Why are energy and body language important? In this episode, power couple and phenomenal coaches, Jamie Honey and Amy Jo Honey join Mark Yuzuik and Yolanda Martinez as they take a deep dive into life transformation through energy and body language. Jamie and Amy share the work they do with their clients as they talk about the energy of thought and ethical sales. Learn how you can reconnect your thoughts by looking at your creativity and imagination as they discuss the disconnect between the thoughts that you’re paying attention to and the goals and dreams you want to achieve. Jamie and Amy talk about the village they adopted in Uganda and how you can reach out and help out as well. Tune in and get to know how you can start moving towards your goals and dreams.
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Transforming Life Through Energy And Body Language With Jamie Honey And Amy Jo Honey
Welcome to Conversations with Mark and Yolanda. We have a special power couple with us and they are funny.
Jamie and Amy are phenomenal coaches. We had an honor to meet them. Here’s how we met. They were recommended to us, and then we went and talked to two other people like, “What do you know about this Jamie and Amy?” “You’ve got Jamie and Amy? They are cool and they’re great. You’re going to love them.” Everybody that said anything about them always raved about what a great couple they are. They’re classy, fun, hard worker, honest, and have integrity. It’s like, “Sign them up.” That’s when I met them with Jason.
We were going to buy a 40-foot ladder that the guy tried to sell us that was dry rotten and we got slivers from the plastic. I’m sitting there talking to Jamie and I’m scratching. I’m like, “Jamie, do you think we’ve got crabs or something like that?” He goes, “No, we don’t.” We have a Saturday night where they went there and dancing and having fun. They’re a great couple. It will be hard to understand Jamie because he doesn’t speak any English at all. We have a translator. Amy will translate. We started watching Amy’s TikTok. What a freaking nut.
They’re hilarious.
They’re cool people and they live in Vegas, which is even better because they’re not far from us and we’d call them whenever we need to see them. What’s cool is they are part of our family and part of our team now and they go wherever we go. They’re like luggage. You don’t want to leave without them. Imagine during an event going, “Where’s my luggage? I have no clothes and no pants. We have to do the event,” and then we show up. That would be like, “Where’s Jamie and Amy?” “I don’t know. We have to do the event,” and then we show up and the event is not complete.
That’s a bad comparison. You called them luggage. Let’s introduce Jamie and Amy Honey. I even love their name. It’s cool. Let’s welcome them.
What are you drinking?
I’m glad you asked. It’s called Humm. It’s kombucha and the company sponsored us.
It’s a beautiful company out of Bend, Oregon. They have a fantastic flavor system. We came across it in Costco. We go, “We’ll try this kombucha,” and then we go back and we’re like, “They’re all out.” There are all these others and we’re like, “No, you’re out.”
It’s the best kombucha I’ve ever found, so this is how the sponsorship came about. I’m sitting down and I’m like, “We kept going back to Costco trying to get the Humm.”
By we, she meant me.
Yeah, because I’m not going out there. That’s crazy out there. I called the company and I’m like, “My husband and I are your biggest fans. We love you. We love what you do. We love your Humm and we can’t get it. It’s out at Costco. I’ve only been able to try two of your flavors. I don’t know if you have any more, but these are the only ones I have.” I got ahold of the manager and I told her about us doing Facebook Lives and she said, “We could sponsor you. I could ship you all the different flavors so you could try them all.” They did. We got a shipment in and this is the new flavor that we’re trying. It’s called Raspberry Hops and it is good.
Is it alcoholic or non-alcoholic?
It’s non-alcoholic. It’s a healthy drink.
I have some in my refrigerator because that’s what I drink.
The apple Humm?
The dialogue you use expresses the thoughts that you're listening to most in our head. Share on XYes. I love it.
It’s the best flavor I’ve ever found. All of the other ones taste beery and weird. We love it. I called him up and I said, “I’m your biggest fan.” They said, “Cool.”
We have to give them a call ourselves.
Out of Bend, Oregon. We go there twice a year.
I grew up there.
They have the Humm on tap in Bend. You can go to their location, they have it on tap there. It’s the only place that does that. It’s like a brewery.
Mango passion fruit is my favorite flavor.
The blueberry mint is my other favorite flavor.
I like the pomegranate lemonade.
Bud Light.
That’s your flavor, Mark? That’s awesome. Anyway, that’s how that happened. I’ve done some fun commercials for them on TikTok.
