When you think about inspiring women, Lauren Powers should be at the top of your list. At the age of 58, she still has the health and body of a 40-year-old. No wonder she can still drive her purple Harley around. Not only has she been one of the women of the WWE, but she’s also been in music videos for celebrities like JLo, Justin Bieber, and Lady Gaga. In this episode, Lauren shares her view on inspirational transformation. She talks about not letting anybody’s limitation hold you back from your dreams. To learn more about Lauren and her message, be sure to check out her online show, PowerHourTV.com, and her book, Beneath the Muscle.
Listen to the podcast here:
Inspiring Women To Transform With Lauren Powers
You are not going to believe who we have. She’s a phenomenally young lady.
She lives in California and she’s a big celebrity everywhere because we were in Marketers Cruise in a restaurant and somebody recognized her.
We’ve known of Lauren Powers for a long time. We’ve been in the Orange County fair. We go and see this purple Harley-Davidson with eyelashes on it and this girl driving down like, “Who is that?” Everybody knew her. She’s a celebrity, not just in her town but worldwide. She has toured seventeen different countries. She has been in the WWE. She is one of the gorgeous ladies of wrestling and she can show you some wrestling moves that are going to blow your mind.
She’s also been on some music videos for JLo, Justin Bieber, and Lady Gaga.
She never does interviews so this is rare for her.
She’s busy. We got lucky to get her.
We’ve known her but the cool thing is we got to know her.
We got to hang out with her and she’s going to talk about her awesome book, Beneath the Muscle.
I hope she goes into the story about why she became a bodybuilder.
Let’s not get her emotional. Let’s keep it happy because if not, we’re going to have to buy some tissue.
When people tell you that you can’t do something, this woman is going to show you and empower you how nobody’s other limitations can hold you back from your dreams. Don’t you let somebody else ever tell you what you can’t do. You let your imagination become the destination. With that, I want to bring in our dear good friend, our best friend in the whole world, Lauren Powers. We’ve never been to her house. She’s invited us to her house but we’re not quite that close. She gets crazy every time we do this.
You are insane and this is why I love you. I have been on a lot of shows and I’ve never had quite an introduction ever. It reminds me of Marketing Cruise, we laugh the entire time. Everywhere we went, it caused such ruckus.
We did. You are my partner in crime.
I picked you up. You picked me up.
Like Bonnie and Clyde. It starts getting that. It got me to robbing.
We hung out with Andrea.
I’ve never been so entertained in my life.
I’m glad we got to know you and that we hung out with you. You came to some of my shows and I’m like, “Lauren is in our show?” “She’s in the front row. You introduced us.” “I did?”
I was sitting next to your aunt or something.
As a performer, when you’re in that zone, you could have your husband in the front row like, “How come you’re there?”
That’s why your wife has to be on stage with you so you know she’s there. You’d be looking for her. I know you. You are hilarious. Do you do this all the time, go back and forth?
She does a big intro every time.
He is the only person that does a show with another person, me and he needs an intro.
As he should, Yolanda.
There’s a thing called the opposite of viral, we hit it. One time we did a Question with Mark and Yolanda and nobody was there so I would just ask your own questions.
We had a few people on but kept asking us questions and then you kept making up questions to keep it going but it was fun.
Now, we have celebrities. We would name drop. We got Lauren Powers on. “Who else got along? You didn’t get her.” We got her.
I want what you have. I just have a regular cup of coffee and it’s all watered down. I want what you are drinking.
It doesn't matter where you are now; it's where you want to be. Share on XWe started this because, with everything that was going on, we want to keep it light and fun, make people laugh, and talk about nothing. We started bringing in people that we work with and we have fun with. We had a blast with you and Andrea on the Marketers Cruise. I’ve never laughed so much in my life.
I’m going to wrestle you.
I want to see that. I’m going to Facebook Live that when that happens.
We’re not joking. We are doing it.
I was talking with Jim Brett and he was talking about, “You’ve got to meet this woman named Lauren Powers. She’s dynamic.” I go, “Tell me about her.” He had no clue, Lauren, that we know you.
That’s funny. He doesn’t know I’d be a guest on this huge show.
“This woman drives a purple Harley. She’s in Orange County and people know her. She’s a bodybuilder and she’s amazing.” I go, “Tell me more about her. Just so you know, Jim, I was at the same event with you with her.” Do you remember the women’s event?
It was in LA.
