There is only so much you can learn from other people that if you don’t put what you learn to heart and apply it, then you either end up being a copycat of others or doing things without passion. In this episode, Mark Yuzuik motivates you to set yourself up to succeed by learning to adapt, challenging yourself, and pushing yourself above and beyond. But first, get your mindset right by accepting that you deserve to be successful in the first place. Allow Mark to tell you more.
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Set Yourself Up To Success
Everybody’s mindset is always a little bit different. I’ve been doing hypnosis shows and performing since 1991. I’ve had the privilege and pleasure of going all over the world and doing all kinds of shows for all different types of people as far as countries, personalities, and styles. The gentleman I learned from back in 1991 by the name of Terry Stokes by far is one of the best hypnotists that I’ve ever had the privilege of seeing or even being able to work with. Sometimes you get lucky on picking the people that show up in your life, and maybe it wasn’t luck, it was faith. I’m getting ready to go to Hawaii. I’ve got an event I’m doing out there.
Terry will come back and I’ve got another event coming up. I asked Terry if he would be willing to cover me while I’m gone away from the event that I’m doing, which is the San Diego Fair. I’ve been working there since 1991. He did. He’s coming down there to cover me. He doesn’t do a lot of shows anymore, but it was interesting to see how you develop in your world. People of influence teaches one way, but then you learn to adapt and create your style, comfort, and what works for you. I noticed the difference. He’s onstage and you talk about a polished entertainer. Terry Stokes is by far one of the most polished entertainers in the business.
He’s well-known. He’s got a book out called My Way. He teaches people how to do your show, create your own personality, and use your own style. There’s a lot of great hypnotists out there as well. We look at Marc Savard and Anthony Cools, who does a show in Vegas with Marc as well. You look at Terrance B and Rich Guzzi, the phenomenal. I had the opportunity to see him. Everybody has their style. A lot of copycats out there but the ones that have their style tap into the joy of loving the things that they love to do. It’s a passion of theirs. When you don’t have passion, what you do is you’re going through the emotions. I remember Terry telling me, he goes, “Mark, if you’re going to do something, make sure you come from your heart and don’t phony it in.”
By challenging yourself and not settling, you're getting out of the mold of everybody else. Share on XI said, “What do you mean by phoning it in?” He said, “That means you mirroring matching. You’re doing what everybody else does with no emotion, no passion, no love, no excitement for it. You’re not connecting with your subject, audience, and business because it’s called a show, but it’s show business. It’s a business. Everything we do is a business. A relationship is a business. The work you do is a business. You’re in business to create a relationship between you and your customer, you and your audience, or yourself and whoever you’re doing business with. We have an obligation to perform the best we can because that’s our business. It doesn’t matter how many people are there or how many are not there.” I invited Terry to have a guest spot on my show. My wife, Yolanda, is my assistant and he was doing a routine.
I said, “You do know that his style is a little different than mine.” “What do you mean?” I said, “His style is a little different. Make sure you stay right by that music because he’ll end his skits at a different time than I do and his opinion, the way he does it, works. It’s perfect for him.” If he tried to do my style, it wouldn’t work anymore. If I tried to do his style, it wouldn’t work anymore. We’d get through it. People wouldn’t notice the difference, but we would know there’s a difference because that’s our style. When you’re in a business or a relationship with anybody else and you’re doing any kind of communication, use the style that fits you. If you do it the way other people do it consistently, you don’t have your own personality on the style on it, people will be able to read that and everything you do, no matter what it is in life, come from a place of gratitude and you’re happy that you’re there.
You may not like some of the things you do, but if you had gratitude that you’re able to do them, you have the talent, and the gift because not everybody even has the opportunity to be where you are now. If you don’t feel like, “I’m not as far ahead as I want to be.” Be grateful for what you have and then go for it even more. I have a little group that we do, it’s called The Summit. I remember talking to them. One of our coaches was saying, “We know that the average person does podcasting. The average person gives up after 21 days.” This is brand new for a lot of these folks here. Facebook Live and different things like that. I remember one of our team members saying, “We have an event coming up, it’s four days we’re going to spend, it’s hardcore. It’s diving in and getting to know who you are, how to make a difference, how to grow not from a little bit but from a massive point of view.”

