Being so busy robs you of the success that you deserve. It’s high time you make changes and make them now. Success coach Mark Yuzuik helps us understand the difference between being busy versus being productive. He unlocks the thought process that holds us back from moving on with our goals. He also shares some tangible steps you can take to finally get out of that slump, raise your expectations, and get results. On today’s show, discover how to reduce your daily overload of work, obligations, and deadlines and actually accomplish your goals.
Welcome to the Get Your Mind Set podcast with Mark Yuzuik. Mark is a master hypnotist, author, speaker, and success coach who has studied human behavior over the last twelve years. In this pilot episode, he talks about the value of getting into the right mindset and having the right attitude to turn your situation around and get the results you want. It’s your mind, and it’s time for you to get your mind set up for success.
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Being Busy Vs. Being Productive
Thanks for joining me. I’m hopefully thinking maybe you already read the first one, which was about being grateful. What’s your focus? What could you be truly grateful for in this life? The second one, which I did was about creating energy. How do you show up every day? How do you wake up? What are you going to show up for in your energy? Why do you want what you want? How do you create the energy every day so when you wake up, you get rid of stress out of your life? You know as well as anybody that when you don’t have stress in your life, you come from a different place. You come from a powerful place. You are more productive generally than at any other time because you have a different energy, a different mindset.
Being Busy Versus Being Productive
You’re triggering your subconscious mind so you can move forward towards your goal. You’re more focused. If you focus on what you’re grateful for, you create the energy when you wake up and you appreciate everything that you have, even the “problems,“ you’re on this path of success. You’re creating in your mind patterns where you automatically respond to get the things that you want to get. How cool is that? What’s another step we can do? I want to talk about being productive. When I talk about being productive, I’m not talking about being busy. There’s a difference between being busy and being productive. Sometimes people think that they have to be busy and I know people that have gone into an office, they sit at their desk. Number one is they stare at their computer, but they want to put the hours in.
They feel if they went home or they took some time off, they did feel guilty. They don’t deserve the success, but what are they doing? They’re not even being productive. They’re wasting more time. They’re creating this negative solution and this negative whole being inside of you because you don’t feel like you’re getting anything done. Why is that? Here’s what’s interesting as well. Sometimes you’ve got this goal, you set your mind to it and you know some of the actions you’re supposed to take. What do you do? Instead of focusing and doing the things that you need to do to move towards getting the results of the goal that you want, you become busier than if you are being more productive. How crazy is that? What we do is sometimes this is to avoid us having to go down that path and going for the things that we want to go to.
“I want to get this result. I know these are the steps I need to take,” but what do you do? You get busy. You get caught up. You get so busy that you spend your time not being productive. Why do you do that? Because if you start down, you become productive and you don’t get the results that you thought you were going to get or that you felt you should have gotten or what if you make the mistakes,you prejudge yourself that says, “Are other people going to judge me? What if I don’t succeed? What if it doesn’t happen the way it should happen? What if I don’t know what I need to do to get to that level? Besides, have I acquired this goal before? Have I attained it? Have I got to this goal before?“
As long as you know where you are and you know where you want to go, you can make changes. Share on XIf the answer is “No, you haven’t got it yet,” your mind will say, “Hang on a second.” You got your conscious mind and says, “I want to be successful.” Your subconscious goes on and goes, “Hang on a second there, are you sure you want to go down that path? Because if you go down that path and things don’t work out, you know what that means. Besides, you’ve tried this success thing before, haven’t you?” What do you do? You listen to the patterns of your old patterns and go, “I know if I give up, I go do something and I want to do and enjoy myself,“ even take a break, go home, spend time with yourself and your family doing the things that you want to do, you’d feel guilty.
What do you do is you stay busy doing non-productive things and before you know it, you spent all of your time. You don’t have to take the actions that you know you need to take. What a crazy mind we have. Yet we still know people that are productive and they seem to have more time to do the things they want to do with the people that want to do them with. They also have the financial freedom to do that. You got to ask yourself, which road are you on right now? Are you at the fork and you’re not sure. Because it’s okay, as long as you know where you are and you know where you want to go, you can make these changes. The changes happen by a decision.
