This episode, Mark Yuzuik and Yolanda Martinez enjoy the company of Michael Stevenson as they engage in a conversation about the conscious and subconscious mind and a lot of other interesting topics. Michael is the co-founder of Influence to Profit. He briefly explains how much people utilize the conscious mind in relation to business and marketing. He also talks about his first meeting with Mark and the influence hypnotism had on his career and life as a whole. Besides this, Michael dives into his specialty, marketing, and teaching people how to market their products and services. Believing that the true measure of a teacher is seen through their students, he explains what he knows a teacher should be like, and if you’re a student, what you need to avoid.
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Focusing Your Conscious Mind Towards Personal And Business Success With Michael Stevenson
Welcome to Conversations with Mark & Yolanda. I know we haven’t been here for a while. Mark’s been in the yard busy with the people he hired to come to do the work. He has to supervise apparently. He can’t just hire people and let them do the work. He has to be right there. They need him.
Our guest has been an influential friend. We love each other like brothers and if we didn’t have different parents and we have the same parents, we would be brothers but that didn’t work out that way. Make sure we do a watch party. Sometimes, we do goofy, crazy things. They’re fun, exciting, and interesting. What if we could make this powerful that we could take and influence your life and influence others to make it more effective for other people? Would that be of interest? The answer is yeah, absolutely. This guy is probably the most powerful person I know about NLP languaging, and things like that. He’s horrible when it comes to knowing about time zones.
Can you imagine being homeless and still travel the world first-class and making millions of dollars a year? Won’t that be life? Everyone thinks when he talks about being homeless that he’s homeless. No. He chooses to do that, so he can go all over the world with his wife. It’s the most amazing life. He sold everything and he’s been freer than he’s ever been. He’s super smart. He’s an IT guy, and he decided, “I don’t want to be super smart. I would rather be successful and fulfilled.” I was talking about him and I took his course. It increased my business, especially during the COVID thing. It’s going to the next level.
I’ve been saying, “How can we do something together?” He goes, “Mark, I’ll help you whenever you want.” I’m like, “This is cool.” I get a little intimidated when I come around him because he’s that good at what he does. When it comes to NLP languaging, people go, “What is NLP?” You think about the influence score on the world, one of the most powerful NLP things going out there in the news. They’re getting people to make them feel a certain way to do things that they don’t want to do, act the way they don’t want to act, be disengaged with each other, and be divided and not stay united.
What’s that about? That’s the power of languaging but he’s going to tell you some things that he better make available. Some of the courses, I’ve taken myself and everybody that works for me. Here’s one of the things. If we work together, you have to take his course, and the reason why is because it’s that powerful and strong. Can you imagine having a company where you say, one of the requirements or you go to this event because it’s that powerful that it’ll make not only you feel better about yourself, but increase your company?
One person I’ve ever done that with, other than Michael, is Tony Robbins. We took everybody in this course many years ago to bring inspiration. Now, it’s Michael Stevenson. I want to bring him on. I don’t know if his wife’s going to be on or not. She’s powerful and you’re talking about teamwork. It’s like me and Yolanda. Only Michael and Kayla are that powerful and that connected so I want to bring him on. Give it up my good friend, Mr. Michael Stevenson. Do you remember when I had a beard? I was doing the dance shows in Orange County and it was a different color.
I don’t remember you ever having a beard.
Do you remember the time we were doing shows at Magic Mountain and it was during Halloween and he didn’t like the fact that his goatee was getting the gray hairs?
That was the early ‘90s, right?
When I was in high school.
He was concerned that his goatee was too white, so he decided to go by that hair color for men. He brushed it in, but you’re supposed to leave it for five minutes the longest, but he didn’t have put it for eight minutes. He got in the shower and took it off. His beard was black that it looked fake. That’s how bad it looked and I’m like, “You’d have to shave that off tomorrow. Otherwise, you have to dye the rest of your head black because it looks bad.” I had pictures of it too. I have to find them.
It was bad. It was like I did it for Halloween.
I was cracked up when Les Brown is speaking on stage and he pulls out the Maybelline. He starts brushing his beard and his eyebrows.
I know I’ve known you longer, but it was September 6, 1998. First of all, Michael, because we’re friends, I didn’t realize what you did for years and I thought, “I don’t know how the guy makes a living.” You’re like, “You got to start building your list and do this.” I’m like, “What’s a list?” It’s ironic now that we’re connecting back up in different ways. I’m learning from you still and you’re going to learn how to do a show. I want to see that first show you ever do.
You don’t have to believe in hypnosis for it to work. You just have to be open for it to work. Share on XIt’s in archives locked away forever. I don’t know if people know how we met. The first time I saw you Mark was 1990. It was my sophomore or junior year in high school.
1991 was when I started.
That was my senior year in high school. My friends and I would go to the fair every year. The only reason we go is to see you. Your show used to be in that arena with that racetrack. We love that. We’d go to the fair 2, 3, 4 times while it was around and the biggest reason we went was to see you. The rest of the fair is boring. In 1998, I don’t know if it was the first year you sold tapes or the first year that I noticed that you were selling tapes.
I sold them from 1993. It was cassettes, remember?
Yeah. I wish I had that original cassette tape. I’d love to have a picture of it. You were doing a special, three tapes for $20 or something like that.
It’s $10. It was $15 to get one for free.
You used to turn your microphone off when you hypnotize people on stage and I would get this intense curiosity like, “What is he saying to people?” I’ve been curious about hypnosis since I was eleven years old when I read The Silva Mind Control Method.
I did that one.
It helped me out a lot. I had troubled teenage years, but it helped me out immensely. The whole idea of doing that to other people, I was curious about but never knew where to look or how to learn it. It seemed like one of those things is you had to have secret schooling or whatever. You were selling those tapes and my only intention when I bought those tapes from you was I want to know what he says.
If you heard me, you wouldn’t be where you are now?
Yeah. If you didn’t turn your microphone off back then, I wouldn’t have bought the tapes. For me, it was like, “I’ll pay $20 to hear what he says.” I was curious and frankly, I didn’t believe what you were doing. I love the show. I watched it for several years, and it was fun and entertaining. It’s the reason we went to the fair, but I didn’t believe it. I thought that the people on stage were drunk, foolish, gullible, faking it, paid, studious, or whatever.
How could you not think that realistically?

Conscious Mind: The whole idea of hypnotizing people can get you very curious, but you’ll never know where to look or how to learn it.
The funny thing is one of the things I noticed a couple of years in was that every time I went to the show, it’s different people so I started thinking, “He can’t be paying that many people.” I was like, “For $20, I want to hear what he’s saying on that tape.” I happened to pick up Improve Your Psychic Ability.
I don’t even have that anymore.
I couldn’t predict that one. I picked up Improve Your Memory. I always tell people I wish I listened to that one first because I can’t remember where I put it. I never listened to that tape. The third one I picked because it was the only one relevant to me was Quit Smoking. I was smoking three packs a day at the time. I’m hopelessly addicted and I tried everything to quit, but nothing worked. When I popped your tape and I woke up in the morning, I never touched a cigarette. Three packs a day, hopeless addiction disappeared out of my life and it was effortless. It took me three days to realize that something changed.
What’s interesting is the fair is from July to August. What was that about?
I bought it on the last day of the fair and it sat on my dining room table for two weeks. I had them on a paper sack. It was sitting there and one night I was bored. I was flipping through the channels on the TV and there was nothing on so I looked over and I saw the sack. I was like, “Maybe I’ll listen now.” It wasn’t a high priority for me to listen because I wasn’t trying to solve anything with it. It was just curiosity. It took me 2.5 to 3 weeks before I finally popped the tape in and I didn’t believe it. What happened ultimately was I quit smoking and that got me fascinated about the subconscious mind.