We sure miss hanging out with you. We were just getting started in this COVID thing.
We had a whole calendar scheduled for this year. It’s gone.
It’s going to take a little longer than we thought. It will come back bigger, stronger, and better than ever, and with what we talked in the last video about all the programs you are offering. We’re gathering things we always wanted to do. Remember, I talked to you about that. “This is my goal for years. Here’s the magician that showed up with all the tricks.” The thing is like, “This is what I’ve been looking for,” and thank God, the timing was everything because we met you beforehand for a reason. We have this relationship and no matter where we are, you will be. The programs and everything else, it put everything together. It’s like, “Things happen for a reason,” and now we’re building an online business and doing everything so it’s coming together good.
We should have a bit of a conversation after this because AJ is setting up a cool studio, where we can all go to the studio. He’s got three screens up, because with Zoom, you can see only 50 per screen. He’s got three big screens so you can see 150 people. You can stand there and then you can do whatever background you want, so we could do virtual live events all in the same location together at his dojo. We had a meeting with him about that. We’ve been doing it successfully. We run it just like a live event. We have to find a way to make it interactive, even though it’s virtual.

Energy And Body Language: Other people are not more creative. You’ve just reduced the flow of your creativity and your imagination.
Let’s tell everybody exactly what you do, why we met, how we met, and all that stuff. What you do is cool. There are not a lot of people that do what you do.
I’m a sales and communication expert and Jamie is an energy creation expert but everything for us comes back to energy. We’re all about looking at the energy in a room and even in a virtual event, and being able to read body language. We see where people are leaning in or where they’re pulling back, and how we can transform this person’s life based on what they’re doing and the energy that we’re seeing.
The energy of thought, which you’re good at, Mark. It’s how you break that down about the thoughts we’re paying attention to, the thoughts we’re not paying attention to, and how that’s disconnected from our goals and dreams for what we want to achieve. The energy that we put into the thoughts and into the observation and the dialogue we use expresses the thoughts that we’re listening to most in our head. They’re the things that we work on. Amy is a sales master with the Sales Tai Chi and I do Improv For Impact, which is looking at creativity and imagination. We all have creativity and imagination.
As we got older, we were conditioned down to reduce the amount that we use in specific locations, and then we look at stars, athletes, or actors on TVs and go, “That’s creative.” It’s like, “They just didn’t reduce down your creativity and your imagination like people out there that have observed other people as being more creative.” They’re not more creative. You’ve just reduced the flow of your creativity and your imagination. That’s what we like to pump out into people to find out what’s relevant to them. The energy going towards a better future. How can we serve? How can we make this moment less than the next moment, so the next moment is better and greater? What is it that you’re looking to achieve and how can you move towards that?
Jamie’s main focus is through transformation through Improv, so being able to get the mind working in a different way, and my focus is sales. I want to transform people’s lives by helping you sell your products and services because I know that your products and services can change lives. I look at it and the reason it’s called Sales Tai Chi is because it’s all about the flow of energy. Where is it being blocked? Where’s the energy in the room blocked? Should that energy flow into a sale or maybe not? Maybe they’re not the right person or maybe they’re not the right fit for your company. We want to make sure that it flows the way it should be flowing, whether it’s to a sale or away from a sale. Maybe the best way that I serve somebody is by not selling them the product. That could be possible.
That was the part that tied us together when we met. You know how people are in the business and I’m not going to say who they are because it’s 90% of them. I said, “We will not sell somebody something that is not going to value them so much.” You said, “I won’t sell somebody something.” You only sell to serve and I thought that was brilliant. It’s like, “Thank God finally met somebody who knows how to serve.” That’s the way it works. The way you teach is with comedy and people remember you. How much fun did we have one Saturday night?
We had so much fun. What a blast. What I like the best about that event and what got us with you where we were like, “We love this guy,” was when you did the hypnosis and you broke down the behavior in such a keen way to where you can see your blind spot and see where you’re creating that behavior in what you’re doing.
It was beautiful because we’ve seen the knowledge before. We’ve hypnosis but you combined it in such a way that it was highly entertaining and people were engaged with their learning. While at the same time, seeing it in real-time how people react to thoughts and how people react to belief structures that are supporting or limiting them. I loved it. It was the best I’ve ever seen anyone has done.
