How do we start cleaning out the physical and mental clutter that holds us back from success and fulfillment? What steps do we need to take to begin living an uncluttered life and fulfilled existence? Take a look at your desk, or your computer, your social media account, and, most importantly, your mind. See all that extra baggage that’s weighing you down? Join Mark Yuzuik on this episode as he teaches you how to get rid of all that garbage by focusing on what is really valuable.
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Breaking Free From Life’s Clutter
In this episode, I want to talk about clutter. Cleaning out, not only your mind clutter but physically everything about your life that is not resourceful to you that is holding you back. If you go into your home, your office, your business or your car and it’s all cluttered, what’s that say about your mind and how you’re not moving forward? Is that holding you back? What would you do if you could unclutter everything? Let’s start with the basics. I know when I coach somebody and I feel like they go, “I get to the office. I sit around and look at my computer. I don’t feel like I can grow. I feel like I’m immobile.” The first thing I’ll tell them is, “Can you do me a favor? I want to show you how you really get past this.” They go, “Sure. What is it?” I go, “Before we go any further, I want you to step back from your desk. Are you at your desk? Take a picture of it and send it to me.” “Can you wait?” “No. Because I know what you’re going to do. You’re going to straighten it up and what that’s telling me is remember this, that what’s going on the outside reflects on the inside.”
How do you declutter your life to start fresh? Maybe there’s so much conversation going on in your mind and in your body and in your home physically, mentally, emotionally, that you don’t feel like you can move forward. You don’t have the vision that you need. You can’t see because there are many things in your way and there’s so much noise that you’re not able to listen and get the opportunity. You can’t hear the opportunity that’s right in front of you and sometimes you just feel stuck. Like you’re walking in mud and you’re not getting anywhere. It’s energy just draining and you’re tired all day. You’re sleeping longer than you should. You are not sleeping sound. What’s going on? Clean the clutter. Start with that.
Here’s what I want. I want you to ask yourself the most important question. Am I decluttered? Are there things in my home that is causing you not to move in a direction where you feel like nothing is weighing me down or holding me back? That could be a thought. That could be blaming somebody else for something in the past and you’re cluttered your mind up. What if you had no clutter going on? What if you cleaned it out and you got laser focus because here’s what happens when you have clutter? Do you know what you do? You focus on not your assets but your liabilities. “I don’t have liabilities. All my bills are paid.” I’m not talking about those liabilities. I’m talking about liabilities like, “How come I can never afford it. I don’t have enough knowledge.”
You create excuses and what you do is you focus on the things that you don’t have in life. “I don’t have the right relationships. I don’t have the right money. I’m too old. I’m too young. I’m not smart,” or whatever that is, that blaming thing that you’re doing. That’s what I’m talking about the clutter. The mental clutter going on, and you focus on all of your liabilities instead of your assets. If that’s what you’re focused on, then how do you expect your life to be any different? You’ve heard the saying, what you focus on, you attract in your life. “How come I can never do this?” You ask yourself the questions, “How come I never get ahead in life?” If you ask a bad question, it’s going to find the answer. Your brain is going, “Here’s why maybe because you’re so cluttered. You’re not organized.” “That’s me.” What do you do? You buy into your own brain. You buy into the belief that your liabilities are your focus and you can’t move forward and then it feels like it’s heavy on you.
Focus On Assets
What if you focus on your assets? I’m not talking about how much money you have. I’m talking about your real assets in life. There are people that come over to this country that have no money. They don’t speak the language. They’re flat broke. They’re basically homeless and they come over and they become multimillionaires. Why? It’s because they said, “I’m not focused on what I don’t have.” I had all the things I didn’t have in any other country, the freedom, the opportunity, the relationships, and the ability. I know it’s available in other countries, America, Canada, and other countries out. There are lots of great countries that gives great opportunities but the problem is your focus on what you don’t have.
Clear out your mental clutter. Focus on your assets instead of your liabilities. Share on XSome people are uneducated. Why are there so many multimillionaires and billionaires that don’t have a high school diploma or that’s all they have? It’s because they focus on their assets. People come over to this country that can’t even speak English, that have no money, no job and they’re barely making it but they’re grateful for the opportunity. They focus on the opportunity and they create it. They set themselves up mentally, never to fail because they never want to be in that situation. They want a better life for themselves and their family. Are your desires that way? Do you have that burning passion or are you settled and says, “It’s a good country. In a worst-case scenario, I’ve got a home to live in. It’s been a little messy.”
You then make excuses and you are like, “I don’t have the right opportunity.” That’s what it is. It’s not the right opportunity. It’s the wrong mindset that you have. That’s what it is. Clean your clutter out. I want you to do this. This little task for you. Here’s where like you to do. I’d like to challenge yourself to say, “The next year I’m going to declutter my whole life and it’s going to start right now. It’s going to start by acknowledging and being grateful for all the assets that I have.” Can I speak one language or at least maybe two? Can I walk? Can I write? Can I read it? Do I have a vehicle? These are all assets that you have. Do I have my health? Do I have the right relationships? Can I surround myself and create new relationships? Can I get on certain social media and share my vision with people?