I eventually became a certified clinical hypnotherapist and saw clients for many years. I became a trainer of hypnotherapy and a trainer of NLP, and then a public speaker. I love to speak on the subconscious mind in business and how to help heart-centered business owners craft a message that gets lots of people to buy. For me, it was that insane curiosity, but a lot of people will ask me, “Do you have to believe in hypnosis for it to work?” I’m a shining example that you don’t. You have to be open for it to work, but you don’t have to believe, as long as you’re open.
Most people don’t believe, that’s why they volunteer and that’s why they buy the stuff.
The ones that don’t believe go under quicker and hypnotized a lot faster.
What they don’t want to believe is that someone’s going to control their mind. You lose control and you’re not going to remember. Everything’s against your values and morals, and you do things you never wanted to do and not remember anything.
People are worried they’re going to divulge secrets. That’s a big one I find.
That’s the first one I always ask you. Am I going to tell my deepest darkest secrets?
I tell them, “Of course not.” What’s interesting though is we’re walking around and all of a sudden, we don’t realize it, the media and influence. You used to be an IT guy that sat behind a computer and did well financially.
I was a programmer. I made $250,000 a year as a programmer, but I hated my life. I woke up every morning and went to go do something I was completely dispassionate about. I felt like I was wasting my time, wasting my potential, and wasn’t making a difference in the world. If you ask most seven-year-olds, “What do you want to do when you grow up?” It’s almost always something of service. It’s something that helps other people. Nobody says, “I want to grow up and be a programmer because it makes good money.”
Hypnotist even.
I was dispassionate in my life. It got to the point where I dreaded waking up in the morning to go to work. You came along and I quit smoking. I started gobbling up every book that I could find. This is before Amazon was huge so finding books was hard. I had to find these little websites that were like used bookstores that would publish their books online and sell them online. In 1.5 years, I read about every book that I could find on hypnosis and then led into NLP. In March of 2000, there was a class that was being taught in Glendale, California. It’s like a Holiday Inn.
Identity is such a powerful shift. Share on XWas it Gil Boyne?
It wasn’t Gil Boyne. It was Al Kranser’s old school. I was like, “I can go to this class and learn how to hypnotize people. I’m in.” I had already been dabbling with reading books, but to go to a class where there’s going to be a real hypnotist there and I can ask questions and practice with people, I was head over heels. The funny thing is I was making so much money as a computer programmer and I never dreamed of leaving that job, even though I hated it because I thought, “I had two young kids at the time.” I thought, “That would be irresponsible of me to leave my job.”
At the end of the course, they handed me a certificate and said, “You’re now a certified clinical hypnotherapist.” One of the things that we always teach, and I know you teach too, is that identity is such a powerful shift. Once it gave me that piece of paper, my identity changed. “I’m now a certified clinical hypnotherapist.” It was like, “I have to do something with this.” I saw my first client four days later in my living room, and the rest is history. I was addicted after seeing that first client. I helped a guy quit smoking. He’s a fellow computer programmer and he handed me a check for $150 for an hour worth of work, and I was like, “Holy crap. This is the neatest thing ever.”
Is that the first dollar that you made?
My first show, I did for $50. The reason I did it is because Stokes told me, “Here’s the deal. You practice in private, so you don’t bomb in public. Go down to your local bar, your local Moose club block or whatever, and do a show for free. Tell them to do it for $50 or $100. You’re doing it because you got to get on stage. It’s the same thing with whether you’re doing on stage or whatever it is, you’re still a performer as a hypnotherapist.” Do you still remember that first $150? I still remember my first $50 check.
Looks like they say, “If you want to be good at anything be willing to suck first but you don’t have to suck in front of everybody.”
In fact, less sucking is better in front of people.
Go practice in some small club like a Moose Lodge or something. Here’s the thing. Everybody says people have a fear of failure. I don’t think they do. The biggest fear that holds people back is a fear of ridicule. People are willing to fail in private. People are willing to fail small if nobody’s looking. It’s putting themselves out there in front of the world. “What if it doesn’t work and people laugh at me? What will they think of me?” The thing that holds people back is the fear of ridicule, so I love what you say. Do it in a small club. Do it privately.
That way, you work it out.
People fear, “What if I succeed?” Because then it’s like, “What do I do?”
This fear of success, they feel if they don’t deserve it. There’s a big difference.
There are a lot of people out there that still live with that fear.
“Will it change me? How much more responsibility will I have?”
It’s like, “What do I do?”
We do the real estate thing and one thing I’ve realized is people aren’t afraid of the noes. They’re afraid of the yeses they have to commit. When you walk somebody down the road and hold their hand, it’s easier for them to learn because they feel they have that insurance policy that says, “I know so and so will catch me if I fall.” You get on some of the programs where you got to have a college degree to figure this stuff out or you would know something like this. It’s like, “What the heck is he talking about?”

Conscious Mind: The biggest fear that holds people back is the fear of ridicule. People are willing to fail in private, and people are willing to fail small if nobody’s looking.
There are some speakers out there who intentionally complicate what they teach because, at the end of the event, they’re going to sell a coaching program and say, “You could do this all on your own. It’s going to suck and you’re going to struggle and you’re going to fail.” They twist that, “You can sign up for coaching with me.” Coaching isn’t a bad thing. I’m not saying that’s the case. A lot of people out there, I find it lacking integrity, but they will teach things that overcomplicate them so that people don’t understand them for the purpose of selling coaching.
That’s one thing about you. You won’t sell somebody something that number one is they’re not going to get tremendous value, nor do you care about taking their money because it’s about service for you. The only thing I have on my desk is the last event I took from you, the Marketing to Profit, and all the different pages in there and all that because it’s that good. I have pages that run on top of that. I remember Ziggy will get rid of the higher earner workers. She goes, “Why should I get to learn about this stuff?”
She took the course and then she got on fire like, “I got to take more courses. I love Michael Stevenson. We got to go see him.” I’m like, “I told you that.” She’s like, “I know you said it, but now I get it.” You know how good I am on computer stuff. I can’t even check at Gmail and yet, you’re the only person that I promote because of the value that you give to everybody. You simplify it, whether they’re super advanced or they are just beginning. Everybody gets to learn and don’t complicate things. Maybe that’s the IT guy on all the details, so people get it.
You got to make it not simple, but you’ve got to make it to where people understand it with the information that you’re giving them so that they can have their a-ha moment when something resonates in them with something that you say. That’s why your programs are good because you don’t make things long and complicated when you’re explaining it.
I’m a teacher at heart. Almost everything that I’ve done over the years has come down to teaching no matter what we call it. You could call it training or coaching or whatever, but I love to teach people and for me, the measure of a teacher is to people understand and implement. If it isn’t practical, there’s not a purpose for it. A lot of times, people will throw a bunch of stuff into a training and it’s like, “Is that practical? Are people going to use it?” If people aren’t going to use it, there’s no point in putting in the training. You’re going to overload people and you’re going to go home and not implement.
For me, I’m always carefully looking at, what can I teach that people can go home and use and get results from this week? That’s important to me. I know there’s a lot of trainers and seminar speakers out there. They’re like, “Once people buy my product, it’s not my responsibility what they do with it. If they don’t use it, that’s not my fault.” I hate that. If people buy my stuff and they don’t use it, I feel that so I’m always trying to come up with ways to help my graduates to implement what they learned from us. It’s an important value for me.
That’s what we have in common because I used to teach. That’s why I’m the same as why I like things to be simple to make sure that people get it. A lot of times, when I listen to speakers and I’m listening to them going, “You want me to do what?” It doesn’t make sense because I know that they’re selling the product, and then after you buy it, a lot of times, you don’t have someone they can go to and ask. “What’s the next step? What do I do next?”
I don’t think people know what you do. You got a lot of programs out there, Michael. I do hypnosis and you do NLP. You also do hypnosis. I do a little NLP and you do a lot of it. That’s the difference. It’s a specialty. We’re both doctors. I’m a heart doctor and you’re a brain doctor. You explain to people the power and truth. What is NLP? Why is it powerful? Are the media, our friends, and influence all part of NLP? Are we being influenced every day of our life? That can’t be right, was it?