We were impressed. This is the funniest part. I’m talking to my mom a week later and she’s close to 80 years old. We’re with big-name people all the time. We’re at these giant seminars and she’s got no clue. She’s like, “What do you do? I don’t know what you do. I don’t get what you do.” I go, “We worked with this guy in Vegas. He’s a hypnotist, Mark Yuzuik.” She goes, “You worked with Mark?” They live in Spokane. She goes, “We go see him every year at the fair. He hypnotized me before.” I’m like, “That’s the guy. That’s the one that my mom knows.”
You were with all major celebrities and she remembers me.
She knows you. It was great and I finally had some credibility.
Isn’t that weird? We’ve traveled all over the world and we’ll be in different countries like South America and Italy, and we’re having dinner and somebody goes, “Mark?”
“You’re the hypnotist from Orange County,” and I’m like, “What?” We were on a cruise in South America and there was a family from Orange County and they were like, “You’re the hypnotist from Orange County.”
Charleston, South Carolina and sometimes we’ll be in Europe. It doesn’t matter. There’s always someone and it’s like, “How big is this world and how small is it?” It’s unique.
I got a message from a person in Australia who was an Uber driver and he goes, “I gave a lift to someone who knows you. They’re talking about all this stuff and they just spent three days at an event with you.” I’m like, “Oh.” The Uber driver happened to be a friend of mine on Facebook and he’s like, “They told me. I’m happy for you.” It’s like, “I know. Carry your pigeon.”
The worst thing you can do is sell somebody a crap product that's not going to give them any value. Share on XI’ve never been to Australia to practice the accent. You should go to Australia, Jamie. You’ve got the perfect accent. If you’ve never been there, it’s beautiful.
They sound like dangerous creatures there.
Is that the craziest thing when you watch these shows like, “I’ve been there probably ten times and I never see one of the dangerous critters you keep talking about.” You have a program out there that you teach through comedy, don’t you?
Yeah. We have Sales Tai Chi, which is the program that we teach. We teach people how to ethically sell their products and how to look at the flow of energy, but we use improv comedy to teach people to do sales. We do corporate sales training and things like that with that.
I remember Marshall Sylver saying, “Funny equals money.” In other words, when you’re funny, people remember that and they’ll apply it. In a way, he says funny equals money because it rhymes. If he said funny equals honey, that would be you two.
We’re honey money.
When you’re funny, people remember things and they will apply it at that point.
When you’re laughing, you’re breathing more. The endorphins increase and you open up your synapses in the brain to be able to remember more information. The fact of laughing on a physical level increases your ability to remember the information, but also you’re in a happy state. When you’re in a happy state, there’s less fear, cortisol, and restrictive survival thinking, which means you’re more open to the information as well. If any teacher or communicator out there can add humor in some aspect into their presentation, into their daily conversations, people will remember it more because the body is engineered that way to gravitate towards where they feel safe, supported, happy and excited, and focus on removing away those elements that are less than.
The other thing about laughter that’s valuable, especially in sales is that you’re creating a connection with people and there are only two times that you make eye contact and breathe at the same rate. One of them is laughter.
What is the name of the course that you teach?
It’s called Sales Tai Chi.
It taught basics on how to connect and communicate close.
Have creativity and be able to handle obstacles and anything coming at you because improvisation like this life never goes as planned. The more skills that you have to be able to take whatever comes at you, you can handle objections and things like that better, but we don’t teach you how to handle objections. We teach you how to hear what people are saying so that you can put them in the right thing. The worst thing you can do is sell somebody a crap product that’s not going to give them any value. It’s the worst thing you can do. You’re going to ruin your own business and you’re going to piss them off. They’re going to say crap on the internet.
I get passionate about this. It pisses me off when I see salespeople pushing and shoving stuff down people’s throats because the product might be great. We were in a good company and we still are in this company. It’s a great product but the upline pushed it down to everybody’s throat. The minute that anybody even mentioned it, they were turned off immediately because this guy was an ass about it. It ruined it. It pisses me off when salespeople don’t listen, don’t connect with people, and figure out what’s right for them and not what’s right for you. It’s not about you. It’s about them.
That’s what I love about both of you is the fact that you absolutely didn’t care about the money, results, and nurturing relationship, because guess who’s got to deal with them? We do. Imagine selling somebody something that they couldn’t use, how bad would you feel? I can’t do it. I’d rather make less money. I’d rather make a hell of a lot less money than go home and go, “Look at how much money we’ve got, I feel like crap now.”

Energy And Body Language: When you’re in a happy state, there’s less fear, cortisol, and restrictive survival thinking, you’re more open to the information.