The decision is number one, know that you deserve to have the success that you want and surround yourself with the people that have already done it before because the quickest and best way to be successful is to mirror and match. Do the same things that successful people are doing and that’s in any area. If you want to lose weight and keep it off, don’t go to somebody that keeps losing it and putting it back on. Go to somebody that they had the weight and they’ve kept it off for years. What did they do? How did they do it? If you want to create a healthy relationship, a passionate relationship, don’t go to somebody who’s been divorced a bunch of times or keeps on getting in these relationships where they’re the same relationship with different people. You’re bouncing from one to another, but you’re getting the same result.
That’s not how you do it. You go to somebody who’s got a relationship that you want to have. “I want the relationship that this person has. What do they do? How did they get there? Do they focus on the little thing? Does it matter who’s right or wrong or do you care about how happy you are?” That’s what you focus on. When you’re getting advice from somebody, don’t get advice from somebody that’s giving you free advice because they’re your friend. Go to somebody that’s an expert or somebody that you respect or admire, somebody that you look up to and says, “That’s the deal I want. That’s what I’ve been looking for in my life.“ At that point, you’ve got experiences and you could tell. If they’ve got the same thing that you’re looking for, why not interview them? Talk to them. Find out what they’re doing, the things they’re doing and what they’re not doing.

Being Productive: The quickest and best way to be successful is to mirror and do the same things that successful people are doing.
If you do that, you’re on the right path because you’re following a system that is productive. It’s a productive system. The next time your desires is to be successful, learn from the masters out there. Learn from somebody who’s done it before and is currently doing it. They’re living this practice. They are living the lifestyle that they want to live and that you want to admire. That’s what this is all about. You want to be productive. I see people that are busy all the time. I remember coaching people. Ask yourself this. Do you want to tell if you’re busy or productive? When you have a goal and you’ve been procrastinating, you get busy and spend all your time so you can procrastinate on being productive.
Is that the wildest thing? “I’m going to get busy so I can procrastinate on moving towards my goal.” I want you to sit down if you’re one of these people or know somebody in your organization that is like that. If you want to get the most productivity out of anybody, including yourself, firstly as you sit down in your office, let’s talk about business. Is your desk a mess? How are things looking from outside? Because generally, what the outside appearance is what’s going on in the inside. If you’ve got a messy desk, I’ve done this where I’ve coached people before. They’ll tell me what their problem is. “I’m sitting in the office. I stare at my computer. Other people are doing way better than I am. They started after me and they’re surpassing me. How come? What’s going on? Why don’t I have the motivation? How come I can’t seem to get motivated? I feel like I’m stuck. I show up every day, but I’m not here. I’m here physically but mentally and emotionally. I’m not here.“
You’ve checked out because you don’t have any goals. If you do have goals, they’re not rewarding to you. Why do you want something? If you don’t know why you want something because you think everybody else has it, reevaluate your goals. What’s important to you? What’s important to you will drive your behavior and sometimes you feel stuck. The bottom line is you feel stuck because number one, are you grateful for the things you have? The other thing is, are you complacent? If you are complacent, that is the death of growth. You do not want to be complacent in your life. When you’re complacent, you say, “My life is good enough.” What happens is you lose the variety. You lose the spark. You lose energy.
When you wake up and you don’t have energy, you’re like, “What am I going to do? It’s the same thing I’ve done every day.” Where‘s the growth in that? Where’s the challenge in that? Do you remember when you first started on an adventure? The challenge that you have was exciting. It was physically and emotionally exciting. Sometimes you get caught up and it’s like, “You lost that excitement.” When you lose the variety and the excitement, what happens? You have a tendency to get complacent. When you get complacent, it’s the death of growth. You think about even big businesses. I’m talking about large companies that have gone under. They used to be Blockbusters, but now what are they? They’re busted broke. They should be called broke busters because they’re not Blockbusters.