Those are assets that you have but if all you do is say, “I don’t know how to do social media. I don’t have the information so where am I going to go? I don’t know where to go.” You feel like you’re looking for the corner in a round the room. You go around in circles and you get exhausted and you’re mentally, physically, emotionally exhausted and you’re unfulfilled and then you feel like, “This life isn’t what I thought it was supposed to be. I know I want more out of life and I feel frustrated because I can’t get it.” Start cleaning out the clutter in your mind and in your home. Here’s what you’re going to do. There are answers. There are solutions and yes, for you. “I don’t have no solutions.” I’m not buying that no more.
Start Decluttering
I’m not going to allow you to give yourself a false illusion. That’s what it is. You buy into this false illusion that you can’t make it because you don’t have the right assets. You have more than enough assets, way more than some people that have become multimillionaires out there that have a healthy family and they’re grateful for what they have. What are your assets? Here’s what you got to do first. Here’s the solution. Clean up. Start with your closet. Start with your bathroom, your bedroom, and your car. Start with your house. Start with even your phone. Clean out your phone, clean up your social media. Stop whining and fitting in with people out there and set yourself above and beyond.
Condition your mind and your body that you’re going to be excited every day and you have something to share every day on social media. When somebody out there doesn’t agree with that or there’s a negative post or something and you read it, you just bought into it. If you need to block some of your friends, then do it. Be a better friend to them than they are to you and block them. Lead by example. The best sermon is not spoken, it’s shown. “What’s the sermon you’re talking about?” Are you willing to do that? If you’re willing to do that, your assets will show up, not just for you, but for other people. What are you going to clean up first? Who are you going to stop blaming? Let’s go with the mind.

Uncluttered Life: Focus on what you have, not on what you don’t have.
Clean your mind out and then pick up your body and condition yourself with your mind in the right mindset, the right asset to start cleaning up. Clean up your desk. Clean out your car or your trunk, your phone. Delete people out there that don’t support and will make you a better person. Get them out of your life. Maybe put a message on your phone, “If you call me and you leave a message and I don’t call you back then you’re out of my life.” I heard a very powerful speaker say that, “I’m cleaning up my life. If I don’t call you back, you’re part of the cleaning.” It made a lot of sense. “That’s harsh.” No, it’s not harsh. Do you know what’s harsh? Is that you still buy into the things that are not letting you live a fulfilled life because you’re so worried about hurting somebody else’s feelings that you’re trying to fit in instead of standing out.
You want to stand out in life. Leaders stand out and they do crazy weird things too. They’re living a weird life, but if you do it, you think, “That was dumb. That was silly. That was stupid.” No, it’s not. It’s about living. It’s about momentum. It’s about being energized and being excited. It’s about being clean. It’s about focus on your assets. What’s the clutter in your life? Write this down. Get a piece of paper when we’re done here and you might even do it now. I want you to write down what you feel as a liability on one piece of paper. Draw a line down the middle of it. What are the liabilities that you think you have? Write them down. Be aware of them. Don’t focus on them but be aware of them.
What I then want you to write down all the assets you have. Every single asset you could think of. You’re kind, you speak English and you speak multiple languages. You’re good at these things. You’re smart. You’re intelligent. You have the opportunity. All the assets that you have. You got your health and good relationships. What are some of the other assets you have financially? You’ve got a good job. You’ve got some great ideas. I’m talking about all the assets. Mentally as well as physically. What shows up, not just what other people see but what’s going on in your mind. Who are you going to start cutting out of your life? Who are you going to put in your life? These are assets.
What actions are you going to move towards your goal to clean out your house, mentally, physically, emotionally, and spiritually? Who are you going to invite into your home to make you accountable in a fun way? Where are some of the places you’ve visited? What are some of the knowledge that you have and the experience that you’ve had and you’ve come across? What are those assets? Who are some of the people you can contact in your past that you know you should have kept better contact with and you just got caught up in life?
If you’re getting caught up in life, then what are you focused on? You focus on not doing anything and staying the same. You can’t grow if you’re not moving. You think about a pond or a puddle. A lot of those collect mosquitoes where rives seem to flow. They seem to go around and maneuver around objects that would up here to be so much stronger, bigger, and bulkier that would hold them back. There are no roadblocks in the river. There’s only a flow. What if you stepped out of the pond and went into a river and started flowing towards your goals and you cleaned out your clutter? Would you rather drink lake water or river water? Who are you? What are your real assets?
When is the best time to start living a fulfilled life? Isn't it right now and not tomorrow? Share on XI want you to think of somebody, maybe you know somebody or someone that knows somebody that came to this country that had absolutely nothing. Could be a famous person. Make them your heroes, make that somebody that you want to admire, and follow in their footsteps. Be influenced by that story and not fit in with the people that are holding their life back so you buy into their limitations so you regret the things that you wish you had done. Ask yourself this question. If you knew tomorrow is your last day, would you have regrets?