Here’s the thing. If we look at the difference between the conscious mind and the subconscious mind, the conscious mind, which everybody thinks is the smart part of our brain and the smart part of our mind, pop scientists say we think with 10% of our mind. It’s not true. It’s nowhere near 10% that we think with the conscious mind. It’s 0.006% of the mind. The conscious mind that most people rely on to run their life is 0.006% of 1% of the mind. I always say to people, “What if somebody gave you a Lamborghini but you were only ever allowed to put 0.006% of 1% of a tank of gas in it? How fun would that Lamborghini be? How far would you go? How fast would it be?” You probably couldn’t even go ten feet on 0.006% of 1% of a tank of gas.
The subconscious mind is the other 99.994% and I like to think of it as a supercomputer, even though I know a lot of people say a computer is not a great analogy. It works. The problem is we got the supercomputer, but it never came with an instruction manual. We are all capable of more than we could ever consciously comprehend but we don’t have an instruction manual for this amazing piece of equipment. Your heart, guts, and feet think. They found neurons in the feet. Your mind is everywhere but most of us don’t tap into it. We don’t tap into it for ourselves, which is one thing that I’m passionate about. That’s when I first got certified.
I was passionate about helping people find their own value because when I was nineteen years old, I was the bad homeless. For six months, I slept on a park bench and I felt like the most worthless person in the world. I didn’t think that I had anything to contribute in this world and even my own family, I thought, didn’t want to have anything to do with me. Part of my life’s journey has been to find out that I do have intrinsic value as a human being and to help other people who feel like they’re valueless to find their value. Every single person on this earth is here to shine but we all come here and live mediocre lives because we think that’s what we’re supposed to do.
My life has become unmediocre because I found my value and I found out how to share that with other people. My first passion in learning NLP was to help people in the personal development side and certify, and then the other side of NLP is not only the last user manual for your own subconscious mind but also the manual for other people’s subconscious minds. Let’s say you have a product that solves cancer. There are cancer cures out there.
Dr. Hamer had a 92.3% success rate and threw him in jail. There are people out there that have cures for cancer, but even though they have a product that is desperately needed in this world, most people will tell them no. This is the cold, harsh truth about not only business but anything you want in life. People are cynical, overwhelmed, and skeptical that no matter what you offer them, their default answer is probably going to be no.
Without them thinking. Just constantly reacting. What is NLP?
Neuro-Linguistic Programming. If you look at the definition, there are a lot of definitions of NLP. My favorite is the last user manual from mind. Language is not just a verbal language. It’s also the pictures, sounds, and feelings we hold in our minds. We have an internal language of the subconscious mind. How does our language combined with our neurology to create success? That’s what Neuro-Linguistic Programming means. Programs mean repeatable sequences, so things that you can do. This is the core of NLP. They found a successful therapist. Her name was Virginia Satir. She was one of the most famous, successful family therapists in the world. Other therapists would get frustrated with their clients and they would send them to Virginia and Virginia would get results like that.
They looked at her and they said, “How does she do that excellence that she does?” The original premise of NLP was, “All excellence comes from language.” They studied her verbal language first. They basically said, “If we could figure out everything that Virginia says and boil that down to a list of responses, could we teach somebody those verbal responses, would they be as successful as her?” It turned out people were. It started off studying the language of success but over time, we learned more about the subconscious mind by modeling a guy named Milton Erickson, one of the best hypnotherapists that ever walked the face of the earth. He was like Yoda.
People called him the Wizard of the Desert. He lived in Phoenix, Arizona. Milton gave us an understanding of the subconscious mind and how that creates change. When I started out creating a company that certifies people to be hypnotherapists, NLP practitioners, coaches, and things like that, and that company is still around, we run the largest NLP training companies in the world now. My focus has now shifted in the last couple of years to helping heart-centered business owners because most heart-centered business owners have a product that’s going to help people that people need or want and people still say no.
The conscious mind that most people rely on to run their life is 0.006% of the mind. Share on XThe problem with being a small business owner, self-employed, entrepreneur, or whatever you want to call it, when people say no to our product, we don’t feel they’re saying no to our product. It’s like this, “They rejected me.” It’s because we put our heart and soul and our life’s essence into whatever it is that we produce. They’re not saying no to the product, they’re saying no to us is what it feels like a lot of times and our mindset starts to go down. That creates even worse results. I focus on a few different things when it comes to teaching business owners. It’s mindset first. Let’s get your mindset right. Your wealth mindset, success mindset, and also strategies and things like copywriting. It’s something that almost all small business owners folk struggle with. How do I write words that get people to buy my product or service?
There’s a science to that. People go, “I wasn’t born a writer.” Nobody was born a writer. We don’t know how to write. We didn’t even write our first word until we were 3 or 4 years old. Nobody’s born a writer. It’s those limiting beliefs. That’s what tells people I’m not a writer and it turns out, anybody can learn if we boil down the structure of it and we teach it in the way, anybody can learn to be a copywriter. We mix it with the science of the mind with NLP and persuasion principles. We have a friend of ours that when I first met him, I asked him what he did and he gave me all this technical gobbledygook. I was confused and I used to be a programmer. I was so confused by what he said and he told me his biggest struggle was that he had a product that was $5 and people told him it was too expensive. Nobody would buy it.
Was it chewing gum?
No. When he introduced me, the first time I met him, a friend had sent him to one of my events and I said, “What is it that you do?” He goes, “I’ve created an app, which you install on an Android device. It doesn’t work on Apple because Apple devices lock their device down and they don’t let people muck with the internals and the lawyers. We’re trying to deal with the lawyers on that. You put it on an Android device and it pulls the GPS chip every 5 to 20 seconds, which is configurable because pulling the GPS chip affects battery life.” I’m like, “What does he do?” It turned out he made an app that is so important that everybody in the world needs it on their phone but nobody recognized that.
Working with me, we work to help craft his message and the message ended up becoming this. People say, “Richard, what do you do?” He goes, “Imagine it’s the holidays. You are in a familiar place. There’s a game out in the background. You smell the smell of home cooking coming out of the kitchen, you can hear people laughing in the other room and somebody says it’s time to eat. As you walk into the dining room, you sit down at the table, you look at the feasts that’s laid out in front of you and you feel gratitude for what you have. As your eyes move around the table and make eye contact with each and every person who you love so much, your eyes fall in an empty chair. That chair is empty because it was a teenager who was texting while driving and they’re no longer with us. That’s the person who will never graduate. That’s a person who will never walk down the aisle. That’s a person who will never bring his children and grandchildren into the world. I’ve created an app that prevents that. My app prevents distracted driving.”
By changing his message, he no longer has anybody who says it’s too expensive, number one, but number two, by changing his message, it was so powerful that he gets people to have tears in their eyes when he tells him what he does. They’re emotionally engaged now and parents say something like, “I’ll pay anything to put that on my teenager’s phone.” It’s targeted toward parents of teenagers who are brand new drivers. His message is powerful that he’s been invited to speak at the Virginia Distracted Driving Summit, which the government puts on every year. They bring in AT&T, Verizon, and the National Transportation Safety Board. All of these people invited them to come and keynote speak twice because he changed his message. That’s the thing, most heart-centered business owners, they’ve put all their time and effort into creating this great product, but you can have the greatest product in the world and if your marketing sucks, nobody will buy it.
That’s one thing you’re a master at. It’s getting people to realize the value they have, not what they created, but what they can give. That’s why Yolanda and I are so attracted to you and Kayla in this respectful manner. You’re there to change lives. It wouldn’t make any difference if you made half the money and made her twice as much. You’re still going to the exact same person you are and you’re still doing what you’re doing. That doesn’t change who you are. It doesn’t make your life better because you have what you need. It’s the way you influence people. Even with the message, we get the chance to go with him and release the turtles. That turtle is in my house. It walked up there and showed up.