Life is about being on purpose and knowing the direction you want to go. Share on XThe reason why is that they didn’t pay attention to the things they needed to pay attention to. They ran the same thing over and over again and they had nothing to offer somebody. Here comes the across this little company called Redbox and they figured out what are people’s needs. That’s why they took over. How many big names stores are going out of business? Look at all that. What is Amazon doing? Amazon is the largest mall worldwide. They don’t even have a shopping aisle to go down. It’s all over the internet. If you’re going to your office, you need to learn how to be productive. To be productive isn’t staring at a computer. It’s finding the next level and challenging yourself, but also have enough reasons why.
Taking A Vacation And Cleaning Your Mind
If you feel like you’re stuck and you go into the office or you’re sitting at your computer and not doing anything, here’s what I’m going to suggest you do. Take a vacation. Stop doing nothing, being busy and take some time off. If you want to grow, you’ve got to free your mind. You’ve got to have new ideas and take people on the vacation that’s going to help you grow, that sees your vision, that has a different vision than you and that pushes you. I know all my coaches and mentors, we’re constantly pushing each other. We’re motivating each other. The reason why is because they want more for me, I want more for them and we want more for each other.
When you have that, you don’t feel alone. Here’s the bottom line. The truth is everybody gets into a slump once in a while. When you have somebody that says, “How do we become more productive? How do we involve more people in our vision? How do we put the right people in the right places? What do we need to do differently?” Let’s go talk about it where it’s fun, where we’re not bobbled up by the internet, the phones, text messages, Instagram and all this stuff. How do we do that? How do we free our mind? One way to be productive is to start fresh, clean the slate, clean your desk off, clean your room, clean the inside and clean your mind.
Sometimes we need a good mind cleaning and that’s what it is. It’s about cleaning your mind so you get a fresh start. When you get up in the morning, what are you grateful for? What energy are you going to have? When you have that, you start being productive. Here’s the deal. Don’t do another project if your desk is a mess. Clean, organize and know where your files are. When you can file the outside, the inside starts lining up and that’s what it is. Sometimes people are busy procrastinating that they don’t have time to be productive. You spend all your time being busy so you can procrastinate on the things that you want. If you’re that person, what you got to do is be real with yourself because if you want me to coach you, I’m going to tell you the truth.

Being Productive: If you want to grow, you have to free your mind and have new ideas.
Sometimes I’m going to tell you things you don’t want to hear, but you need to hear them. Sometimes I need to hear these things for myself. I’m a human being. I know I worked better when I have people that are pushing me, people that have high visions too. That’s why I surround myself with those people because not only does it keep me accountable if I start to slack off and I lower my expectation. If you’re going to surround yourself with people that have a low expectation, you’re not going to raise yours. You’re going to lower your expectation to meet theirs. Don’t you dare do that. You deserve better than that.
Getting The Results You Want
You read other similar blogs that get you in the right state of mind to get your mindset straight so you can be more productive and less busy. I get that, but you’ve got to understand the formula. How does our mind work? Why are we being so busy allowing ourselves the business so we can procrastinate? That’s because we’ve got to get all of these things in line. What do you call it? Aligning the stars up so we get the results we want. One way to start that is, number one, look at where your life is. Stop and take a deep breath in. As you let it out, say, “Where’s my business? Is it where I want it to be?” Never ever be complacent. That is the death of growth. Now if you’re retired, you could still be retired, go do fun things and be creative. You can still enjoy your life, but to sit around and do nothing and waste your time, that’s the worst thing you could do.
You feel guilty. You have resentment. You’re not even enjoying the time that you’re wasting, at least you could be doing that. You deserve a break. Go out there and give yourself a vacation, a mental break so you can refresh. Sometimes when you’re working on your computer and you need to push the refresh button once in a while, figure out what you need to start all over again. What’s coming in that’s new? What’s out there I haven’t tapped into yet so I can become more productive because there are many tools being developed every day of our life right now that we could be more productive than we’ve ever been. We can do it right from home, sometimes right from the internet, right from our cell phone.
