If you had the opportunity – the right contacts, relationships, and information – that would get you to the next level, what’s your vision for 2020? Would it be bigger than the previous and other goals you had that you never followed through on? Would you be better off financially and emotionally? We’ve all got ideas, desires, and dreams. You know you can do it, and yet there’s something in you that says, “What was that missing piece? What am I not doing?” When you know that you’ve got it in you, and you’re working harder and smarter than anybody else, guess what? It’s probably not you! Tune in to today’s episode as Mark Yuzuik shares how you can surround yourself with the right opportunities so you can skyrocket to your success.
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Surrounding Yourself With The Right Opportunities
Do this, subscribe to be notified on my new show, on my new subscription. That way, when I get a new show coming out, you can download it. You can read it. You can grow, you can get the information that you want to get to the next level. Also, go to GetYourMindsetWithMark.com. Creating the Life You Want my book. That’s there for you to read for free, for reading these. If you read a chapter a day, I promise you your procrastination will go away because you got to do something. This show is all about you doing something for yourself to grow in the year 2020, what’s your vision for 2020? Please don’t make a New Year’s Resolution and go, “I got another resolution.” Knowing that the resolution is there for one day, but it’s not there for a result.
You may want the result, but why haven’t you got it? Sometimes maybe you feel like you haven’t had the opportunity, the right context and connections, your opportunity, connections, and relationships that get you to the next level have not been there for you. You may think but what if you had that opportunity for 2020? Where would your vision be? Would it be bigger than the previous and other goals that you had that you never followed through on? You knew deep down inside you didn’t have the right contacts, relationships, and information. What if you surrounded yourself? You have the golden opportunity.
The one time and chance to get with somebody that can pull the best out of you and could see the opportunity and the success in you and can know where you can take the ideas that you have to the next level. How would your 2020 life be? Fast forward and it’s December 31st, 2020, a year past and you apply these tools, these principles, you surround yourself with the right people, would you be better off financially, emotionally, relationship, happier, healthier, more energy, vibrant, and excited? Would you be there? If you knew that with the right relationships, you would get to that level that you’ve always wanted and you know it’s right there for you.
You’ve got ideas, desires, and dreams. You know you can do it, but yet there’s something that says, “What was that missing piece? Why haven’t I got to where I know I want to be, could be, should be, and need to be? What am I not doing? I’m doing everything I need to, I’m writing down my goals. I’m motivated. I’m pumped up. I surround myself with the education and the people I know that’s going to get me there, but yet it seems like there’s something missing. There’s a hole on my boat and I’m not getting where I want to go.” What if all that changed for you? Where would you be?
The reason I say that is because there are few people that we take out on me and my team, and coach you to get to the next level, creating the right relationships, knowing that your product, your program, the things that you have to share. You knew that if you had a stage somewhere to where people can see it, get a hold of it, and grasp it. It would make a difference in their life, as well as your own. What ideas have you been hanging on to? What are the things that you know that you’ve been working hard on, but haven’t got the right results, marketing, and team behind you? You know you’ve got it in. You’ve got the information, you got the motivation. Why is this? Some people in the skyrocket to success and you feel like you’re working harder, you’re smarter and you’re not doing nearly what they’re doing. Is it you? My guess is that it isn’t you. It all boils down to having the right relationships, putting them in the right place and surround yourself with the right opportunity.
Have a vision, but don’t just look at where you’re going but also try to make the right moves. Share on XFocusing On One
The one thing I always say is, number one is you got to get your mind set to one and attract that into your life. How do you do that? How do you track what you’re wanting to do with your life? What is your focus? How do you wake up? How do you feel every day? You may have all those things, all the right answers. “I wake up excited. I’m motivated. I write down my goals. I do my research and marketing I’m supposed to be doing. I’m buying the programs that I need to buy. I’m doing everything, but yet I’m not getting the results.” Somebody does half the effort and gets ten times the results. It’s frustrating, isn’t it? Believe me. I know I get it. The one thing that’s always made a difference in my life is I’ve always found somebody, no matter what it was, whether it was a learning, how to be a stage hypnotist, or learning real estate. I found that person that was the best of the best in the business and I attached myself like glue, there’s metal and I’m a magnet and I’m going to attach myself because you don’t know what you don’t know. The things that they do, they do it differently than everybody else. They got to a place in success in life for a reason. It’s the things that you can’t teach from a book or from watching videos or attending events. It’s one-on-one.