Set Yourself Up To Success: People of influence teach one way, but then you learn to adapt and create your own style, comfort, and what works for you.
I remember our coach saying that, “We want you to do at least 21 Facebook Lives.” I said, “What? 21 Facebook Lives. No, we’re not those average people, we’re super achievers. It’s 50 Facebook Lives. You got to do at least 50 Facebook Lives. If you don’t do 50, that means you’re letting yourself off.” The average person does 21. If you don’t want to be average and I don’t think you want to be average If you’re reading this blog. The reason why is about getting your mindset. If it’ll set you up to be average, then expect average or below average results. If you set your mind up, get set, set your mind up to not be average. Why be average when you have the ability to be above average? Look at the lifestyle of the people that you admire and respect. Are they average? My guess is not. What are they doing differently? They don’t do what the average person does. They tap into who they are and they do it with passion, even if they don’t want to do it, they do with passion.
I told my whole group, I said, “Here’s the deal. You got to do 50 Facebook Lives.” I remember the coach going, “They’re not going to do 50.” I said, “You don’t know this group. They’re going to do 50.” I had a Zoom webinar with them and I said, “Did you guys get your stuff done.” Some of them were like, “I’m slacking.” I said, “Here’s the deal. It’s so you know, you wanted me to be your coach. If you want me to be your coach, then there’s accountability. If you follow through and do what you do, the rewards and the success, you’ll be super grateful for it. If you don’t, then you have to have accountability. If you don’t do your 50 Facebook Lives and you don’t podcast, then guess what you’re going to get to do? Who in here hates and would never do skydiving?”
On the Zoom, you see you see them raise their hand. I go, “Good. If you don’t do it, then you’ve got to skydive.” They’re like, “What?” I’m like, “You got to skydive. You have to challenge yourself. You have to do something that you would never normally do because you’re driving your subconscious mind. You’re driving your mind to set it up to succeed. Does that make sense? How do you do that? You push yourself. You know you’re capable of doing it, but the reason why you’re not willing to do it is that you let yourself off easy.” “If I don’t do it, it’s okay.” The average person only does that. You compare yourself to the average person.
You don't want to do what everybody else does. Push yourself above and beyond. Share on XYou’re not average, you’re above average and you want to live an extraordinary life. You don’t invest time in yourself. When I say the time, you listen to podcasts and listen to different people that influence you, whether it’s Tony Robbins, Bob Proctor, Jim Britt, Michael Nitti, Michelle Sorro, whoever that is. If you listen to them, you’re listening for a reason because you want to get a better result in your life, you want to live a better quality of life either for yourself, to pay it forward for your family, to contribute back, or all of that. By challenging yourself and not settling, you’re getting out of the mold of, “Everybody else does that.” You don’t want to do what everybody else does. You want to push yourself above and beyond.
I remember listening to some of Tony’s stuff. He talks about people that knew bodybuilding. When we do 50 sit-ups, he says, “You don’t see results until you do the 51st, 52nd, 53rd because the first 50 are easy.” When you could push yourself for those extra 5 or 10, that’s when you get the results, that’s what it’s about, pushing yourself. Push yourself knowing that the results you’re going to get are all about pleasure, not pushing yourself because, “I hate doing this.” You know by pushing yourself, you’re going to get the right results that you want. Once you received those results, it was much easier than you anticipated because we set the illusion and our mind that things are harder than it is and then we do it. We found that it was easier than we thought. We’re like, “Why didn’t I do that earlier?”