I was talking to Brennan, a friend of mine. This guy became a friend and cleans up people’s credit. He gets everything you want off your credit. It doesn’t matter if it’s bankruptcy, foreclosure, student loans, IRS liens, or any late. He gets it all off and cleans it up. He’s got one of the most powerful businesses. The contact came from Jim Brett. I told Jim, “You’ve got to get me that number. You’re sold. You die and I miss out on that number. You need to get that to me right away.” He’s the only man I knew that I was friends with Moses.
How do you think of this stuff? You kill me. At least you’re entertained the whole time, Yolanda.
Full time, that’s for sure.
During the COVID lockdown, you’re highly entertained. I get worried about you laughing. I love it.
You’ve been busy. What’s been going on here? You’re amazing and the energy you have is great. I love your podcast. I love the story of how you became who you are and how many people, not just women, you influence. It’s many men. It’s many people. Even when we were out on the Marketers Cruise, it was men that came up to you and like, “Can I get a picture?” I’m like, “They probably want a picture with me. Lauren, can you take our picture?” We look a lot alike.
Remember, I painted my nails in one podcast, that was fantastic. You’re like, “Lauren, let’s not figure out.” I was painting and he’s like, “Get over here and talk to me.” I’m like, “I’ve got to paint my nails.” He’s like, “They can’t see you,” and I’m like, “I don’t care.” I’ve been doing a lot of stuff. I’ve got quite a few interviews going on. I’ve launched my online show, PowerHourTV.com. I got to interview some of the top female professionals in the world. I’m not even making it up like you do, Mark.
You don’t have to. You have the credentials.
It’s the real deal. I’m excited because they were generous and I was going to tell Yolanda that the common thread after interviewing all these top women on how they became successful and how they stay successful, is they use the word “choose.” That was something to share because that was my biggest takeaway. Every single one of them choose wealth, health, happiness, and success. Every single one of them said it and I interviewed 28 of these women that are huge speakers, coaches, international authors, and world-renowned individuals. It was exciting so I’m thrilled that I launched this. Yolanda, you’ve got to tune in. Mark, I don’t know about you. Mamie will be there. Dr. Harbeen from India agreed to be on the podcast. Did you know that she was one of the top 100 most influential women in the world next to Oprah?
You’re supposed to know. We got to go to India and be with her.
We were scheduled to go to India to speak there. With the virus, we didn’t want to do it. We’re off to the Philippines, India and Dubai. We said, “Let’s just hold off. Let’s be safe.” They want us to do a webinar over there which I’ve got to get up at 4:00 in the morning. I have a bedhead, then I have morning breath.
Nobody cares.
Morning breath on virtual, you’re funny.
What is it called?
It’s called PowerHourTV.com with your host, Lauren Powers. We’ve got Dr. Harbeen. We have Mamie. We have our comedian, Andrea. It was great because what happened is we dove deep and these women got to say things that they never say in their other interviews like this. It was candid, raw and authentic. I cried with a lot of people. It was amazing. You’re getting behind the scenes of these top-rated women in the world and diving into their lifestyle and how they do it. It’s going to be exciting. It’s been a big project for me. It’s kept me out of trouble during this whole COVID because a lot of time and energy went into getting all the speakers and getting everybody wound up and doing the interviews because they’re an hour long. We’re launching one a day starting June 22, 2020, throughout so I’ll open up the show, and then we’ll have a post-ceremony at the end. There’s exciting stuff about that.
You have more connections than anybody I know. You’re like a connector of Hollywood and you don’t talk about it. It’s like, “You were on Justin Bieber’s thing?” “Yeah. I did that myself. I was hanging out with JLo and Lady Gaga.” I’m thinking, “I listen to Lady Gaga and I’ve heard Justin Bieber.” There are many people.
I’ve had a good run. I attest that to be authentic. I get cast in these things. There are a million bikini chicks in LA, especially. Here I am, at my age, in a bikini. I did Lil Wayne and 2 Chainz. It was a 1:00 AM call time in LA. I’m showing up and doing all the hair and makeup and all this stuff. You film all night long and then you come out and it’s sunny. It was bizarre. I did three music videos in a bikini at the age of 58. My body, I had it tested is 40 years old. I’m going to tell everybody I’m 40.
I had my body tested at 56. I had my body tested and I’m 82.