We don’t have a turtle on the front. I’m like, “How did we get the turtle in Las Vegas?”
It’s a signal that I should be going faster. It took him all day to get it. That all night trying to get it if I got it.
I don’t know how it got there. It’s weird.
That’s amazing.
You take people to the next level. Not only business, but you get them to understand the importance of languaging and how to craft their message so it gets out there. That’s why I’m working with you. That’s why I’m learning much as I can. You have to teach that I’m on the first floor and you’ve got a high rise so I’m learning the first floor well. I met many people, as many as I can.
For years I’ve been like, “Mark, you need to build your list. Mark, you need to get some mobile text marketing, and this and that.” You’re always like, “I’m going to go hire this person to do it for me.” What have I always told you? I said, “Mark, learn it yourself first even if you’re not the person who’s going to do it.” As a small business owner, you need to learn it yourself first because unfortunately, these people that you hire out there to build your website, your list or run your Facebook ads or whatever, frankly, most of the time, they are screwing people over because people don’t understand what they’re doing.
By taking this class, Marketing in Profit, you’ve learned about funnels and webinars and all the things that you need to sell. It doesn’t mean you have to go build a funnel, but you now know if you’re hiring somebody, whether they’re doing the thing or the wrong thing. You’re able to give them direction. Most of the time the reason why consultants fail, when somebody hires the consultants, they’re like, “Build my funnel for me.” The consultant goes, “Great. What’s your message?”
Consultants know how to build funnels, they don’t know how to write copy, they don’t know your product or service or who your customer is and you expect them to do all the work and write all the words? No, they’re going to come to you and go, “What’s your message? What headline should I put here? What picture should I put?” Most business owners are like, “I thought I hired you for that.” By learning it first, you can give direction to somebody that you hire.
I had one of my coaching clients not too long ago asked me, “Michael, can I hire somebody to do my marketing?” I said, “It depends. If the reason you’re hiring somebody is because you don’t like marketing, you’re afraid of it and you want to get it off your plate, the answer is no. If the answer is you’ve learned it, and now you understand it and you want to leverage your time by having somebody else do that work for you, the answer is yes.” If it’s a shortcut and you’re like, “Somebody else does it for me.” That never works out well. Even if you’re not going to implement the technical stuff, knowing the strategies, and understanding good solid business and marketing knowledge is super important for business owners.

Conscious Mind: There are some speakers out there who intentionally complicate what they teach because they’re going to sell a coaching program at the end of the event.
That’s one thing. That’s why I take your course. For me, to take a four-day course, it takes me six days because I rewind it and go over it. You’ve got a live course. I am going to be there. If there’s time, I’m going to do a hypnosis show. You can certify somebody in NLP. You can put up all that. It’s a plethora of different things that people can get ahead with your personal life and your business. There are many facets of what you offer that somebody asked me, “Are you ever going to have an NLP course?” “Absolutely not.”
Even though in my live seminars which we talk about and I show them some samples to Derren Brown and through you to prove it. When you asked me that I was asked by somebody that I am coaching. I said, “No, and here’s the reason why. Why would I want to do something that somebody who I have respect for and so much better than I am trying to fill their shoes? I’m going to go do and create what I am good at and not be an expert at something that I already have the expert in my team.”
I could scrap the knowledge together and put a stage hypnosis show on but I’m not the expert at it. I’ve done one when it bombed. I send people to you if they want to learn stage hypnosis. You’re the master and you’ll never see that video.
Kayla has it.
We’ll get it from Kayla.
I was going through old hard drives and I played it for Kayla, and at the end of it, she was like, “I thought you were kidding when you said it was bad. That was pretty awful.”
Brutally honest wife.
She thought I was exaggerating.
With my first few shows, Michael you said that I always hired people to do things. I always hire people to rip me off so I don’t have to take responsibility and now I’m putting teams together that I want to know why. I want to know why sales are. We put all of our shows in the last few years on Vimeo so people can watch and streamline it for an entire year. It’s hundreds of shows for $100. We’re getting many compliments and I put my business one on one on there because people go, “That’s entertaining that you do a lot of fair shows but what about business?” Let me show you the business world and how we influence it. They see you in one place after they think you do. When they see you at a corporate event with 1,000 people and you’ve changed the way they do business. It turns that light switch on.
I’m attending every one of your events also that live one. I have a gentleman who I’m coaching and he said, “He emailed me the next in minutes. I’m going.” I said, “I’ll be there.” He goes, “I saw that. I can’t wait. I’m going.” I said, “You will learn more from Michael than I could ever teach you. If I spent ten years trying to master it, why would I take on that role?” I have the best team. I consider you in my program. Your problems are mine. I would never try to offer my stuff if I’m not good at it. When you have a phone command, I’m like, “I’m emailing my list. I’m doing this because I want them to have information.” You’ve got it Marketing to Profit. This is the one that I went over and Yolanda went over it. Ziggy also went through it and parents went through it. Everybody’s going through this like, “I thought I knew some stuff until I went through this.” Even if you know it sparks your mind to remember to do the things that maybe you remember to forget, and now you remember to remember.
We had a guy come through the course because he wanted to put his son through. This guy owned a marketing agency. In other words, people hired him to build funnels, webinars, email marketing, and things like that. He didn’t want to learn himself, but his son was nineteen years old, and we’re starting to work with him. He’s like, “It would be easier for him to come to the four-day course than for me to teach them all this stuff.” He came with a son and at the end of it, he’s like, “I was totally blown away because I’m an expert at this and I’ve learned so much from this course that I’m going to take home and not only do better business for myself but also my clients.” I thought that was a great compliment. Somebody who’s been in that world for so long was fantastic to hear that.
You’re approachable and when you’re teaching, you’re not intimidating people. You’re inviting them into your living room, which is your mind.
He has that teacher presence. You guys’ energies are so opposite.
Give me a tent. I’ll show you how to wrap.
I’m big on de-jargonizing things too. For a lot of people, it boosts their egos when they use big $50 words when they could use a $2 word. Even in NLP. A lot of people say NLP is a confusing field. They get in they start hearing all these jargon words like submodalities, selectional restriction violation, and all this. It’s created by a linguist and a computer programmer. NLP at its core can be complicated but for me, if it’s not practical, it’s not usable so I teach it. I like to break everything down and turn it into plain English. I’m good at taking complex ideas and relating them to things you already know. I don’t know if you’ve ever heard of Krav Maga. It’s a martial art that was created by the Israeli army. Everybody in Israel has to be in the military. It’s conscription. It’s required but because people have real lives and jobs, they have to do bootcamp in a compressed fast way, but they don’t want to compromise the results.
The Israeli army focused on how we can teach people practical things in the fastest way possible and one of the ways they do that is they take complex things and they relate them to things that people have in their own life. This is how Krav Maga is almost the NLP of martial arts. What they did is they went looked at all the martial arts, they found the most excellent techniques from all the different ones. Instead of subscribing to Kung Fu is better or Karate is better. They were like, “Kung Fu’s got good things and karate got good things.” They looked at it and they modeled the success of all the different martial arts and they brought it back and they said, “How can we teach this?”
We are all capable of so much more than we could ever consciously comprehend. Share on XIf you were at home in your kitchen and you went to open up the cabinets above your stove and the pots and pans started falling off, what would you do? You would instinctively do this so that became one of the protective moves. They looked at what are ways that you would naturally respond to things and how can we turn that into a defensive martial art? It’s cool. I like to think of that the same way. When I teach marketing, you’ll hear me relate marketing things, which maybe you didn’t know about to something that you do know about your life, and you’ll go, “I understand that. That makes sense.” That’s how I like to teach.