My challenge for you is to set yourself up to succeed because here’s what’s going to happen. When you go out on a limb like that and you push yourself, you realize that the branches you’re hanging on are stronger than you thought. Guess what else? You get to bring other people and raise their standards and values instead of lowering your expectations to them and being average. You don’t want to be average. Even if you only want to be a little bit above average, don’t push yourself too hard. You don’t want to screw this thing up. When you get a good coach, they keep you accountable. You know what else? It’s your responsibility and your job to keep your coach accountable too. I remember on my last Zoom call talking to the Summit Group.

Set Yourself Up To Success: Be grateful for your talent and gift because not everybody even has the opportunity to be where you are now.
I said, “I’m going to keep you accountable that you have an obligation, also if we need you, you come to the table for us.” To see the smile on their face knowing that we value them and what they had to bring. Everybody has value. You have value. If you say, “I’m not as good as this person.” It doesn’t mean you’re not as good, it’s your difference. What attributes or qualities that you have that are different than somebody else that is succeeding maybe more, it looks like they’re getting more success. What could you bring to the table? What can you learn from that other person? With your gifts, your talents, and learning from them, that’s how you become a super achiever. That’s how you get to the next level. I know that everyone wants to get to the next level.
Here’s my recommendation for you to get to the next level. Number one is you’ve got to have that desire why you want it. This is about setting your mind up. When you have that desire, I want you to fantasize about it. Use your imagination. Imagine what your life would be like by getting those goals, by setting yourself up. How would that feel? What would that look like? What would people be saying? How would they be admiring you? How would you influence others as well? When you can imagine that, that imagination creates a feeling and the feeling is what drives the behavior. If you’re focused on what you don’t have, don’t have any appreciation, and you complain about, “I got to go to work. I don’t have enough time.”
You’re making excuses for why you get to be average or below average because if you’re trying to hit a goal to be average, then you don’t have a goal. You’re trying to sustain something so you don’t go below a certain level. That’s not a goal. That’s not what you’re here for. You’re here to achieve something that you’ve never achieved before and experienced something you haven’t experienced before. The only way to do that is to appreciate what you have, know that you have value, and to surround yourself with people that are going to keep you accountable. I know when I coach somebody, they’re accountable but they keep me accountable to be accountable for them. I have to step up my game because I’m their coach. It’s a unique situation.
Everything you have in life is based on what you deserve. Share on XA coach getting coached, a coach being coached, and everybody being accountable for everybody else to step up their game. If I let them off and said you only have to do 21 Facebooks, they’re average. You’re not here to be average. You’re here to be successful and a super achiever. I push them to 50 and if they like skydiving, then they’re not going to do skydiving because they’ll be, “I’m going to skydive.” They’re going to do something they don’t like. That’s how you anchor yourself and get your mindset so you can get the results that you want. What do you want to do? What are you going to do differently? What are you going to push yourself? How are you going to push yourself? What could you do that you haven’t pushed yourself lately?
By not following through, what are you willing to do as your accountability? Call it your partner or for yourself because you got to be accountable but you’re not following through. Are you going to do something outrageous that you would never do it? If you follow through with that, you’re going to create a new pattern in your subconscious mind. By doing that, you’re going to start seeing results that are a lot easier than you thought. They’re going to start coming to you much quicker. I want you to imagine those results as if you already had it. What would it feel like? At that point, you have the burning desire to go for it and then you have appreciation.
When you can appreciate something you haven’t had, then you’ll get what you know you want to get and you’ll get what you deserve because everything you have in life is based on what you deserve. If you don’t feel you deserve it, then you’re limiting yourself. Your limitations are not anything other than the story you’re telling yourself. This is your story. What are you going to tell yourself? What do you want? Why do you want it? What are you willing to do? How are you going to push yourself? I want you to imagine and fantasize about getting it. What does that feel like? What does that mean to you? It’s all about getting your mindset. I want to thank you for reading this blog. Let’s stay in touch. I will be in touch with you on the next show. Until then, live your life with quality. Love you. Bye.
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