They’re saying you’re 86. That’s the difference. That’s part of my program. My whole thing is I’m being an inspirational, transformational health expert. I have many years of experience of this lifestyle that has led me to be 40 at 58. It starts with the mindset. We can go into all that. I’ve developed a whole program around it on how to feel and look great from the inside out and be the best version of yourself. It doesn’t matter where you are. It’s where you want to be. I’ve got this whole proven formula that takes you step-by-step to fill in that gap. I’m proud of that because I’m kicking ass.

Inspiring Women: The common thread of all top women on how they became successful and how they stay successful is they use the word “choose”.
Are you supposed to get a swab?
Yes. I swabbed. The DNA, that’s the only supplement you guys have been taking. That’s why I did all my bloodwork and it came back as a 40-year-old with all my hormones, everything is in check. We compared my bloodwork from before until now and all my numbers improved. The only thing I can attest to is my DNA vitamin that I’m taking seriously.
Is it your vitamin that you’re taking that you’ve created and you market under the Power name?
It’s on my website, LaurenPowers.com. It’s on the front page, Uforia Science. All the information is there, the videos and how to do it. You don’t even have to meet me in person. It can be mailed to your house and you swab yourself and send it to the lab. They make the vitamin based on your 35-page report of the result. It tells you if you’ve got the gene from both your parents, one of your parents or you don’t carry it at all. I only had the gene, from both my parents, D3 and B12 which was interesting. I thought I was fine in that area. I take my supplement and have those packed in it, to the microdose. I call it my VIP red carpet of supplements. It’s the only thing I take. My numbers improved. I’ve never felt better. Take it for what it’s worth. I endorse it heavily and that’s all I do. It makes it easy because when we’re traveling, we take one thing instead of 50. I had it on a cruise. That was the only thing sitting on our little counter. It was that one thing. It’s all good. It’s exciting.
I love the fact of how you got into bodybuilding. There was a story before that, wasn’t there?
I was a firefighter.
I was going to start singing, “They call her the fireman and that’s her name.” I almost burned down the house. I’m out there barbecuing for our workers and there are flames coming out of the barbecue. I’m running to the kitchen.
The whole barbecue grill was engulfed with flames. I’m going, “That thing is going to blow up.”
I’m running out there and throwing buckets of water on our hamburgers.
That was insane.
We got the fire out. I got a new patio.
We were feeding the workers that were here doing our concrete. We made them lunch. This one is setting the whole house on fire. I’m like, “Great, I have to call 911. He’s barbecuing in the backyard.”
We have a bunch of telephones. We could’ve called 911. It wasn’t even terrible. Tell us about the fireman thing. I love this story. I did not know that about you.
It’s in the book. Yolanda knows, she read the book.
I’m talking about before we met, before the cruise. When you gave us this book and you signed it, that’s when we learned about that.
I worked for my hometown. I went to the academy. I was a reserved firefighter. When I went to go for a full-time position, I got discriminated, gender discrimination, myself and two other gals. It was a big deal. It was horrendous. I’m not going to lie about it. It was devastating at the time. I had to sit through 35 depositions over a year and a half and hear about these guys that don’t want to work with women and that the women belong in the kitchen, having babies and cooking for their man. It was insane. This is 1999 and 2000. This stuff was going on. It was a big deal. A year and a half later, I was out. I worked for two fire departments. I had to resign from both of them. I pulled out of it because there was a lawsuit.
What happened is, from that, it launched me into my fitness career because I was all built from being a firefighter and passing the agility test and all the stuff I had to go through. It’s not easy, I will say it. I had to kick ass. I was at the Olympia in Las Vegas, where you guys are, at the Mandalay Bay. My best friends at the time felt compelled to have me there. They’re like, “Your life is going to change. I’ve got to get you there.” This gal was like a psychic chick that was my friend. She’s like, “I know.” They drove me there. I went to the Olympia. I was in the crowd. I got pulled out of the crowd, out of thousands of people at the Mandalay Bay, “Come up here. We need one more contestant for this barbell curl contest. How many Preacher curls can you bench in one minute with 55-pound curly weights?” We’ve been up all night because we drove there and we partied all night.