The reality is, you’ll make more money because when you come from a place of service and you come from that place in your heart every single time, the money is going to come because it’s energy.
About that energy, most people are only focused on the sale, not realizing if they sell something that is not good for the person. That person is going to have a negative emotion and that negative emotion bubbles out. We share negative responses 7 to 10 times more than we share a positive response. If you’re creating negative responses in your potential client market base, you’re going to destroy your company. You’re better off telling someone that’s not right for it. It’s like, “You’re not right for it right now. These are things I can see. Here are some directions you can go and maybe down the track, this will be the right thing for you because we’re focused on what’s right for you.” Money is nothing more than a representation of energy. Energy is the flow of life and sales is nothing more than connecting someone with a need and someone with the opportunity to satisfy that need.
A problem and solving that problem. That’s it.
We go to the service station and put fuel in our car. We just sold ourselves on the need to have fuel in the car because we’d rather drive than walk or drive than push the car while Amy steers because she forgot it takes petrol. You’re like, “What’s that like?” “I don’t know.” Every time you go into a supermarket, you are in a sales process because you’ve already accepted that this need is relevant in your life to eat. That’s the same thing with any product or service. It’s about elevating and extending someone’s life into a better place.
We’re serving you to help you go to a better place. Making a sale that doesn’t take you to a better place is not a sale. It’s stealing and manipulation and that is negative energy. More negative energy in the world creates a less happy planet. Positive energy in the world creates a happier planet and we can do things every single day that expand the opportunity of having a happier life. Sales is a powerful way to do that. It’s a speed up and an acceleration going from where you are to your goals and dreams.
I particularly love it because a lot of people have a lot of beliefs around sales and mindset, around sales where they feel awkward or they don’t like to do it. I love to get ahold of those people and teach them how to do it ethically. I love what Tony Robbins said, “Fall in love with your clients, not the product.” When you do that, you’re serving. You’re coming from a place of service.
There’s nothing worse than a salesperson who is selling me something that you have no clue what they’re selling you. You’re like, “What are you selling?”
All their staff is saying, “You need this.” You haven’t even asked me a question. How do you know I need this?
I don’t even know what you’re selling because you pitched for 90 minutes but I still don’t know what you’re offering. What problem are you solving for me? I still don’t know what it is. Those are the worst ones that I listened to and I’m like, “What is he selling?” I even tell him, “What is he selling? I don’t know what he’s selling.”
My favorite is these people that message me out of the blue on Facebook and they’re like, “I got this product for weight loss.” I write back, “Did you just call me fat?” You didn’t even reach out to find out if I wanted weight loss. Maybe I don’t think I’m fat. Maybe I think I’m fine. I’ll be like, “Is this working for you? Let me know when you’re tired of it. I can teach you how to do it.”
How do people get ahold if they want to learn the strategy and the skill to properly ethically serve people in a way where they can still monetize and make some money?
They can like us on our Facebook page, The Honey DARE.
We do giveaways.
We do Facebook Live every Tuesday. We get sponsored by companies. It’s every Tuesday night. DARE stands for Design, Align, Remind Every day. It’s all about daring yourself to be greater and better. Design is about designing your day and being specific on what you want, and then aligning your actions to what you say you want to be. You can sign up for our text message list and we’ll text you when we’re going live and stuff.
I want as many people as possible to take your course. I know we’re going to take it as soon as it’s available. We’re going to be there. Hopefully, it’s available.
We’re thinking about doing some improv classes with Jamie.
Selling is not about you. It's about them. Share on XI would love that.
Would you like it?
That would be fun.
I could do the improv. I hypnotize them, then I tell them that they’re confident about being an improv.
We have all these thoughts or ideas because the subconscious mind remembers 100% of all experience and knowledge base that’s been out there. We edit it for what’s acceptable, yet half the stuff we’re editing out is acceptable, not just in improv game but in our purpose, life, goals, and objectives. When we allow to let it go and be free and let that flow of energy flow with the creative mind based on past experience, so much comes up. When they do the improv game, I observe the choices they make, which reflects the habits of thought they have outside in the real world. In the scenes, you’re constantly coming with one idea and pushing that idea, where else in life are you not hearing the support or the other opportunities around you in your environment, work and relationships? Doing hypnosis is powerful.
I would love to do that. Wouldn’t that be awesome? What a combination that would be.
That’d be amazing. We’ll start putting it together. That’s awesome.