We don’t have to physically drive to an office like we used to do. The technology is advanced. Let’s utilize that. We can do things now where we push a button to where we’d have to do so many different things. You don’t even have to mail a letter anymore. You can send an email. Think about how far we’ve come in the last 30 years. Yet some people never change, some companies never change. You’ve got to have changed. You’ve got to do that in order to be more productive. The reason why people are passing you is that they’re staying up with the times. Who you‘re surrounding yourself with? Who are your mentors, not your friends, your mentors? Remember, your friends are your friends but don’t lower your expectation on the goals you want to meet their needs.
You want to raise up your expectations, your standards so you start getting the results that you want. A lot of times your friends, they’re there to be your friends and there’s nothing wrong with that. I love my family, but they are not my mentors. I love my friends, but they are not my mentors. My mentors are my friends. First, they were my mentors and there is a difference. There is a time where we’ll be friends and there’s a time where we step back and we’re mentoring. When we mentor, it’s about being serious. It’s about paying attention because these are the people that are going to make a difference in my life and their life. It makes a difference in other people’s lives. You got to remember, being in the public eye, we have an obligation to consistently grow in areas that we don’t have a choice.
Being complacent is the death of growth. Share on XWe don’t have a right to be complacent. If we’re not growing, we’re doing a disservice to you. That’s why I say,, go there. Let me know what you want to work on. I’ll put you on the hot seat. What we’ll do is we’ll fix those problems right then and there. I’ll do an interview with you. We’ll see exactly what your missing pieces are so we can get you moving. I’m inviting you to do this because I intend to grow. This podcast channel is going to grow. It’s going to grow because I’m going to consistently give you value. The reason why is because it makes me grow too. I’m not going to settle. I’m not going to be complacent. It’s not happening. I’m going to consistently push myself and push myself because the more I push myself, the further I get to pull you up with me.
Why Am I Here?
That’s a cool little goal in life, purpose in life, meaning in life. Why am I here? Why am I doing this stuff? Why do I get excited every time I pick up and I get to talk and do a podcast? It’s because I know that there’s so much growth involved. The growth comes from you and watching you grow too. If you’re a parent and you have children, isn’t some of the greatest joys is watching them grow and learning new things, how to overcome challenges in life when they have a problem? Sometimes you let them figure it out, but you give them some of the tools to figure it out on their own. I want to be that where I’m giving you the tools to sometimes figure it out on your own. Then you get to a point where your children will teach you some of the new tools that we weren’t brought up with. It’s that circle of life that keeps going around. What is the greater joy, you helping your children or your children help you?
Maybe they’re both rewarding in depths that are way beyond our own expectation or imagination. Maybe that’s the reason why we are here in this life. Maybe we were on purpose for a reason, but if we don’t help each other with the tools we need to grow, what are we going to do if we’re not growing? If you don’t water a plant over time, if the roots aren’t deep enough, it needs your assistance or that plant will die. Once it gets to a level of depth, it starts getting nurtured from all the roots. What I want to tell you is you deserve this. How do you become more productive? What can you do to be more productive? Can you do a little tiny bit, maybe 10% more to be more productive? Number one, can you clean and make sure everything is clean? Can you dress a little better for success? Can you move your body in ways? Can you be more grateful? What is your focus? Can you inspire others? If you’re only focused on you, you won’t grow as fast, but if you can focus and help other people get to the next level, there’s your answer. That’s how it’s done. That’s what this life is about, being on purpose for a purpose and knowing the direction you want to go.
I want to thank you again. We’re going to have some very strong guests on my podcast. I love you to be on my podcast as well. We’re going to have some guests on here that are going to share some information with you, people that have got some challenges in life that overcame them. They’re on the way to success and they’re fulfilled. They may even have some physical challenges, that’s not their disability or their handicap. It’s their ability to make sure that they move forward. They are fulfilled in life. Everybody I want to interview and have on my podcast has something to contribute, to offer and to share, but nothing to prove. It’s information to help you grow as a reader. As a reader, you have the same gift. You have information that you could help other people grow too. The one thing you got to do is raise your expectation and your standards. Don’t ever lower yours to meet somebody else’s. Never be complacent. I want you to go on to Let me hear from you. Click on that. Let me know how you’re doing. Share some information. How can I help you get to the next level? I’ll see on the next blog. Talk to you soon.
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