They pulled me up on stage, out of the crowd. I ended up doing the most. I ended up winning. Out of 26 chicks, I got first place. The girl that I beat, she was mad. She was like, “She has a plan. She didn’t even enter the contest. Who is she?” I was in my red, white, and blue bikini and I killed it. I’m like, “Here, you can have my T-shirt. I don’t care. Here you go.” She was on the stage crying. Coming to find out, the reason why she was mad is that it was two VIP tickets to the Arnold Classic, which is Arnold Schwarzenegger, airfare, hotel, and tickets to be with him and dine with him. This whole thing was the prize. That’s why she was mad. I won that and it launched my fitness career that day in Vegas. I was recruited, walking around, by a talent scout. He asked me a couple of questions and he put me on his phone with this producer with my shy personality. From there, they threw me on a plane, threw me to Chicago, and put me on national TV. I ended up being on this talk show. It was crazy. Back in the day, it was Jenny Jones. Do you remember her?
I love Jenny Jones. She was bad. She loved me. I was one of those crazy people that came out and yelled at the panel. I went in there 7 or 10 times, a lot. I was flying to Chicago. She had called me the day before, “Lauren, can you be on a plane today? We would want you on set tomorrow in Chicago.” I live in Orange County. I’m like, “Sure.” I flew there. I would be in hair and makeup and she would be out. The show would be live and running. The doors would open and I would show up. I wouldn’t even know what the topic was. It’s like, “Jenny, what do we have here?” She would tell me and set me up and I would start doing my thing with these people. It’s like you, Mark. You’re ad-libbing and going nuts on these people. It was awesome. It was a good gig until she got canceled. I was bummed.
From being at that show in Vegas, it launched my whole career. I came back and I was a celebrity bodybuilder overnight. It was crazy. I would go on to all these TV shows. I got my SAG card. Everything that got anything to do with fitness, I got booked. I was in Hollywood all the time. I’ve been on many talk shows, films, commercials. The music videos, that was always a fun thing and being real doing the work. It’s not always glamorous. I did a lot of crazy stuff that people don’t want to do to get these jobs. You would drive to Hollywood to audition and go for the callback, go for the fittings. It’s an all-day gig.
The firefighting thing was devastating. This is part of my passion and purpose to empower women because that whole door closed with the firefighting. I talk about this a lot because that could have taken me down. I could have been depressed, upset, lost my career. My motivation could have gone down the toilet. However, I used that to inspire me and reach out on my energy, took a whole other path and then became this fitness icon because I didn’t give up. Mamie talks about when one door closes, I said, “For me, the world opened up.” I was an international superstar. It has been a fun ride. I stay humble, true to myself, be authentic and willing to do the work.
You got into bodybuilding and you got to meet Arnold. Did you win with Arnold?
I had a VIP with Arnold. I didn’t have to compete. I got to hang out and go to all the competitions.
Is he a nice guy?
Yeah. I have worked with him since. Another story is I took ballroom dancing a little while back. I quit bodybuilding and did yoga and ballroom dancing. A lot of people don’t know this stuff.
Yoga and ballroom dancing?
I wanted to be on Dancing with the Stars. That was my goal and I got close a couple of times. However, I competed in Las Vegas, they called it the Holiday Over Christmas Time. I did International Standard, which is waltz, quickstep, tango, foxtrot. I did all those dances, the whole gig. I did Latin, cha-cha, rhumba, all of it. That was fun. I got to dance for Arnold at the Arnold Classic when he was governor in the big ballroom there. They’ll bring you in. It was a huge thing because dogs were there for security and all his Secret Service were there. It was amazing. I got paid to do this huge performance. I did the cha-cha. I learned the routine in one day with a professional dancer. His wife taught me the parts. While dancing, I did some lifts and all kinds of stuff. I did a whole performance for Arnold personally. After that, his dad gave me kisses. CNN filmed it. It was a big deal. It was fun stuff. I met Arnold. I ran into him at the Strongman in Santa Monica Pier, the biggest competition of the big boys. It’s insane. He was there. Mario Lopez was there. It was a big deal. I ended up back in VIP. I was like, “Arnold, do you remember me?” He was like, “How could I ever forget?” It was funny.
Dare to be different. Why fit in when you can stand out? Share on XYou are hard to forget.
I dare to be different. That’s a whole other thing I talked about, dare to be different. My whole slogan is, “Why fit in when you can stand out?”
You have a couple of music videos with Lady Gaga.
The Lady Gaga one was Telephone and that was with her and Beyoncé. That was a big gig. That was a ten-minute video.
I remember that one.