Einstein said, “Imagination is more powerful and more important than knowledge.” Because knowledge is just what we know and imagination is everything.
Remember the old TV show, My Favorite Martian and The Jetsons and all that. That’s a reality now. That was an imagination that became reality because they didn’t have limitations. In a seminar, I teach people, “If you have everything you can imagine in your life and your life is smooth and can create anything you want, why would you not hold back? Create whatever you want, even if it seems impossible because the impossible hasn’t been discovered yet but it’s already here. It just needs to be discovered.” There’s more advantage. It just hasn’t been discovered. Now they have cell phones, pagers, telephone booths, and everything.
If you think about the people that think unrealistically are the people that change the world. I think about Mother Teresa. She had no means and she went out and she had unrealistic thoughts where everybody’s like, “You’re crazy. You don’t have any money. You can’t do this.” She went out and changed the world. Millions of people and world leaders flew to her funeral. She’s incredible and she’s an icon of unconditional love because she was unrealistic in her thinking.
She was wealthy but had no money.
That’s a great point because we talked about, what is success? What is abundance? It’s a personal thing. For me, abundance is an unrestricted flow from thought to experience, where someone else’s abundance is $1 million in the bank account. What is success? What is abundance? It’s being clear on what you think. She goes, “You don’t have that thoughtful flow. Watch your cartoon, Naruto, and I’ll take care of the money.”
We’ve got way more abundance than we have funds in the account.
I’m loving my abundance.

Energy And Body Language: When you come from a place of service every single time, the money is going to come.
If you look at people that have money and then you look at people that don’t, and then they say, “I want to have what they have,” and then they realize that what they have is just monetary. They don’t have the family connection, relationship, and friends that are true friends around them. You wonder with what we’re going through like, “What is important in your life?” Is it being with your significant other and spending more time with your kids? Are you happier being at work from 9:00 to 5:00 and seeing your kids for a couple of hours and then putting them to bed? It makes it different to look at what abundance is now with where it was a couple of months ago.
We’re getting up at 5:30 every day and I’m out in the yard. We extended our backyard gate, poured concrete, and we’re knocking down trees. I’m having so much fun doing it.
I’m working out at 5:30. I’m not in the yard.
I love it. I’ve never been home in many years in the summer. This is the best and I love it. I’m up and I’m alive. I’m taking care of business. I’m doing things that I always wanted to do for years like joint venturing, building lists, podcasts, and doing Facebook Lives. Everything I wanted to do, I’m able to do it now. I’m doing more real estate deals. I miss the stage and I miss the interaction. I don’t miss the applause, but I miss the connection and the difference we make.
We miss the transformation and I miss the airport a little bit. I enjoy hanging out at the airport because the airport was a time where I just would be on my own. I miss the time of being on the flight and then nobody can bother me, but I also have enjoyed being at home. We’ve had some big learning. We adopted an entire village in Uganda. Right when this all happened, my best friend works at a hospital up in Washington State and this nurse that works with her, Agnes, is from Uganda and my best friend has known this nurse for many years. She loves her, adores her, and thinks just the world of her.
She saw her going to work and picking up all these extra hours, and she said, “What are you doing Agnes?” Agnes said, “The situation in Uganda is dire.” It’s not like here. If we’re hungry, we can find a homeless shelter. We can find a soup kitchen or someone will buy us food. People die from no food over there. They go to work and they get their money and they spend that money on food. That’s it. It’s minimal. They’re shut down and they can’t go to work. We said, “Can we help?” She said, “My family has enough help but there’s this other family. It’s a lady named Florence and her husband died in 2014 and she’s got three kids. She’s a single mom and they have no food.”
We said, “What will $100 do?” She said, “$100 would buy 100 pounds of rice and beans.” We said, “Okay.” We sent $100 and this is what got us. We thought, “We’re going to feed them for a whole month.” That’s great. They sent us these videos of them dancing, praising, and praying for us and it was beautiful. They had this lineup of people that were coming and they would get one cup of rice in a dirty plastic bag. They were showing us all the food they bought and I said, “How many people are we feeding?” They said, “There are a lot of people here.” We connect with them through WhatsApp. This one town, the one village has one phone that they share amongst everybody.
We complain in America about things that are stupid.
It turns out we’re feeding about 200 people.
Per day?
Yeah. We’re feeding this whole village.
How do the people reading this get involved? You know the lunch learning contribution in our event and we donated the money to the kids with cancer. What can we do for this? How can we be part of this and help this village out?
