No matter how successful you have become in your life, receiving a gift will most likely put a smile on your face. This episode, Mark Yuzuik talks about why giving is the most beautiful gift you can receive in your lifetime. He shares his insight on how giving value will naturally build the foundation of your relationships with others. Mark also touches on why giving can have an impact on people’s lives, inspiring them to keep on going through the hurdles of life. He then tackles why you shouldn’t think twice about letting go of people that shouldn’t be there in order to allow those who do want to be around you instead.
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Gift Giving: The Purpose Of One’s Life
I want to talk about gifts. Every show that I do, when I invite other people, other entrepreneurs on, or other people that have things that they want to offer, it seems like without even asking them, they all want to give. That’s why I want you to check out other shows because I got done doing a show with somebody and the gift he gave was worth so much. Talk about CEO Space. Giving you access to Bob Proctor and some of these speakers out there and it’s all for free. I’m not asking them to do that. I’m surrounding myself with people that are givers. If you’re a giver, I want to give you the opportunity to get this information for free. That way, you can pass it on, pay it forward, and give it to somebody else that needs it. Isn’t that what this life is about? It is about giving. When you walk around after I get done doing a show and I’m all excited about it, I want to jump back on here and do another show and keep on giving because that’s what’s fulfilling.
Your podcast is not about you. It's about what you can offer and give to your listener. Share on XThe more of these that I do, the more excited I get, because it opens up the tools for you to grow in your life. For you to contribute, for you to experience things that you haven’t been able to experience before, to create new relationships for you, as well as rekindle your mind so you can say, “I can do this now.” What I love about this is giving. It’s not even Christmas. Maybe you read this at Christmas. Maybe it’s your birthday. Maybe it’s a holiday. Maybe you want to give something or maybe it’s time for you to receive something. When you can do that, the gift of giving is the best present you could receive. On all the shows I’ve been doing, I want to thank all of my speakers.
I want to thank all of you, the audiences, because there are many gifts and tools out there that are going to get you to the next level to make you aware, to make you be totally in the present to say, “Whatever your struggles and challenges are in life, there are answers out there. There are people out there. There is an opportunity. There’re these doors that are opening up for you consistently.” Not just with my show, but with other shows as well. Maybe by reading to me, you might be inspired to read to another show that says, “I’ve always wanted to learn from somebody else, but I never knew what a show was about.” If you’re going to do these, keep this in mind, your show is not about you. It’s about what you can offer and what you can give to your audience, which is you.

Gift Giving: Get rid of the people in your life who shouldn’t be there, so you can make room for those who are willing to come into your life.
Anything that you are doing in like, whether it is creating a show, speaking and giving advice or listening to other people. Sometimes, that’s what people need to hear so they know that they have a voice too. The whole idea of podcasting is to give. In my opinion, if you’re doing podcasting, your whole mission isn’t to sell something. It isn’t for somebody to buy something. It’s to give somebody something so they can have a better life and a lifestyle for themselves. I’m not opposed to selling things. I don’t want you to be opposed to it either, but when you can consistently give value to people, then people want to create relationships with you. A relationship is where you grow financially, as well as emotionally, spiritually, and you can build yourself a good core of people in relationships. All the shows that I did since day one I’ve always said one thing, “Whenever I do a show with somebody, I want to make sure they have the value that they’re going to give to somebody else. It’s not about me, what I’ve done, what I’ve accomplished, and who I surround myself with.”
“Look at the clothes I wear, where I’ve gone.” That has nothing to do with it. Every show should be, “How can I serve the audiences? What value can I give to you the audiences?” If you’re spending your time, I want to give you gifts. If you’re creating a show, a business, whatever that is for you, what gift are you giving that you create a relationship? You don’t want a transaction. You want a relationship. That’s what I want to do, I want to make sure I keep on giving. For those that know my background, I’ve done more shows than most entertainers out there, over 10,000 hypnotic shows. I’ve worked with many people, many celebrities, and you rarely hear me talk about them because what does that have to do with anything? Not that I’m not inviting them to my show. I invite them because they have something to share. Nothing to prove, something to share. In life, every one of you has something to share. Your story, your experiences, and everything that you’ve gone through.
The gift of giving is the best present you could receive. Share on XIf successful, push through. That’s a message that you can help somebody else. “If you’re going through hell, keep on going,” but share your message because there’s a reason why you’ve gone through it. I’m not saying get up there and say, “Poor me. Look what I’ve gone through.” I’m talking about celebrating how you’ve succeeded through that. Give the gift of how you can inspire, impact, and make a difference in somebody else’s life so they can keep on going. They don’t have to be stuck there and think that it’s permanent. “How do I ever get out of this mess? I’m all alone.” You’re not all alone. People have experienced things. Every show that I’ve done with somebody, they’ve all contributed and I’ve never asked them to. I’m not doing it because of what I can get.
I’m doing these shows of how can I build? how can I create? What can I serve? How can I serve? When you come from a place of that, you’re going to get fulfilled. You’re going to receive success and all that in different areas. You’re going to meet relationships and create dynamic relationships, but you don’t do it for that. You don’t do it for the ego. You don’t do it for, “What’s in it for me?” You do it because it’s the right thing to do. One day, you’re not going to be around. When you’re not going to be here, what do you want? Do you want people to say, “Goodbye, that was too bad?” or do you want to leave a legacy that people can refer back and say, “You keep it alive?” The idea is that you never move on. The idea is that you keep growing forward even if you’re not here because you got something out there. You got it in your heart. Get out of your head, go with your heart.
When you can consistently give value to people, then people want to create relationships with you. Share on XThat’s the one thing I loved about everybody that I’ve invited to do my show. Regardless of who they were, how long it was, they all wanted to contribute and give something. No one’s ever been paid for this. Everything they’re given, they sell it to other people, but they’re giving it to you. Thank you for that gift for all the people that have been as a guest of mine. I will continue to create. I will continue to surround myself with people that want to give to you. I don’t want to ask them to, but what you’ll find is you surround yourself with likeminded people. I’m done doing a show with a powerful man that can create more relationships than anybody I know and he gave and gave. I got back, sitting, and instead of me thinking about it, I want to get this message out to you and say, “Giving is the greatest gift you can receive in your life.” The feeling, the growth, the inspiration that you have. It creates the energy that you want to attract and you’ll start surrounding yourself with the people that will help you get to the next level.
I think we need to do this. Let’s get rid of the people out of our life that shouldn’t be there so we can make room for people that are willing and wanting to come into our life. Give yourself that gift. Continue to read my blog. I invite you to subscribe to it because I want to keep giving it to you. It’s like the book, Creating the Life You Want. Email me, If there’s any way I can help how I can serve you, if you’re stuck, whatever you need, let me know. People are afraid to ask. You only get what you asked for. Sometimes when you’re asking for something and somebody gives it to you, maybe the gift is that they get to give to you and they get to feel that joy too. Do them a favor and ask for something that you want because you always get what you asked for. You never get what you don’t ask for. Thank you for reading. Subscribe and talk to you in our next episode. Now is about giving your great gift. God bless you. Rock on.
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