It’s iconic. I got to spend an entire day with her. She was holding on my arm the whole day. Her manager kept trying to get me to go back to the green room and she was like, “She’s with me.” I met her grandma. I met her sister. She brought the dog. They had flown from New York. When she was appearing, I didn’t know. I went, “You guys are here for the music video.” She was like, “It’s for the Grammys tomorrow.” I turned on the TV and Lady Gaga walks up with Elton John that time. It was amazing.
Did you go to the Grammys with her?
I should have. It was epic and a neat experience. The JLo thing too, that was exciting. I didn’t know I was going to work with her. I talk about manifestation and how powerful it works. I was watching World Of Dance with my friends at the house. I come down and I’m like, “I want to work with her.” JLo, she’s the executive producer and the lead judge on the show. I’m like, “I love everything about her. I love her.” I’ve worked with all these people and I never got to work with her. I swear to you, my cell phone goes off and there’s a text message that says, “Are you available for a music video this Saturday and Sunday?” I wrote back and it was no casting, nothing. I was like, “Sure.” I had no idea. This went on for the whole week. It never said who it was. I had blind faith.
Normally, you have to audition. You have to go through that. You have to go to the callback. You have to go to a fitting. It’s a big deal to get cast on anything. You know, Yolanda, it’s a nightmare. It’s a text message with no name. It had 323 number, which is LA. This went on the whole time. I never knew who it was going to be until the morning I showed up. It was a Saturday morning. I rolled up there, an hour drive, and pulled into the studio parking lot. The big security guy comes out and he’s like, “Good morning, ma’am. Are you here for the Jennifer Lopez music video?” I’m like, “Yes, I am.” He was like, “You’re on set one. Go park anywhere.” I walked on and it was this huge thing. It was a $2 million video. It was massive.
Was she as nice as Lady Gaga?
I got close with Lady Gaga. We bonded on the set. It was exciting. They put a fake tattoo on my arm, I’m like, “Look at it.” She didn’t look at it. I’m yelling at her. She had done Poker Face, but that was all I knew of her. She was new at that. I treated her normally. I’m like, “Look at it.” That’s why she liked me because I didn’t treat her like she was some big superstar that couldn’t care less. I’m like, “They’re paying me to be there.” The best food was on Lady Gaga’s set. It was the best food ever. I’ve been on a lot of sets. That and a Harley-Davidson commercial, the best food ever.
JLo was okay. She was in her white Rolls Royce and her big trailer. She was in hair and makeup for hours. The director, who I thought was hair and makeup because she was chill. She was this young girl. She’s sitting in the chair next to me. We’re talking. I let her borrow my nail polish. We were chit-chatting. She was like, “Is this you in this video?” I was like, “I don’t think so, but I’ve done a lot like that.” She called the wardrobe and she goes, “Will you wear this?” She holds up this string for a bikini and she goes, “Will you wear this?” I’m like, “Are you kidding me? I ate ice cream last night. I had no idea I was going to be on set with this. I don’t want to wear that.” She was like, “Please wear this.” I was like, “If you make me wear that, I want to meet JLo.” She was like, “It’s not going to happen. She doesn’t talk to anybody.” I was like, “If you want me to wear that, I’m going to meet her and at least get a picture with her.” She was like, “Let me see what I can do. Hang out for the day and I’ll try and work it out, no promises.”
For whatever reason, I swear my body snapped. You’ve got to watch the video. My body was banging in it for not training or eating right. She put me on high heels. I was barely walking up. She made me dance and do all this stuff on there. She brought in this plexiglass weight thing that was light and she was like, “Act like it’s heavy.” I’m trying to do this barbell curls and that’s what showed the big clear thing. They had two things made for me. It was cool. It was wrapped and I didn’t get to meet her because they did the firefighter, the contortionists, and me on this one set. There are twenty executives with all the computers. It’s a big deal. They were like, “You’re done.” The PA was like, “You can go and get dressed.” I was like, “Jonah said I can stay.” He goes, “Why don’t we get you out of that and get your street clothes? I don’t give a crap on what you do for what it’s worth.”