I love to watch you teach. If they want to come to the event and we don’t do this because it’s about confidence and having fun, but I don’t want to have somebody cheat they missed out on an opportunity to spend time learning this stuff, getting their life to the next level. We can’t even do any shows anymore. You give me that and we’re going to do some stuff I think about that every time. Do you have a link or something that you could put up for the people could watch?
I’m going to put you on the spot now. I made a special link that people could go get it. The price is an early bird price. It’s $497. It does go up to $997 overtime. The issue I don’t even think is the price going up because it bumps up over time, but the bigger issue is going to sell out and there won’t be any seats left. I created a link for your people and I’m wondering if we have some people who are interested because I don’t want to do a big pitch on this or anything. This is for fun. If you have people that want to come from this live broadcast and they click the link, would you be willing to throw in a bonus for them?
Yes. I’m going to be in there live. In fact, yes, I will throw in a bonus.
Presence is a bonus.
Here’s the other thing, Michael. Yolanda and I created eleven powerful programs that one in the studio. Nobody even has access to it, yet. We put it on our thumb drive at the fair in 2019 and few people know about it. Those programs are several $100. We’ll throw those in to.
I love it. Here’s what we’re going to do. The link, if anybody wants to come is so we’ll know who comes and we can share that with you and you can give them those eleven programs.
In addition to that, here’s another thing. They can go to my website The Quick Start is only $200 but my programs range from $500 to $1,000 a program. They can pick up one program in addition to that and we’ll set it up. It’s $500, $600, or $1,000.
That’s huge. The ticket price now is $497. For $497, they’re getting at least double the value, if not way more than that because you’re throwing in those programs.
The question that comes up, Michael and it’s come up 2 or 3 times. If the events canceled or if it’s going on regardless, we don’t know what’s happening. Somebody says, “I want to go but I’m still not comfortable showing up at a live event. I’ve got children. I don’t want to go. I can’t travel. I’m from Canada and I can’t cross the border or whatever that is.”
That’s not true. There are many limiting beliefs and falsehoods that are floating around. We’ve had many Canadians, send us emails, and go, “I can’t fly to America.” We go, “Yes, you can.” Anybody can fly between Canada and America. The only border that’s closed is the land border. You cannot drive across the border, but anybody can fly and there is no mandatory quarantine when you come into America.
That’s part of the NLP hypnosis training that the media give to people. It’s fear. They’re living in fear.
With that belief some people think they can’t so they won’t be able to show up. What was the option?
We have a little bit of unpredictability. The event is scheduled in LA. LA is being a bit of a butthole now. We have an event in LA in which we had to move south 30 miles to Orange County. We’re committed to putting on the events as long as we can legally do it and safely do it. We’re doing social distancing. Every person that comes to the event gets a personal alcohol spray that they can spray their hands with. If somebody feels they have symptoms or something like that we’re doing the temperature gun on the forehead. All the seats are six feet apart. We’re doing everything we can to hold it safely. We’re recommending that people wear masks, although some people want to and some people don’t. What we say is, “If you don’t want to wear a mask, sit close to somebody who else doesn’t want to wear a mask.”
Go to the smoking section.
Exactly. The thing is for a while, things looked they were opening up. Now they look they’re closing down a little bit. We’re committed to putting the event on no matter what. The dates and the location that we have may have to be flexible. It will be in California. In LA, they said no live events at all. The mayor shut down all live events. We’re not going to cancel the event for the people who want to come and pay for it. For one event, we moved it South 30 miles to Orange County, and we put a second one on the schedule in October 2020. We said, “If you want to come to Orange County, come. If not, we’re going to do another one in a few months.”

Conscious Mind: The measure of a teacher is, do people understand and implement? If it isn’t practical, then there’s no purpose for what you teach.
What if they want to take it but don’t want to physically be there? They’d rather do it at home. Is that an option?
Yeah, they can do the home version as well.
That’s what I did. I did the home version. I’ll tell you what I liked about it. There’s always plus and minuses. The pluses, I can rewind it and go over it. If I had to go to the bathroom, I didn’t miss anything. The disadvantage is the energy that you offer and the questions that we can ask live. There’s still a difference. There’s always value in both of them so when we get an opportunity to have this online what are they going to learn at Marketing to Profit?
Do you know what I’m going to do, Mark? We don’t normally do this. If people sign up through your link, I’m going to throw in the home study as well. Normally, those are two separate products and we don’t bonus one with the other but because of the times that we’re in now also, if somebody doesn’t want to come to LA or they can’t come to LA for whatever reason, that way, you’ll have both. You’ll get the home study and you’ll also have a ticket to the live event.
If they bought the home study online, how much value is that?
It’s $300.
They’re getting that and they’re getting the $297 as a bonus. They’re not only getting eleven but they can pick up any one of my other programs. If they want to do the Quick Start, we’ll Dropbox them so it’s $500 to $1,000. Here’s the other thing, they can also come to my Total Transformation live event, which is a $2,000 value.
Look at that. I want to try it.
We’re on a roll here. I don’t want to overwhelm them and I want to give them as much value as possible.
Here’s what I’m going to teach at the event. Number one, I’m going to break down business and marketing strategies and make them super simple and easy to understand.
I got to be there.
This is the thing, Mark, you and I have had this conversation before in the past where you talk about things that people say from stage and you’re like, “I know I need to do a webinar, but I’m overwhelmed and confused.” I don’t know how to do it. I break that down and make it simple. Should you use webinars? Every business should use a webinar. There’s a time when you should use it, and there are times when you shouldn’t use it so I explained that. I explained the purpose of a webinar first before I tell you what a webinar is and how to do it which a lot of people don’t do. They go, “Webinars with this, and here’s how to do it.” It overwhelms people so you’re going to learn how to do automated marketing.
Mark, as you alluded to at the beginning, my wife and I for five years, we traveled the world full-time. We got rid of our house, cars, and motorcycles. We got rid of almost all of our worldly possessions and we traveled the world full-time running two successful businesses. We wouldn’t be able to do that without automated marketing. The word automated scares people sometimes because it sounds programming but there are tools now that are out there that will do all the work for you. You don’t need any technical knowledge. You don’t need any programming. You don’t need to hire somebody unless you want to or unless it’s to save your time.
It teaches you automated marketing funnels. You’re going to learn how to do funnels. I know that’s confusing for a lot of people but make it simple. You’re going to learn how to do webinars, you’re going to learn how to do one of the most important things out there, which is email marketing. You’re going to learn how to build your list, and how to monetize that list because a lot of people will build the list. I had one guy who came to me. He had 12,000 people on his list, he wasn’t making any money on it.
Here’s the thing, if you understand marketing in the way that I teach it, the stat that’s often shared by internet marketers is your list should be worth about $1 per subscriber per month if you are marketing to them correctly. It’s simple math. If you have 10,000 people on your list and you’re marketing correctly, you should be able to get $10,000 a month out of that list. If you’re a person who’s got 3,000 people on your list, and you’re not making $3,000 a month, it means you need to learn some marketing.
What most people do is they build a list by sharing a newsletter, which number one, most people don’t want to be on your newsletter. Nobody wants your news. People want value. People will say, “Join my newsletter,” and they build a list of several thousand people, but they never email because they’re afraid of unsubscribes. I teach you how to beat that and how to get people to want to join your list and want to stay on your list so you can market to them in a way that brings them value and they want to spend money with you. There’s a lot more than that.
You can have the greatest product in the world but if your marketing sucks, nobody will buy it. Share on XThat’s the one thing I learned taking this course. When I would send out my seminars coming up and I’d be like, “I’m devastated. I have six people unsubscribe.” I realized what a value that was. What a gift. Thank God then subscribe.
Thank you for subscribing.
I’m getting a real list of people that want to grow. I want that guy. It’s like having a farm. If you have a bunch of sick animals, it’s not a healthy farm. When you have something that’s healthy, you can grow from that because all you want to do is content and contribution. We’re doing much content out there now, Michael, we’re not selling anything. We’re not selling them. I want raving fans that say, “What do you have that we can come to?”
