as a survivor.
The best they can be is they’re a survivor. You can never break free of it unless what’s not happening. I’m oversimplified but the point is we get people to absolutely let go and move on. You still might have the memory. The way the mind works is if you see a person that looks like the person 30 years later that raped you when you were nineteen and you have a little reaction to it, then yes. Now you know that’s normal. You can override it with your intention to still be true to who you are and thrive with your passion and your intention. We all have that ability.
You can take that pain and turn it into something positive like Oprah did with her life, even Tony with his mom. I don’t know any super-achiever that hasn’t gone through a bunch of crap. Truthfully, that’s how you grow. That’s the best way to learn. It’s like, “I’m not doing that again. I don’t like that one.”
They have a choice. You’re either going to live in that life of what you saw growing up or what happened in your childhood or you’re going to make your life better so that doesn’t happen. Those are the two choices. Those are the two things that people have a hard time doing because they don’t feel that they deserve that life where that is not happening.
They feel like they don’t deserve it and they still feel that it’s still part of who they were and it will always be there as a scar to some degree. Heaven forbid, we should let it go and it’s something that happened. When I treat people, I tell them that we could do that so we don’t think we can. That is what’s going on so they’re walking around as a victim and it’s the best they can do. It’s not to make anybody wrong for that. They haven’t learned differently and they continue to live their life usually in an atmosphere where that is also supported.
Imagine it constantly repeats the same story when they’re trying to climb back up again, they go back destroyed. How do you break that pattern, Michael?
That’s what I do with The Trophy Effect. That’s what The Trophy Effect is about. It’s about understanding where in your mind is that story stored and how it is stored. They get to see how it got stored, what it looks, and that they also have the ability to see that it was there for the reason that it’s there. It survived them but they don’t need to do that anymore. They can survive and thrive without that particular story. Rather than tell somebody, “You’ve got to let go of your story. You’ve got to let go of the past.” They’ve heard of that before. I take them through a process where they can see clearly why it’s there, how it was put there, and that they do own the ability to let it go. It’s not like, “You can do it.” They see it. At that point, they miraculously let it go. They truly do.
That’s the difference between rah-rah and you giving them actual solutions and seeing them walk through it so they understand logically and emotionally, instead of telling them, “Ignore that story and go rah–rah.” That’s not going to work. The cheerleader doesn’t work. You’ve got to have some strategies and you give them the strategies in your book, as well as the whole program that we’ve created.
I appreciate you guys.
Fear is the actual physical sensation that's driven by our survival mind to keep us safe. Limitations are when you buy into the fear. Share on XYou don’t have to have people around you all the time being cheerleaders, rah-rah you or hyping you up. What I meant when I said Tony showed you the video for the Firewalk, he shows you the people doing it, the flames, and says, “Everybody up.” It’s like little robots, everybody gets up and they start walking out but it’s not hyping you up to that being your regular thing. He’s not giving you time to talk yourself out of what you were already trying to talk yourself out of when you’re watching the video. That’s the key. He doesn’t give you because he already knows you’re doing it. He already knows you’re sitting there watching the video going, “I’m not going to do that. There’s no way I’m walking the fire.”
When he puts the video going, he’s talking, showing you the fire and says, “Everybody up.” He’s not giving you time to think about it. He already knows that your little dumb ass is talking yourself out of it. He gets you to take action and that’s when you say find what you’re passionate about and take action and do it with that passion and bring it. That’s what you mean. You don’t mean that you need to have a group of cheerleaders hyping you up every time you go out and do something.
You need to be your own cheerleader. Here’s one of the things that also pulls us down. We’ve been taught by the culture not to be arrogant, of course not. Who wants to be around somebody who’s full of themselves? What we do is we throw the baby out with the bathwater and we downplay our own magnificence. Once you have created something, you have to go into a situation knowing that you’re the man, you’re the woman. I can do this. I can handle this. You go to a great hairdresser. There’s a reason why you keep going to her. She’s amazing and she brings in energy. It’s an amazing thing.
I promise you, that person knows they’re a great hairdresser. You go anywhere and somebody is stepping up and being a certain way. There are some people who cross the line. You’ve got some of these people out there where they think they’re better than anybody else. There’s an energy that they bring to the party where you don’t even want to be around them. They’re succeeding in life but nobody wants them.
I know what you’re thinking.
We put up with him and we’re good at that. Here’s the point, you don’t throw the baby out, and you still have to bring that energy. When you’re being affected, you know you’re being affected. I produce the result in alignment with the client. I never did anything by myself and I know that I’ve got people out there who are thriving because of our work together. I don’t pretend that I don’t know that I’ve been in a partnership at a high level of producing amazing results. When you walk around, you have to have what people would call confidence but it’s the knowing.