It’s a closed set with security and everything. All the models were getting ready in this room and I went back to change. I was like, “This beautiful gown, the couture is amazing, all white.” The whole wardrobe was lined with amazing outfits and I was like, “The carousel shoot, I want to be on that.” I ran and asked the director, I was like, “Please, I want to be in that shoot.” I wasn’t cast in it. She was looking at me and she was like, “All right. Go and see Raphael in wardrobe.” I was like, “Sweet.” I knew JLo was going to be in that scene. I hadn’t seen her yet. She was in her trailer the whole time, the whole morning. Raphael was like, “I wanted to work with you more. I wanted to dress you.” He had me trying all these amazing gowns and stuff. They put me in this big crazy jacket with this big ruffle thing, this weight belt, this white bodysuit, and thigh-high silver glitter boots. It was badass. I was sitting on the carousel. They put me in there like a pimp daddy with all these girls going around. One of the girls was getting sick because we had to keep doing it half the day. JLo was right there and I was right next to her and I was like, “I love your boots. Are they killing you?” You’re not even supposed to look at her. I’m chit-chatting with her.
With JLo?
Yeah. When I went in for the picture, the director was trying to stop me because her manager was coming and she was like, “I said maybe she can get a picture.” It’s inappropriate. She’s trying to backpedal. I was like, “This is not happening.” I went right in and I caught eyes with JLo. I went right into her, jumped on the carousel and I was like, “One quick picture with you. It’s your turn. I have my pictures with Lady Gaga, Katy Perry, Iggy Azalea, Jennifer Hudson, and Nick Jonas. Now, it’s your turn.” She looked at me. I’m like you, Mark. I flipped the whole thing on her. She was looking at me and she had no choice. I was like, “Smile.” I pointed it. I was so fast. You’ve got to be quick. I went in.
Don’t let them think.
She was so close. She was like, “Do me a favor and don’t post it until the music video is released.” I was like, “It’s not my first rodeo. It’s for my book.” She goes, “Awesome.” She was super cool. That’s the thing. I came back to wardrobe and makeup showing everybody in hair and makeup. I was like, “Look what I got?” This was on my phone and they were like, “No way.” They couldn’t believe it. It was an epic moment. I’ll never forget it. I went to her concert, her 50th Let’s Party. It was so badass and she opened up with a song that I was in, Medicine.
Were you given a chance to hang out with her at all after that or no?
She went back into hair and makeup. She did a lot of different changes. I saw and I wanted to go talk to her but then I’m like, “I don’t want to be one of those guys.” I waved at her. Everything was white. The entire set was white. All the wardrobe was wearing white. They painted the carousel and all the horses in white. My set was white. This fortune-telling thing was white. The boys were all wearing white with ruffles and corsets. It was amazing. Look at the video. It’s called Medicine.
It was epic. She called A-rod and she was like, “Yeah.” I was standing right next to her and she was like, “It’s a full house today.” She shows him and everything’s going great. I watched her talk and I was like, “That was so cool.” I only wanted to talk to her but nobody else would get near her except for her manager, but it was cool. That was a badass experience. Lady Gaga was cool too. I was in the room with her going back to the monitor and looking at the tape coming back. It felt like I was part of the crew or something. It’s because of attitude. I acted as I belonged there with these people.
You’ve won a few competitions, I heard.
A few, around ten.
They’re not little competitions so elaborate on that.
It was fun but every time I went to compete, it was for a reason. I represented the USA one time because that team from Japan came to film. I represented our country. It was epic. I had one of my breast surgeries so I wasn’t able to do my normal routine but the promoters were like, “Lauren, you’re it. They picked you. You have to represent the USA. Get your ass here. Don’t worry about your push-ups. Get on stage, jump around like you always do.” It was cool and there were thirteen Japanese guys waiting for me when I showed up there rolled up. It was that Muscle League down in Venice on the beach there. I was Miss Muscle Beach. It was cool. They watched me walking around and all the reactions of my USA bikini. It was a pretty big deal.
Another time, I was doing a reality show. They filmed that being on stage and performing. Another time, I rode my Harley out on stage when I was able to do that before they changed this set. That was a badass performance. I performed as Wonder Woman. I jumped off it. I was standing upon it, jumped off and did the twirls down the stage, ripped off my wig, ripped off the belt, and danced around. It was a lot of fun.
I like the performance part of it. I’ve won a few shows doing that but that was a reason not for a trophy. I now own the show. I ended up promoting my own show, Lauren Powers Classic because I didn’t like the politics of the sport. It got political. It’s like ice skating or whatever. It’s the same thing. You’ve got judges judging you and I didn’t like the way this was going so I started my own. I gave athletes a safe stage to be judged by their physique, not on who they’re sleeping with, who they’re paying, or who their coach is. That’s real. I don’t care. The athletes know it, but I say it. They all accept it.
In more ways than one not only that. There are many differences because we’re in the business of entertaining and speaking. People have no clue.