That’s why we waited so long to do something with you. I know what that is. I’ve been taking your stuff. I listen to you all the time and the reason why is I’m always getting value from it. Even with this call, thrown in my live event, thrown in another program or eleven programs, given the home study course. For $497, I might sign up myself and I’ll be there. “Why would you do that? To sell them?” “No, it’s to give them value.”
That’s what drives me. It’s giving value and because I want to get value all the time, I have to make a living at it and I do believe that people who bring a lot of value into people’s lives should make a good living. It’s one of the things that we talk about is the mindset of success and wealth. I believe anybody who’s bringing value to the world deserves to be wealthy.
I agree 100%. Not only do they deserve it, but they also have to feel like they deserve it as well. That’s what that’s one of the things. People don’t feel they deserve success so they sabotage it. They have all the means to get it. They don’t follow through. What if we broke that pattern? What if they broke that belief or got them to a different belief? At that point, all that video is the same thing that those wanted to do and now you’ve given them the strategies and the tools so they can implement it and it becomes automatic. Success is automatic when you do certain things. It’s confusing if you don’t believe it. During the event, they’re going to learn and grow the business and it’s more than that. They’re going to grow personally. When people grow up personally, they learn to grow their business as well.
Here’s the other thing I’ll say too. On the surface, it may seem this is an event that’s only for entrepreneurs and business owners but what has happened has taught us that nobody has your back.
That’s a fact.
I know many people who had been in cushy jobs, they thought they had job security. They’d work there for 10, 12, or 20 years and they thought they couldn’t be fired. I know one company that the moment the day that they announced that there was a pandemic, the company fired half the people. They didn’t even wait to see if it would work out. They fired half their people. Even if you didn’t get laid off, it should put you on warning. To me, everybody goes, “Job security is a career.” No, to me, job security is owning your own business where nobody can fire you and where you’re totally in charge of your own income.
We call that in NLP being a cause, when you’re at cause for your results as opposed to being an effect of somebody else. Most people are an effect, their salaries are an effect of somebody else like their boss or some committee that votes on who gets raises. I would much rather be in charge of my own income and my happiness. I believe that bliss is something that’s manufactured. Most people are trying to find happiness in their life. Happiness is something you build, not something you get or have. When you own your own business, you’re in complete control. If there’s something in my business that makes me unhappy, I change it. If I’m doing a job at something that makes me unhappy, I’m screwed.
The illusion is that you can’t make money during this time. My goal for 2020, I went on the market and I remember saying, “My goal is to build up my list.” I intend to retire from doing shows, even getting on the road. All the things that I said I wanted to do, it all happened. Did I lose three businesses or did I gain the opportunity to grow in ways that I’ve been talking about for years? I’m up at 5:30 every day. I’m excited about working around the house but also building the businesses and doing this. I never did Facebook Live. I’m on Facebook Live more now. They saw my beard grow.
We need more of those morph animations of you day by day where you could see it grow out like the commercials.
Before, I had 8,137 Facebook fans. I have almost 16,000. Within two months I built it. Do you know how much it cost me? Less than $500. The things that you teach, you don’t put a bunch of money into it. Stop spending money on people that are not going to serve you that are only in it for themselves. That’s the one thing I learned from you after about spending $50,000 on other things that I never got value from. There’s so much value there. That’s why we want to keep giving. We don’t want to overwhelm people.
We realized, “If you’re going to invest in yourself, we’re going invest in you too.” That’s the reason why we’re doing this. Nobody wants to invest in somebody that isn’t willing to invest themselves. One thing on your schedule is time if you’re not at work. The other thing is opportunity. If the opportunity isn’t there for you, it’s only because you’ve fallen into a belief that you’re stuck in a pattern that doesn’t give you that opportunity. You’re giving them opportunity to show them things they never got to see before. You’ve done it with me and Yolanda. It’s the way it is.
If you’re struggling financially, there is a payment plan on the website. It’s $497. There’s a payment plan at $77 a month. We never want a lack of resources to be the reason why somebody doesn’t come to training. If the $77 a month is even too much for you, hit the chat button on the website and we can talk about creating a custom payment plan. We’re extending payments for people. We can get that down less than $77 if you need it. We’re putting on a live event. It’s a lot of expense upfront. We would prefer if you pay in full. If you need it, it’s there for you.
That goes back to service again. Where’s that beautiful wife of yours?

Conscious Mind: There are tools now that are out there that will do all the work for you. You don’t need to hire somebody unless you want to save your time.
She’s in the other room, probably watching TV.
Michael, I appreciate you taking your time. I know you’re headed up this way. I got my photoshoot.
His photoshoot, that’s what he’s calling it.
It’s an inside job.
It’s my weight loss so I can get in shape for my photoshoot. I should do a Facebook Live there.
I don’t know if they would let you.
No, they won’t. I’m going to ask them if I can.
Do no watch Mark’s Facebook Live, if he does one. You don’t want to watch it. He wants to put everything on Facebook.
The next time I get waxed, I’m going to do my Facebook Live. Do you ever get waxed, Michael?
We’re going to go when I get back.
I’m Cherokee so I have little hair. It’s like, “There’s my little tuft. I’m proud of that. I’m not letting it go.”
Andrew, Lloyd’s son, he has a lot of hair. They made a bet. They went and played golf. They’re guys, they’re making stupid bets and they’re like, “Let’s do it.” The loser gets to get waxed.
Is it a full wax?
No. Chest. The thing is, you’re supposed to trim it down. He had long and curly hair all over his chest. He videoed it and I felt bad for him. I was like, “You are cruel. You’re mean.” The whole shenanigans that they like to get into, he did it to a friend in San Diego. He talked him into doing a Brazilian.
Anybody who's bringing value into the world deserves to be wealthy. Share on XHe didn’t know what it was and I said, “It’s easy.” The funny thing is, Michael, they had somebody training. There are two girls in there.
While he was in there, he was texting me and was asking me, “Should I do this? Is this going to hurt?” I’m thinking, “He knows what he got himself into.” I’m telling him, “If you’ve never done it, you should do it. You should do it at least once.” He had no clue what a Brazilian was until now. He was like, “Oh my God.” I’m thinking, “Did you not know what it was?” These are the type of things he does. Imagine if they’re not friends.
We dared each other to release turtles in the ocean. That’s a little safer.
That was fun with the turtles.
If anybody ever gets an opportunity to coach with you for a year, it is a life-changing event, financially, emotionally, spiritually, relationship-wise. It is amazing. Where not even going to go there. They got to invest in themselves. I hope that they get an opportunity. I didn’t know you had payments available. There’s no reason. There’s no way you cannot be more successful going to this event unless you intentionally do not apply anything. They have to intentionally try to fail and not grow.
We’ve had people come to the event with no product yet. One of the things we do is we do some roundtable laser coaching there. If you know who you want to serve but you don’t know what product to put out yet or what service to put out, you can get coaching at the event. We’ve had people come in with no business. By the time the event was over, they have a business and they know how to market it. This isn’t for business owners. By the way, you don’t have to quit your job and go full-time in your business. There are ways to transition. I’m one of the few coaches. There are a lot of coaches out there and they’re irresponsible. They’re like, “Quit your job, otherwise, you’re not 100% committed.” It’s like, “I don’t even pay the mortgage.” For some people, yes, it’s time to do it. Rip off the band-aid. You can’t make a blanket statement. It’s irresponsible. Some people are not in a position yet to do that.
When I started my business, I had a day job and I had a business on the side, my software business. I had two kids when I started my hypnotherapy business. I had a lot going on. It took me a while to build up that business before I was ready to make the leap and quit my day job and go full-time. You have to plan responsibly for those things. It sounds motivating to make the leap. Sometimes you do. Sometimes people hold on too long and they do need to burn the boats behind them. Everything needs to be done in a responsible and orderly way.