I have it on my Facebook page and I’ll repost it again. What ended up happening was I said, “How many people are we feeding?” She said, “A lot. I can’t eat if my neighbor is hungry.” We found out that that $100 was lasting for about four days. My friend and I said, “We got it. We have to do more. We’ve got to do more.” We were doing it on our own and I put the fundraiser up but we’re also putting the older boy through college. It’s only $600 a year for college and our thought is that if we can put him to college, then he can help their family.
I backpacked through eleven different countries in Africa many years ago and this is an element of abundance being a thought, choice, and mindset because they were happy and joyful with the little they had. They appreciated and acknowledged what they had and they were smart. I had a lot of joyful time with them even though I didn’t speak the same language but through smiles and gesturing, we were able to communicate. They shared their food with me on the beach in Malawi. That was one of the poorest countries that I was in.
One, it’s an element of seeing people that are living a lifestyle of soulful expression of joy when they have little material items and that’s a great reminder for all of us. The other element is by us supporting their education, by sending this young boy, and being able to pay his college so he can go to school, he’s going to have a higher opportunity to achieve work. He is then dedicated to financially supporting the village. When I backpacked over there, I took pens and paper and I gave them away because even the basics of having pen and paper to be able to learn and write, and they love their school. They want to go to school as opposed to kids hearing like, “I’m sick.”
Here’s the thing in Uganda, the government is corrupt over there that we have to send the money when they’re right there at the bank because if it stays there overnight, the government will take it out of their bank potentially. Not only that, but you can’t help a neighbor. They can help in that one town but if they go out to the next town, they could get arrested or killed because the government doesn’t want you helping, because then you’re like the queen or the king.
Making a sale that doesn't take you to a better place is not a sale. It's stealing and manipulation. Share on XI responded to my cousin’s post in Australia talking about racism in America. I’ve lived in many different countries and I’ve experienced racism, not me personally, but I’ve seen and observed that more in America than even when I was in Africa. People were saying, “It’s racism in Africa.” I’m like, “I got a cheap flight to Africa because they’re killing white people.” What I noticed more in Africa was corruption is more of a thing to be aware of than the actual racism.
What’s cute about the story was a good friend of ours has a son. One of the youngest boys, his name is Kosaki. He’s got a wicked sense of humor and he’s super funny. He always tries to trick us that he’s a girl and he sends us videos. He’s cute. He was like, “Do you have any kids? Can you bring them over so I can take them on a bike ride? I would like some friends.” He’s so sweet. One of our friend’s little boy saw Kosaki and wanted to give his last $2 to Kosaki. We sent them the $2 and we connected the two of them. Now we’ve got this little white kid from California and this little black kid from Uganda and they are best friends talking to each other on the phone. That’s how you stamp out racism. Teach them now and start connecting them, and the worldview that these kids are going to grow up with is going to be different because they’re going to probably have more honest conversations than adults would have.
It’s like a modern-day pen pal. The cyber pen pal.
It’s been touching and heartwarming. We decided that we needed it as much as they did because we felt helpless with COVID and everything going on. How can I help? What can I do? That’s what ended up happening. We adopted a village in Uganda.
That’s what happens when seminar junkies like us stop going to seminars. We’re like, “How do we connect with someone? How can we serve? How can we help? How can we uplift somebody? Thank you. We’ll do that.”
The idea of when people give back is more fulfilling and they don’t realize it until they get in the habit of doing it, and then they realize how fulfilling it is. Abundance comes too, even more because you deserve it and everything we have in life is based on what we feel we deserve. When you feel you deserve something, not from an ego and not an expectation but appreciation, it’s amazing. Abundance, love, connection, wealth, and all that is common. It’s not, “I made more money today because I gave.” No. You got more satisfaction and you got more abundance today.
That’s what I love about you two is you’re full of abundance. Thank you for being part of it. I definitely want to keep in touch and look forward to it. Let me get your next event. We’ll hypnotize and we’ll have some fun. We’ll create things that aren’t created yet and discover all these things. We’ll put together a little program to help the charities everyone will help and support and feed more families out there. I love that idea.
They will love it. We’ve been connecting with them and with other people and it’s been interesting.
The ripple effect of kindness.
It’s like what Tony did. Tony is feeding 100 million people. One man can make a difference because of the many he is involved in.
He gets everybody involved.
That’s the whole point. Why don’t we do that?