Beneath the Muscle
It’s real and I didn’t improve it. I know all those people and they all know me or whatever. They thought it was going to be a one-show wonder and I ended up doing it for six years. I did 4 up to 6 shows on average a year. It was a lot of work. I give away tons of prizes and gifts. I judge fairly and give amazing trophies. I stood up for the sport. It was so hard competing against such a monstrous organization and I’m the little guy. I was one little girl by myself doing this huge movement. I was crazy and I shifted my energy to women’s empowerment. I’m still promoting live events and getting these women to speak on stage and share messages and stories that empower other people. I thought that I liked that so I continued with that. I did that in 2019. I have four shows booked in 2020 but we’ve got a little cancellation here with the virus going on. I know all your shows had to put on hold.
Shows, seminars, and events.
We don’t have anything until 2021.
We’re going to be booking.
We’re doing our own stuff but we don’t have any shows in fairs.
Is the fair close too?
Yeah. We’re probably going to do a Total Transformation, one of my three-day live events probably here in Vegas. Maybe in July 2020 or August 2020, most likely August provided that they allow this to happen. Do you want to come down?
You’re a motivational speaker. You’re the real deal.
I’ve got a few things to say.
When you walk in, it’s like, “Were going to see Mark Yuzuik. Look at that chick.”
I’ll hook you up. I’d love to. I’m doing as many conferences and virtual things. I’m still supporting a ton of other speakers and their programs. I signed up with one of my coaches from leadership. I graduated in leadership, which was amazing. That was a four-month deal and our graduation was virtual. They did a good job over Zoom. It was an amazing connection because you could look into someone’s eyes. We got vulnerable. It was a pretty big deal. I’m proud of that.
I like to live as you know as a speaker, entertainer, performer, dancer, bodybuilder model, the list goes on. There’s nothing like a live event.
I’m with you on that. We did the best we can with what’s happening. I love people and people are worried about me because I’m so active and I support everybody. I’m at a summit, a conference, live show, and having my own or whatever all the time. I’m all over the world and I couldn’t anywhere. It was so weird. I did well because I did my online summit show. That kept me out of trouble and I did my leadership. I’ve never worked so much of my life with this lockdown.
We’re working a lot. We’ve got all our videos on Vimeo and YouTube. We did seven terabytes of shows and we bought another five terabytes on top of that. Somebody shows the upload.
There are over 2,000 shows.
We’re at 2,300 or 2,200 shows. We bought more because we had another 2 or 3 years’ worth of shows. People get to see that. Also, that’s not even my full career. If I add my full career, that would be 10,000 shows.
Good for you. I liked that we stayed productive during this time. What else are you going to do?
That bill comes in about house payment and I go, “What’s this again? Another house payment. I thought you made it last month.” That’s our second one.
If our readers want to read a good book and read this book, Beneath the Muscle by Miss Lauren Powers.
Get it.
Yolanda, would you type it in because I have a book club out and it’s free for all your readers.
I had to pay for my book and you’re giving it to our readers for free?
That’s right.
All three of them?
With the workbook and the Zoom link to join me live. It’s BeneathTheMuscle.com/bookclub. They’ll get the digital color copy of the book, they’ll get the workbook that goes with each chapter and they get this access to the Zoom link to talk to me live.
You’ll go ahead and sign the virtual book?
If they want that book too, they can go to BeneathTheMuscle.com and they can get the book that you’ve got.
You’ll sign the virtual book for them?
When one door closes, the whole world opens up. Share on XI do have a free paperback for your readers if they want one like yours and I do autograph that because I ship it out myself to anybody that wants the hardcopy of that.
Are you going to sign the virtual one form?
With my magic pen.
That’s a limitation.
I have a whole box of my purple magic pen marker. I will sign it virtually.
We’ve got the purple one here because of your purple heart. I can’t wait to see you live.
We’re going to Orange County, get on that Harley, and get some pictures.
Let’s do it. I’m ready to go. Esther is on my show too. Esther did her one-hour Power Hour. She’s awesome. Andrea, Esther, and Kelly is on there and also Dr. Harbeen. My list of speakers is amazing so make sure you opt-in.
He’s whining because you haven’t invited him to your show.
Don’t let Mark Yuzuik on the show. God forbid, no. Don’t ask me.
Next one. We need to do our own. I need to do one with these women. You and I have our own.
Are you doing the Marketers Cruise again?