As a coach, you have to be the one that guides them instead of saying, “Quit.” I’ve heard that many times. I look at him and I’m like, “These people can’t quit their jobs.” It’s irresponsible to be telling them to do that. You’ve got to guide them into that process.
Everybody is at a different point. They all need different actions for where they’re at.
That’s what I love about you, you’re transparent, considerate, and understanding. Encouraging is one thing.
He cares.
If you tell them to do something that’s going to get them to file bankruptcy and broke, that’s not a coach.
One of the big things we teach in our classes is something called ecology. Ecology is the study of consequences. We ask ourselves four questions before we take any action. Is it safe to me? Is it safe to the other person involved, if somebody is involved? Is it safe to others? Is it safe to the planet? For us to take action on that, it has to be a yes on all four of those. That’s something I teach and promote. Part of that, by the way, is integrity. This is something important to put in as well. There are a lot of people out there teaching marketing that teaches unethical ways of marketing.
One of our biggest focus that’s right in the name of our company, Influence to Profit, is ethical influence and persuasion. Can you use influence and persuasion to manipulate people and trick people into buying? Yes, you can. Anybody can do that. They don’t even need skills. There are people out there with no skills who are conning people. The problem is, once people find out they’re duped, they’ll never do business with you again. They’ll never listen and they’ll never trust. We have this megaphone called the internet where people go out on the internet and blast every time they feel like they’ve been wronged, which can irreparably harm a business.
What we teach is ethical influence of persuasion. Persuasion and influence works better when you do it with integrity because you create relationships and those relationships flourish. That’s a big part of what we teach. We don’t teach these things like, “Put a countdown timer on your web page that says it ends at midnight.” At 12:01, it gives another 24 hours. These things that people do to trick people into buying, we don’t teach any of that stuff. It’s important. Integrity and ecology area big part of what we teach. It’s one of our core values.

Conscious Mind: Job security is owning your own business where nobody can fire you and where you are totally in charge of your own income.
We’re looking forward to being there. I can’t wait. Are you going to be there?
Yeah. I’m going to show up. This is one of our big evolutions. I haven’t even talked to you about this yet. One of the things that I’ve learned as a business owner, this is hard, this is ego. No matter how much a person says, “I don’t have an ego,” we all have an ego. Ego is your conscious mind. For years and years, I taught NLP certification training, hypnotherapy certification training. For years, I thought, “Nobody can do this the way that I do it. I have to be the person doing it. It’s my company. I’m the person whose face is on the emails.” Somebody said this to me years ago, “If your mission doesn’t include any other people, it’s a crappy mission.” I was like, “What do you mean?” It’s like, “There’s only so much that you can do in the world. If your mission is to transform the world, which is our mission, you’re not going to be able to do that yourself in your lifetime. You need a team. You need other people to be there to help you with that mission because you are the bottleneck in your business.” That hit me hard.
The ego kicks in and it’s like, “I can’t let that go. Nobody else is going to do it like I do.” Finally, I started embracing the idea of building a team to the point where our company Transform Destiny, we now have a team of trainers who go out. I used to only be able to teach a certain number of certification training a year. I also had to work with the company. I had to manage the employees. I had to do all that other stuff. There are only certain trainings that I could do a year. Now, at least every other week, we have two trainings going on at the same time. We’re doing trainings not only in LA like I used to do. We’re doing trainings in Seattle, Chicago, Philadelphia, Atlanta, New Orleans. I can’t even think of the sixteen cities.
We had hypnosis training in Cincinnati. I wouldn’t be able to do any of that on my own. If my purpose was to transform the world by certifying people, I’m not going to be able to make much traction on my mission if I’m the only one doing things. That has worked well that in the last couple of years, we’re solidly the largest NLP training company in America. We’re changing a lot of lives. On Transform Destiny, that’s allowed me to put my attention on to Influence to Profit, which is our new company, the business and LP side. Transform Destiny does its own thing. They’re out there changing lives and I have to manage it, obviously. In Influence to Profit, we’re looking to do the same thing.
I am teaching these trainings. We’re bringing on trainers who are experienced in these things. We’re not just going to teach somebody what’s in the book and say, “Go teach it.” We’re bringing on somebody who is an expert at marketing and who has used these tools to grow their own business and they’re passionate about teaching it to other people. We have a publishing course. We teach people how to publish their book. We’re going to have somebody who’s a best-selling author who’s also trained in the method to do it. We’re going to be able to take this training from LA, which is where I do only four events a year. I have a publishing course, speaking course, marketing course, and an influence course. With my time constraints, I can only teach those four. In the future, we’re going to do 10 or 12 Influence to Profit events. We’re going to do at least three speaking events. We’re going to do the publishing course several times.
The big thing and this is where the ego kicks in, is somebody else can do this as well as me. What I found in letting go and building a team is that often, they can do it better than me. Our NLP trainers are head and shoulders better than me. A lot of people go, “I want to train with Michael.” They’ve been on my list for a long time. They knew me as the guy, “I want to train with Michael.” I told them, “Honestly, our trainers are better than I was.” People go, “How can you say that?” “The reason is because I’m a teacher.” If I’m a teacher who produces students who are less than me, then I’m a crappy teacher. To me, the measure of teaching is, do your people exceed what you can do? I’m teaching marketing profit. I’m teaching the influence of profit. We’re going to start bringing on more people to grow the business and help a lot more business owners.
I appreciate the opportunity and the offer. I hope you pack that room. There are only many that can be in there because of COVID. You don’t like big rooms. You like to keep it intimate, which is cool.
Our events are usually around 40 to 50 people at most. A lot of these speakers like to get 300 people in the room.
I’m one of them.
For this thing, you lose a lot. We’re doing a roundtable coaching and it’s not just sitting in the room and listening in a lecture. It’s hands-on. One of the goals is to sketch out your funnel while you’re there in the training.
If they knew what they were going to get it, they have no clue how much they’re going to get. They’re like, “I might be able to learn something.” They have no idea. I’ve been to the trainee. I’ve gone through it. I’ve rewind it. Everybody that goes through it, its rant and rave and above and beyond it. We’re not going to get all the bonuses, but they can still attend it.
If they sign up, they get all the bonuses that we announced. I’ll be posting that so that everybody knows exactly what they’re getting and when it ends.
As always, Mark, I always give you credit. If it wasn’t for that September 6th, 1998, waking up that morning and quitting smoking, I would not be here. I would still be a computer programmer and miserable. You’re the one who showed me the light and showed me the way. I’m always grateful to you.
I get a phone call on September 6th every year from you, no matter where you are in the world.
I love you guys.
Persuasion and influence actually works better when you do it with integrity. Share on XThink of the ripple effect.
I love that video that you shared with me. A lot of people know Ruben Mata. Mark brought Ruben on stage during one of his videos, during one of his events.
I never knew you saw that. I remember you called in and I didn’t know.
He brought Ruben up on stage. I listened to Mark’s tape in 1998 and changed my life. That caused me to make big changes in my life and help other people. Ruben, in 2011, came to one of my events. He transformed his life and he’s out transforming lives. This is what I talk about, the power of the ripple effect. You may not think that your life has much of an impact. When you realize your value and you’re sharing that with other people, you are making an impact on other people that create the first ripple. Those people, with their lives changed, they will go out and create another ripple of their own.
It’s because of the ripple that you can transform the world. One person can’t do it on their own but you can create a ripple of change that goes into other people’s lives and then they ripple change into other people’s lives as well. This is why it’s important for heart-centered business owners to learn how to influence and persuade and learn how to craft a message that gets people to say, “Yes.” If your product or service helps people, that is not just a transaction that happens. It’s a relationship that happens. On top of that, there’s a ripple effect that goes out from that person.
I talked to Stokes and I said, “You have no idea of the impact you had on this world.”
It started with him. Terry Stokes changed your life and you changed mine and I changed Ruben’s. Ruben spoke at the World Peace Summit in front of 200,000 people.
It’s because of you.