That’s what we need to do as a society is to stop thinking one person needs to do it all.
Imagine coming together, how are we all going to feel? Maybe one day, we’ll go and visit and do an event down there.
I can’t wait to give them a hug. We have a private Facebook group where we post videos of them and stuff when we feed them that they send us back.
Knowing the strategy on when to give the money is important too. It doesn’t need to go to the government.

Energy And Body Language: If you’re creating negative responses in your potential client market base, you’re going to destroy your company.
In fact, we send it to Agnes, the nurse and she sends it because I can’t even send money over there. They have an app called Sendwave and it won’t let you send money to Africa unless you’ve been to Africa because there’s so much corruption there. Agnes does it. She’s great because there is a little scam over there. When I did this, all of a sudden, I started getting reached out from other people from Uganda, “We need help too.” Agnes is like, “Stay focused. You’re helping this family and this lady. She’s going to share it. You’ve got a good person. She’s sharing it with the people around her. Just stick with it. Don’t get sidetracked.” She teases us because we’re such lushes. We’re like, “They’re hungry. They need more food.” She’s like, “You’re giving them too much. Stop.”
It’s like that story about the kid that was on the beach with the starfish after the big storm. He’s picking up this starfish and throwing it and a man comes along and says, “What are you doing?” He goes, “The starfish got washed out of the ocean, so I’m throwing them back so they can survive.” He goes, “There are thousands of them here. You’re never going to be able to do it to all of them. You’re not going to make a difference to all of them.” He goes, “I made a difference to this one.” Do what we can and then encourage other people to do what they can.
Agnes is willing to take a group of us over there.
Let’s put that on the plan list.
What an experience to be. The other thing is we’re collecting any kind of clothing or anything like that. We ship it to Agnes and she puts a big container together. When it’s full, she ships it over to them.
It’s going directly from the giver to the people who need it.
That’s what I like the most about it. There are no admin fees or charity fees. It’s direct and 100% goes to them.
Let’s get people involved. If you’re reading, share the post with everybody else. Let’s make a difference. There are many other lives out there. Even if you don’t know them, we know that we’re helping them and that makes a difference. We’ll get a video and send some appreciation. Definitely go to Facebook.com/thehoneydare.
Add us to your Facebook so that we can see the videos.
I would love to.
Check out the comedy hour with Jamie.
Thanks for having us on. It’s been a great conversation.
We’ll have to do it again. It’s great having you.
Thank you for joining us. Share this post and make sure you get it out there. Let’s make some money and help other families out there. More importantly, if you get an opportunity, check out their Facebook fan page. Like them and win some free gifts as well as help a family out in need. That’d be great. Even if it’s only $10. If $100 can feed them for four days, imagine $10. You’re still going to make a difference out there. Thank you. We appreciate you. We’re looking forward to the next event. Stay healthy out there.
Thank you.
Check them out. They’re amazing. I love those two. They talk full of integrity and honor. I’m looking at what they’re doing for other families out there to make a difference. If you’d like to join up and be part of that, that’s the kind of family and the kind of people we put together.
The people that think unrealistically are the people that change the world. Share on XThat’s the kind of team we put together.
Over the last couple of years, we surround ourselves with powerful people that are influential in life. It doesn’t mean that they have more money than somebody else. It means they have more value and more things to give, then we can all grow. The older we get, you’re older tomorrow than you are today, the best time to make a difference. Especially during COVID, let’s come together. I love the fact that you are there. Share this with everybody. If you have any questions, make sure you get to our Facebook and check us out. What is our Facebook?
Conversations with Mark & Yolanda.
Larry Wilcox is going to be one of our guests. We’ve got to get a hold of him. He’s from the TV show, CHiPs. The reason why this is what I wanted is that Make-A-Wish Foundation was because of the TV show CHiPs. We’ll tell you all about that. Until then, go out there and watch our Facebook Live and watch our shows and videos out there. Go to Vimeo. You can streamline the whole thing for a whole year. Let us know your comments. Share this with everybody else. They say that the happy 4th of July, Independence Day is about being independent and free. Give somebody a smile. It makes a difference in their lives. God bless you.
Important Links:
- Jamie Honey
- Amy Honey
- Humm
- Sales Tai Chi
- Improv For Impact
- The Honey DARE – Facebook page
- Conversations with Mark & Yolanda – Facebook page
- Larry Wilcox
- Vimeo – Mark Yuzuik
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