Here’s the good news. Everybody has that ability. Every human being, but we don’t because we’re not supposed to be that way or don’t want to show off or whatever. It’s not showing off. It is stepping into the highest level of your humanity and bringing that energy with you everywhere you go. Even if you go to the grocery store. Make sure that the cashier feels better about herself at the end of checking you out and she did before you got in line.
That’s attention. That’s something we bring to the party because we say so, not because, “I don’t know if I had that ability. Why would I do that? I don’t like it.” You have to build it and bring it on purpose. You’re not going to get there by accident by going through the motions. You always live on purpose within an intention, which we all have the ability to do. We’ve been taught from an early age that we should sneak by. Playing full out looks like you’re getting tired and you can’t play full out all the time. Yes, you can. Playing full out is me watching TV in the evening with my dog on my lap, enjoying the hell out of it, and being with my magnificent, beautiful wife and knowing that we’ve created this life. It’s like, “Look what we’ve done. How cool and fun is this?” I’m conscious of it. I’m acknowledging it. I’m bringing it but most people can’t wait to free up. They float through life and get by and hope nobody catches. There’s no passion there.
How does somebody get The Trophy Effect? How do they get a hold of the book or if they want to get the program, Michael? Can they get it on a download?

The Trophy Effect
You can download the program from my website which is The program walks you through it. In fact, there’s a hypnosis program part and someone else’s with you on there. The bottom line is still this I am changing publishers with The Trophy Effect so I believe there are still some Trophy Effect books in stock at but they’re going fast and we’ll start with the new publisher, Balboa Press so they’ll be back up in supply. There are still some there now and they’ll be published with the new book as well so it’s going to be great.
Thank you for your time. We enjoyed talking to you. I wish we could keep going because you’ve got some awesome information.
You’re always at a live event. We’re trying to put a live event together. We had it scheduled. We’re getting ready to get to the hotel and we’re like, “We better hold off a little bit longer.”
We will get there. Anything that’s not a Monday night because on Monday nights I’m doing the mastermind but we’ll get together. I’m excited to see you. We’re going to be able to watch the UPW together. How cool is that?
Yes, we are.
I’ll be doing my webinar at your house during UPW.
We’ll see you soon.
Thank you for having me and we’ll see you guys.
Thanks. I love you. Tell Julie, “Hi.” We will see you soon.
Michael is crazy.
You two together are a whole different story. You could have a show together and you wouldn’t need any other entertainment. YouTube bantering back and forth would be good enough.
You’ve got to get the book The Trophy Effect. Anybody who asked you about coaching, I say, “Until you read the book. He doesn’t waste time. It’s all about results.” I found an email on how to get in touch with Michael provided you want to be coached by him one-on-one. He is extremely busy and hard to get even a call. He’ll make room for you provided that you do exactly what you’re supposed to do. If you don’t do your part, he’s not going to stop and do your part for you. That’s what I love about having a good coach in life. Make sure you share this.
We will see you.
We all have the ability to invent a new future in every single moment. We are not the same way we were ten minutes ago unless we say we are. Share on XI’m starting to get one that can book me for 15 to 20 minutes segments if you have questions and all that.
We’ll be posting that on his page so you know how to get a hold of me myself once I learn how to get a hold of him.
I’m tired of figuring out how to get a hold of myself. Once I learn how to get a hold of myself I’ll be able to help you guys get a hold of me as well. I’m learning it.
He hasn’t figured it out yet. We’re working on it.
Go and check it out. We have some videos on our hypnosis Facebook.
His website is but his Facebook fan page is Hypnotist Mark Yuzuik. Go on there. We’ve been posting little video clips of our show because we aren’t able to do any shows. From there it will take you to either YouTube or Vimeo where you can look at a full show and get some good laughs while you’re in lockdown or at home.
Check it out. We are going to be here again. If you haven’t liked the site yet on Facebook, go like it. I started with 8,137 fans and now I’m up to almost 17,000. I want to get to 20,000.
Share and like. If you want some great information, remember to get The Trophy Effect at It’s a great book. It teaches you a lot about rewarding yourself when you do good deeds.
Share and comment. We’ll be back. Thank you so much. This is Conversations with Mark and Yolanda.
Important Links:
- Michael Nitti
- Virtual UPW
- Erica Nitti Becker
- The Trophy Effect
- Trophy Effect on Amazon
- Hypnotist Mark Yuzuik – Facebook page
- YouTube – Mark Yuzuik
- Vimeo – Mark Yuzuik
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