It’s because of him, but I helped.
Good thing you smoked.
Good thing I quit too.
People say, “Just bad habits.” It’s because of the bad habit that allowed you to become the man you are. Thank God you smoked.
One of my biggest growths in this world is that I spent the first half of my life saying, “Why is this happening to me?” Bad things would happen to me all the time and I would say, “Why is this happening to me?” The shift that happened about halfway through my life, I learned NLP. I say, “Why is this happening to me?” It’s different. It’s opposed to being a victim and saying, “Why is this happening to me?” Now I go, “Why is this here for me?” A lot of people go, “It’s horrible that you smoked for fourteen years.” I wouldn’t be where I am had I not been through that challenge.
What would happen is I would have challenges in my life. I’ve had some nasty challenges. I was born to a fourteen-year-old mother with a personality disorder. That made the first eighteen years of my life challenging, to say the least. I lost everything at nine years old, homeless at nineteen. I had my own baby boy at twenty. I wasn’t mature enough at the time. I had to grow up fast at twenty years old. I had a lot of challenges that came through my life. For me, learning that none of those things were bad, they were there for me. Those things were there for me to prepare me for what I’m doing. I wouldn’t be living my purpose. I finally found my purpose in life. I wouldn’t be living this purpose had none of those things happen because I wouldn’t have been prepared.
What would happen is the bad thing would happen and I would feel bad about it for years. Years later, I would look back on and go, “That was a good thing.” One of the things I tell people in my events now is, “We always say that years from now, we’re going look back on this and laugh. Why not laugh now?” Why not look at it now and go, “Why is this situation here for me?” Once you learn why and you grow beyond it, it will never affect you again because you’re a better person because of it.
You’re definitely a big influence on our lives. We want to thank you for that. We appreciate you very much.

Conscious Mind: We always say, “Ten years from now we’re going to look back on this and laugh.” Why not laugh now?
I love you guys.
We love you and I can’t wait to see you. I’m going to BYOT, Bring Your Own Toilet Paper.
We will let you know. He thinks he’s going to be up and about like nothing.
Hopefully, we’ll see you before we leave.
When are you heading up to LA?
We have Speaking to Profit. We’ve had to move into Orange County. It’s been such a challenge. The hotel contacted us and said, “The mayor of LA said no live events at all, not even ten or less.” We were going to bring in extra trainers and break them into ten people per room. The mayor said, “No gatherings at all.” Luckily, Orange County is 30 minutes south. Orange County is more of a conservative county. They have not been as reactionary as some of the other counties. They have a low infection rate in Orange County. It’s safer to hold it there. The hotel is eager to work with us there because they’re not getting any bookings. We have to move Speaker Training, NLP master practitioner, and trainer’s training. It’s six and a half weeks-worth of trainings. We have to move down to Orange County. It’s been a challenge. We tell our people that we’re committed to doing this event for you.
If you need sounds, screens, lights, I’ve got a lot of it in my backyard. You’re welcome to use it.
One of the best things I ever did for myself as a speaker is to buy my own equipment. Anything you rent at the hotel, you could buy yourself in three days of the rental. They want $900 for a projector. You could buy a projector for $300. They want $1,500 a day for a big pipe and drape. We bought a brand-new pipe and drape for $1,600. It’s gorgeous. It comes with black poles and everything so that you don’t get the ugly steel poles in the background. It’s definitely one of the best things I ever did.
We did too. You know our stuff. We did major events.
You got great stuff.
You’re welcome to use it anytime for free because you’re my family. I appreciate your time.
Thank you.
I’m looking forward to seeing you. Drive safe if you’re driving out here.
Yep, we’re driving.
We’ll see you. For those of you who are ready to take your life to the next level and I’m not saying that because that’s what you said. I’m freaking serious. This is an event that I’m going to be at, Yolanda will be at and Mike will be at. You’re going to get the bonuses. It’s $77 for payments. Hopefully, they’ll pay in full. Having the option there is huge. They get my live event, which we sell no less than $1,000. They get any of my programs, which is up to $1,000. They get the eleven programs. They get your study course and the live event for $500. That’s freaking amazing.
If for some reason there’s a complication, we’re not going to cancel the event. We signed up for a $5,000 charity event. When COVID happened, they said, “We’re postponing it.” We emailed back and said, “When are you postponing it?” They said, “Next year.” They do this event every year. That’s not a postponement, that’s a cancellation. We said, “Does our donation from this year give us a ticket for next year?” They said, “No. You have to donate again.” We must’ve gotten kickback from it because a few days later, they sent another email and said, “Yes, your donation from this year gives you a ticket for next year.” That’s a cancellation and not a postponement.
If your mission doesn't include any other people, it's a pretty crappy mission. Share on XIf there’s some issue, we’re going to postpone the event to another date. We’ll let everyone know what the date is. Usually what we do is we put a ticket in their account that they can claim at any time for any future event. We don’t normally do this, but we’ll give them home study so that way you’ve got both. We didn’t anticipate it to be anything that will stop this event. If we have to move it to Orange County like we have these next few, then we’ll move it South. We’re committed not to cancel events. At the least, if we have to, we’ll postpone it.
Michael, thank you very much. We’ll see you. Make sure you go to I appreciate you, Mike. I love you. Talk to you soon.
I love you too. Bye.
That was one of the longest ones we’ve done. That guy is amazing.
He’s great. We got great information.
There’s no doubt, the value you get from Michael will blow you away. I do coaching and everybody knows that. I also get coached. Michael is one of my coaches who I rely on. I can text him. I can call him. I can email him. He gets back to me with the answers. Talking about saving time, your time is valuable. Having the right answers at your fingertips is where you can value your time. Having the right people and answer the question the right way is where you get to spend more time with the people you want to spend with and save a lot of money. These are some of the things you get value on top of that. It’s almost an hour and a half. My beard grew further since we started this conversation.
We will see you next episode.
I’m not. I’m getting cleaned up.
You’ll be done by then. You will be here.
“I’m getting a colonoscopy. I’m going to lose some weight.”
I’ve never seen anyone get excited about that.
I’m excited that it’s my photoshoot.
Only Mark will make a party out of a colonoscopy. I’m surprised he’s not going in there with balloons.
I’m bringing a card and some flowers to the doctor. Venturing into a galaxy where no man has been before.
I’m sure they’ve been there before.
You don’t know me.
We will see you. I’m sure you’re going to hear more about his colonoscopy. I can’t put a cork in it. He’s going to talking about it. You’ll hear more about it. Don’t be surprised if he shows you pictures. I will try to not let him show pictures.
I’m in it, inside and out.
We will see you.
Share this.
We’ll have a special guest that will also help you with your business. Join us and thank you for being here. Come join us. We will be there and you will learn a lot. This program is awesome.
Don’t wear socks because it’s going to blow your socks off. Leave your at home.
“This is going to be the last day I eat because I’m going to poop”
You’re going to keep hearing about this. He will do another Facebook Live telling you about his colonoscopy. Don’t be surprised. Facebook will be having many Facebook Lives until he goes into his colonoscopy. They’re going to shut his account down because they don’t want to hear about it anymore.
I’m in it, inside and out.
People don’t need to know that much information about you.
They don’t know anything about me. Share this and like it. Let everybody know. We’ll see you at the event. We’ll keep in touch. If you have any questions, go to my website and email me, Pick out any program that you want when you sign up for Michael’s event. It’s all about giving back and it’s time for us to give to you but you have to accept in order for us to be a giver. Accept our gifts. God bless you.
All our videos are on Vimeo. If you want to stream any hypnosis videos and you want to have some good laughs, go check them out. We will see you. Thank you.
Important Links:
- Michael Stevenson
- The Silva Mind Control Method
- Vimeo – Success Combination
- Marketing to Profit
- Derren Brown
- Vimeo – Mark Yuzuik
- Transform Destiny
- Improve Your Psychic Ability
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