If the answer is yes, then don’t make the same mistake tomorrow. What are you going to do differently now to clean out your closet and to get rid of the clutter so you don’t have that? When your last day comes in life, you could say, “What a fantastic life, and I’d repeat it again.” That’s the only thing you should be asking yourself. Don’t blame anybody else. We’d all do things differently. If I had the knowledge and the experience now that I had years ago, would I be in a different place? Everybody says that but maybe those it’s those experiences that you went through, you had to go through for a reason. Maybe you weren’t ready for it, but if you’re ready for it, let’s get it in order.
Rethink Assets
When is the best time to living your life to be fulfilled? Isn’t it right now and not tomorrow? When is the best time to stop blaming somebody else for where you are in life? It’s nobody else’s fault. You talk about people that have grown to super-achievers out there. They are massively successful. They didn’t have the best childhood. They weren’t handed the silver platter, in fact, it’s the opposite and maybe that was the greatest asset they had. Maybe you can say the greatest asset I have in life is the fact that I wasn’t born given anything other than the breath that I breathe and the heart that I beat. Maybe that’s the greatest asset that you weren’t given anything. When you’re used to blame for that, now you can say, “That was the gift.”
If you can’t live in the present and live the moment and realize what assets you have, then that gift will never be opened up and you will continue to throw trash on it. You will not appreciate the gifts that you have. Maybe that’s really your asset. Maybe that’s not a liability and you thought it was liability the whole time. You’re like, “I have all these liabilities in life. Life is so unfair. I didn’t have a great childhood. My parents didn’t give me what I wanted.” Maybe you weren’t supposed to get that. Maybe your life is about living on purpose. Maybe you haven’t served your purpose yet. Maybe the only reason you have pain in your life is because you haven’t got the lesson.
Are you going to be a winner in life or are you going to clean out your clutter and get going? Maybe the greatest asset you have is the pain that you received, but you haven’t recognized it. I wonder what regrets I won’t have by focusing on what I want and how much the difference I can make in my life and somebody else’s? Everyone says, “Life isn’t fair.” You know what? It’s as fair as it’s going to be. There are people out there that have been in more pain than you and there are people that have better things on you. That’s life. That’s a balance.
That’s the way things grow. You show me two trees that are identical out there and there are billions of trees out there. It doesn’t exist because they’re all individual and they all have a reason. Nothing is the same out there and you’re not designed to be the exact same. You’re designed to be different for a reason and a purpose. If you don’t fertilize and you don’t give the nutrition that you need to the roots, the things that give you the life itself underneath it all, then how are you going to blossom in this beautiful plan out there and make a difference.

Uncluttered Life: Reframe in your mind what your assets truly are.
Maybe you’re planted here in this world for a reason. Maybe you had to go through some storms in life to have strong roots so nothing can take you down. You didn’t grow up in the beautiful Garden of Eden. Life is fair. It’s what you make of it. The cards you were dealt with, you were dealt those cards for a reason and if you fold, you’ve only folded on yourself and everybody else you care out there. Don’t do that. You don’t have the right to do that. You want to want to grow, be fulfilled, and get out of your pain. What are your assets? Let’s really focus on that. Let’s reframe in your mind what your assets truly are because that’s the gift. Maybe the greatest asset you have is you were born and didn’t have the perfect parents.
Maybe you did, but maybe they were only perfect for you and maybe they made some mistakes and we all made mistakes. Maybe they’re horrible and they shouldn’t even be in your life, but you got one life to live and that’s your life. You have a choice to say, “What am I going to do with my life? Am I going to feed myself garbage? Am I going to declutter my life up with being a victim or am I going to clean out my clutter?” I appreciate you reading. Not only reading, but I want you to apply this. This is about education. This is about doing something in your life. This is about taking the right action. I know when I do my live events, it’s all about people taking the action.
You’re going to do things in life. You’re going to hear things that you don’t want to hear and do things you may not think you’re capable of doing, but I’m going to push you to get to that level. That level of success that you know you’re fulfilled in. That’s what I’m here for. That’s my purpose in life. All my previous experiences were designed perfectly for me even if I didn’t like him, but I was open-minded enough to say, “I’m willing for one thing. The one thing I’m not willing to do is to have regret in my life.” Make that your goal. Write down your assets. What are you going to do? What are going to clean up and get the clutter out? Don’t fit in. Get excited. Wake up with excitement.
Go to my website, Email me and let me know how can I assist you? How can I help you? Also, continue to read to other episodes and subscribe to be notified. Go down and get my free book, Creating The Life You Want. It’s there for you as a gift. Because you’re giving me your time, I want to give you something and when I give you something, it’s not for you to take. It’s for you to receive. Receiving is so much better than taking because when you receive something, you give it back again. Thank you for reading, clean out the clutter and get your mind set in the right direction.
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