I remember talking to a hypnotist friend, he goes, “You could teach them how to do a show, but you can’t teach them when there’s a problem, how to handle it until they have the experience.” You want to be massively successful. I know that. You have the ability to drive and all that, what you need to do is surround yourself with somebody with experience. That’s the one thing done my whole life. I’ve always wanted to surround myself with people that are way better than me, more successful than me, having more knowledge than me in certain areas. We all have gifts that we have.
There are other people in life that are better at things than you are, and you are better than them at things. When you put that team together and you have the same vision, isn’t it ironic? My whole saying this time is, what’s my vision for 2020? To have a perfect vision, but not only see where I’m going but to make the right moves. This is your opportunity to make the right move. Don’t wait until December 31st at midnight, say, “Here are my goals.” When you have a glass of alcohol in you and you’re pumped up and you’re motivated with your friends. Do it now. You plan for what you want in the future so you can get the results that you want now. You start planting your garden.
Planting Seeds
If you don’t plant your seeds, how are they going to be prosperous for you when the season comes and it’s time to pick your fruit? That’s what it’s about. How are you going to set yourself up? The one thing I’ve done is put together some powerful programs, teams, and surrounding myself with the right people to get me to the next level because I always want to grow too. If you don’t want to grow and you don’t want to experience new things, then how you want to live? How you’re going to be fulfilled? What I want you to realize is that don’t let your dreams die. Don’t let them become an imagination or a thought.
Allow them to prosper and put yourself in the right position so you can get those results not just for you, but for the people that need them. You have something to share. You don’t have anything to prove, but you do have something to share. Let’s imagine by working with the right person that can teach you and coach you where would you see yourself in a year and ask yourself that. Imagine surrounding yourself with the right person. When I say the right person, I’m not talking about people that necessarily believe in you. You have to have that, but I’m talking about having the right relationship, where that person has already succeeded in the air that you need to succeed in.

The Right Opportunities: If you don’t plant your seeds, how will they be prosperous for you when the season comes and it’s time to pick your fruits?
You’ve got to surround yourself with likeminded people, but you also have to surround yourself with business-minded people and results-minded people. If you do not surround yourself with the right results, you may have all the motivation and be excited about it but if you don’t have the right strategies, then how are you going to get there? You’re going to do the same thing. You’re going to turtle your way there where you keep on struggling and keep on pushing. You’re always going uphill. What if there’s a way you can get in the car and ride there a lot faster? That’s the key to this thing. Where would you see yourself by working with the right person to get you the strategies that they have already done it?
It’s not an ideal person, somebody who already has a proven track record, that’s what you want. Don’t ask yourself, “How much is that going to cost?” That’s a consumer. Consumers want to know how much does it cost before how much can I make. An investor says, “By, surround myself with that, will I get the results I want? How much will I make off of it?” The investment is a one-time minute investment compared to the results that you’re about to receive. Think of it like that and you’ll start attracting the people in your life that you need to. Where would you be in a year having the right person?
Taking Responsibility
I want to stir up your imagination for a reason because when your imagination is stirred up and it can get to the next level, you don’t have limitations, questions, or doubts. The only thing you need to put in place then is the right person with the right strategies to get there. Ask yourself this, “I wonder what has prevented you from getting the results that you’ve always wanted?” Are you blaming others? Are you blaming yourself? What is it? I don’t want to hear you say, “It’s fear.” No, it’s not fear. Who are you blaming? Are you taking responsibility? If you are, that’s great. If you aren’t, that’s not great. Be responsible. Be aware of self-awareness.
You got to be aware of it and figure out are you blaming others? This person didn’t rip me off. Stopped doing all that. We’re done with the blame game. We’re going to stop blaming people and we’re going to say forget all that. Let’s wipe the slate clean. “How do I need to set up my desk, so I get the results that I want in my bank account, in my heart and get the people that I want to surround myself with to get to the next level?” That’s the question. Clear your mind because it’s a new way of thinking. It’s a new way of processing something. Ask yourself this. Are you done blaming somebody?