Yeah, we need to go. Are you kidding? We laughed so hard last time. Andrea and I signed up again.
We’re there.
We’ll definitely see you there. We’ll let you go now so you can get ready for your book club. Thank you for sharing and spending time with us and laughing. We’ll bring you back.
Anytime. You entertain me. It’s the best thing ever. We talked about nothing. It was perfect.
Thanks for this hour.
We’ll definitely have you here again. I’m sure you have more stories to share and talk about. We’ll have more of his shenanigans to laugh about.
We should have up to six audiences by then. We’re ramping it up.
That’s why I did the topless thing.
That’s why we’re going viral. We’re going up to six.
You guys kill me. I love you guys.
There you have it, everyone.
She’s one of the greatest women you’ll ever have. If you can meet her. She is down to earth. She’s one of the greatest women you’ll ever meet. She’s inspirational. Nothing stops her. She’s encouraging and she’ll do whatever it takes to help you get out of whatever limiting belief if somebody tells you can’t do. She won’t let that happen. She’s amazing. I picked her up at the beach.
Check out BeneathTheMuscle.com/bookclub. She does her book reading every Wednesday at 2:00. If you want to join her, go there. Download the book and join her.
She’ll autograph the virtual book for you.
With her magic pen.
She’s amazing. Wonder woman.

Inspiring Women: I gave athletes a safe stage to be judged by their physique, not on who they’re sleeping with, who they’re paying, or who their coach is.
If you want a copy of her book, she’ll autograph it for you. She does have the paperback that’s free for you.
It’s only $713.
It’s Beneath the Muscle go out, get it and enjoy it.
You can buy it for $713 plus tax but it’s free shipping. The main thing is it’s free shipping. The autograph is what costs $713. The book is free. It’s the autograph and you get a free ride on the motorcycle. You in Orange County if you see a girl with a purple Harley with little eyelashes, that’s her.
The front of the Harley has these huge eyelashes. It’s a beautiful motorcycle.
Check out Lauren Powers, the woman from Orange County. We didn’t even cover 1/3 of what she’s accomplished, been on and all that.
We’ll have to bring her back again and have her tell us more stories.
She’s a storyteller. We had so much fun on the cruise.
We should bring Andrea here. We’ll have a blast with Andrea and Lauren.
Lord, help us. The world will end as we know it. We’ll let you go.
BeneathTheMuscle.com/bookclub. Go and join her.
Like this page and share it. From now on let’s do watch parties. I keep forgetting to mention that.
Sim did a watch party. Thank you, Sim.
He’s from Indonesia and California which is cool. I saw the property. If you want a great realtor in San Diego, all joking aside, you’ve got to get Simeon. How do you ever get a hold of him? What’s his phone number? It’s an easy number, isn’t it?
It’s 8700 or something.
I don’t have his number. Look up, Simeon Ziff. I’m not sure of the website. He did share his website but he is a realtor in San Diego.
He does Arizona, LA as well.
I can’t give his personal number.
Give it to me. I’ll do it. I’ll show you how to do this. Sim’s personal number is (619) 861-8700.
That’s how you remember because it was 8700 and it’s Simeon, he goes by Sim for a good time.
No, it’s not for a good time. If you need a realtor in San Diego or LA, he does do stuff in LA.
He’s amazing.
He’ll drive to LA and show you stuff.
Sim has one of the coolest moms. She’s 87 years old. She’s a little feisty. She’s known as F Bomb Mom. It’s the funniest thing. You want to get a realtor and you want someone who’s got your back. We go to San Diego and he has bailed us out and got us places at the last-minute smoking deals. This is the man you want for your realtor. He will take care of you and he will go above and beyond. Do you think he’ll give me a shout out at the fair about, “Go see Mark Yuzuik?” He might.
The show in 2019 was fun. We won’t be doing that in 2020.
We might. Hopefully, we’ll be back in 2021.
We’re scheduled to be back. We’re excited about that. We will see you guys with another special guest that I will probably be booking because he doesn’t book anyone.
Go listen to Lauren with her story at BeneathTheMuscle.com/bookclub and get her book for free. We’ll see you guys again. Thanks for joining us.
Important Links:
- Marketers Cruise
- Lauren Powers
- Beneath the Muscle
- PowerHourTV.com
- Uforia Science
- Vimeo – Mark Yuzuik
- YouTube – Mark Yuzuik
- BeneathTheMuscle.com/bookclub
- Simeon Ziff
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