This is what I want you to think about. What are some of the tools that talents and the connections and skills that you already had, that you had resources to, that you haven’t even used yet? Maybe that’s a fear factor because “What if they don’t think my idea is good enough? What if I’m not smart enough?” Your brain, as long as you think about it, it’s going to make you excuses why you don’t have to move towards it. What are the things you have not the resource you haven’t used yet? Why haven’t you done it? What if you didn’t have those excuses? How much better would your life be if you achieved your goals? What would it look like? I want you to think and feel about it.
Every day you get a little bit older and either you have satisfaction or regret. If you have regret, what will you do? You make excuses. You create a new story you’re like, “I don’t like the way this feels.” You blame other people. You say, “I don’t have the right context.” You find reasons why you haven’t gotten to the next level. Maybe some of those reasons were valid, but they’re not going to be now. The reason why is because whatever you have in you, the person to pull it out of you and to get you to the next level is one is get the right mindset but also surround yourself with the right relationships and saying, “Who’s better than me at this? How do I surmount surround myself with a team that’s going to get me the results I want?”
When your imagination is stirred up, it can get you to the next level because you don't have limitations, questions, or doubts. Share on XThat’s the question you’ve got to ask yourself. What I love about this is I don’t take on a lot of people, my team and I was careful. The reason why is because people want a different result, but they’re not willing to do what it takes to get it. If you don’t believe in yourself, then why would somebody else believe in you if you don’t invest in yourself? When I say invest, I’m not talking about, “Put up a check.” I have people that write checks all the time and they don’t even follow through or show up for events. That blows my mind. You know that 50% of the people that buy events don’t even show up. That’s at $1,000 price. Pay $1,000 they don’t have to show up 50% of the time. That boggles me. If you pay anywhere from under $300, say $50 to $300, $400 that 75% of the people don’t even show up. They make excuses, “It’s too far. It’s not the right time.” You’ve got to ask yourself, “Have you ever done that before?” If you have, acknowledge it. Isn’t now a good time to stop doing that, to take your life? Isn’t 2020 at brand new, let’s get into the twenties? It wasn’t some of the best times over life, maybe for you could have been in your twenties? That’s prime, that’s when we’re in our peak 20s, 30s.
Regardless of where you are age-wise, I want you to mentally think about the strength you had in your twenties, the drive you had when you didn’t make excuses. Maybe some of you have, maybe you weren’t there. Maybe you got it in your 30s, but remember the conditioning of your mind and body in his twenties, isn’t that the peak? We start getting the experience and then we start learning and having knowledge and all that. Imagine this, taking you on for a year, finding out what is your passion? What is your goal? What do you have that you haven’t developed yet? Helping you develop with my whole team, helping you develop that product, that purpose, where would you be?
Investing In Yourself
Sometimes you have these ideas, but you don’t have to develop them. When I had all my ideas before getting on stage, I didn’t know how to put it together. I spent almost two years thinking and trying to figure it out. I’m not good at that. Do you know what I did? I found the guy that was the number one guy in creating it and I paid him a ton of money, six figures, to create it for me. People said, “You were crazy.” I got my money back within three months and I paid him six figures. When you’re talking about investing in yourself, imagine laying out six figures plus for one event. You got to believe in yourself and know that your product and program has that.
If you don’t believe in it that much, then you shouldn’t be on a stage or whatever. I call it a stage. It could be social media, storefront, live on-stage, and a lot of different things, but you don’t have a right to offer that to somebody else if you don’t believe in it that much yourself. Understand that if you have something that strong and you need somebody to help pull it out of you and not just see it, but implement certain strategies. Where will you be at the end of the year 2020? If you make excuses, where are you going to be? Same place. One year has gone. That year is going to come about. The only difference is what decisions are you going to make that’s going to be different that’s going to get you to that level? I want to take this opportunity and I rarely do any pitching to anybody. This is probably the one time that I make this offer. It’s not for everybody. Ask yourself, who can you go out there and surround yourself with? Forget about me. Your peers, the people that you look up to. Find that person, get them to teach if they’ll take you on, and get under their wing. That’s where success comes from.
Find out the strategies of how they’re doing it. How do they think? How do they breathe? What do they eat? How do they move to? Who do they call? Who do they surround themselves with? What are they doing to attract this wealth and success in their life? Find that person that’s good for you. I’m not a great fit for everybody out there. I am a great fit for a lot of people out there, but it got to be both ways. You have to have that undesirable, no failing commitment that says, “I’m going for it. I’ve got a good product, but I feel stuck hitting a wall.” If you’re that person if you want some help and a full year where we find out, and it’s a big interview before we even take you out, what do you have?

The Right Opportunities: To get to the next level, you have to have the right mindset and surround yourself with the right relationships.
Why do you want it? Do you want to get on live stages in front of audiences? Do you want to sell a product? Do you want to create a product? If you have an idea and you know it’s a good one and you need help and I’m going to ask you to drop me an email and a good time to contact you. What I’ll do is I’ll contact you with my team. If it’s a good fit and you know it’s something that you’re passionate about, but you’re committed and you’re 100% in and we can help you. You could help design and develop it. I will not only help you create the product. I would also be willing to put you on stage live so you can present in front of a lot of people providing it’s the right fit.
What would be the next step for you? Let’s say, “I’m in. I like this. I’ve not had an opportunity like this before.” If you feel like, “This is the right move.” Contact me. Drop me an email. I’ll give you my personal email address. It’s MarkYuzuik@MSN.com. Email me, go to GetYourMindsetWithMark.com and drop me an email, dishing up, pick up my free book, read a chapter a day. If you’re not willing to at least do that, then I know you’re not in it for the long haul. I hope this show at least inspires you to say, “I’m going to make a difference.” Whether it’s with me, with somebody else, get yourself in the right mindset frame, and surround yourself with the right people, so you get yourself to the next level.
Make 2020 your best year. Make it the beginning, the foundation, or make it a growth, a launch. Get to the next level. You may already have a product out there and you looking for, “How can I get it out there to more people?” I would love to get on some stages. One thing I’m creating, I’m creating new programs. You’re talking about our program. That’s a powerful one that talking about an extreme. What you’re skydiving, river rafter. You are doing all these boat trips, your team building, and your zip lining. It’s crazy. We only take anywhere from 6 to 10 people max and we only do it a few times a year. You have to qualify for that. It’s extreme, but it gets you out of your comfort zone. We’re also creating programs. We’re creating things all the time on how to be a better speaker. What does that mean? How do you connect and communicate with people more effectively?
If your language and your body language aren’t effective, then you’re cheating people out of an opportunity to get to know you and grow with you. You have a right to be able to get up there and make a difference in somebody else’s life. You have a moral obligation to do that. It’s about you stepping up. Draw me a line. You want me to get on my hot seat and have a situation you want me to handle, let me know. Let’s fix it, let’s get you to the next level because you deserve to live a fulfilled life. Those of you that know you have what it takes and I know if you’re reading this, you’re probably one of those people. If you’re reading to more than one of these, then maybe I’m the right fit for you. Maybe we get to know each other. You come to my live event. We take three days. We total transform. You talking about clean and natural head, we’re talking about getting to the next level.
Why do you procrastinate? How do you stop procrastinating? How do you destroy your fear? How do you step up? What is holding you back? What is this hypnosis? How do you hypnotize others? How do I learn how to do that? I teach you how to do that. Many interventions go on there. It’s a highly exciting event. It’s like a mini rock concert, high energy. That’s were like. You’ll do things in the event that you never thought you’re possibly doing. You didn’t think you’re able to do it physically, mentally, emotionally. You’ll step up in ways that will make you a better person, because when you’re a better person, then you make a difference somebody else’s life, no more excuses. 2020 is about a vision. What’s your vision in 2020? Do you want to get on stage? Do you want to create a product? Do you have an idea? How do you implement it? Imagine getting a coach with the right people, the right team. That’s what it’s about.
Every time I’m around other massively successful people, they all say the one thing, “It’s all about their team.” They have a powerful team. Who’s your team? If your team hasn’t got you to the next level, it’s time to pick better players. When you pick better players, you get a better result. How come the Patriots always seem to be in the Super Bowl? They have a good coach out there and they know how to utilize each player to maximize their talents. We as your coach, know how to utilize you to maximize your talents, to get you the results that you want. Email me, MarkYuzuik@MSN.com. Drop me a line. Go to my Facebook. Read other blogs, subscribe to be notified of the new show. Go to GetYourMindsetWithMark.com. Get my book, read a chapter a day. You won’t procrastinate anymore. Eliminate fear. Get to the next level. Until the next episode. Stay in touch. Let’s move to the top and thank you for reading. God bless you and 2020 is going to rock.
Important Links:
- Creating the Life You Want
- MarkYuzuik@MSN.com
- Facebook – Mark Yuzuik
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