The world we live in is in a near-constant tumultuous state, and it’s easy to feel like you have next to nothing to smile about. But The Keep Smiling Movement begs to differ. This movement is all about attracting abundance and joy in your life by smiling. Mark Yuzuik is joined by Ken Rochon, Jr., the Founder of the Keep Smiling Movement. Together, they dive into the chemistry and psychology of true happiness. Perhaps here, you’ll understand that there’s always a reason to keep smiling.
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The Keep Smiling Movement With Special Guest Ken Rochon, Jr.
I’m going to get your mindset in the right direction. Subscribe so you can continue to get what’s latest from me, whether I have a guest on, doing it myself. Also, make sure you go to my website, which is Download my free book, which is Creating The Life You Want. When you create the life that you want, you can have everything you ever desired and dreamed of. I have a guest, Ken Rochon. Who is this Ken Rochon guy? He’s a world-famous guy. Maybe you haven’t heard of him, but you may know him because he’d done over 80 books. Can you believe 80 books? His whole theory is Keep Smiling.
The reason why is because when you smile you can’t be depressed, it’s the way of life. The reason why I wanted to bring him on is that I’ve never met anybody that’s done 80 books and successfully. He doesn’t stop. He’s like a locomotive train. He’s like Superman. He keeps going. It’s a bird. It’s a plane. No, it’s Ken Rochon. I wanted to introduce him to you, somebody that keeps everybody smiling and he’s got a movement that is unstoppable and it’s powerful. In life, you got to be smiling because if you’re not smiling upside down, a frown is not what we’re about. I want to thank you for being here, Ken. Can you tell them what you do? Who you are and all about why people should keep smiling in this world?
You’re living proof of it, Mark. Anyone that hangs around you sees you smile all the time, and life is better when you smile. You have one time in this life so why not enjoy it? A lot of people take their worries and they bring it into their life. They’re pushing away abundance. They’re pushing away joy. They’re pushing away relationships. This Keep Smiling Movement started when a man named Barry Shore handed me a keep smiling card. I said, “What is this for?” He says, “It’s good to smile.” I said, “That’s awesome. Do you take any pictures?” He says, “No.” I said, “Do you have a social media page?” “No.” All of these were noes. I said, “God has a plan for me.”
I shifted and amplified your message. The amplify goodness. Amplify goodness is about handing a smile card to people that are either smiling, they’re given all these good vibes of the world or they need a smile. Who in the world does not need more hope or more inspiration? I can’t think of anybody. The 80 books, which will be 100. You’re one of the 100. It is about honoring and giving a daily dose of hope to people that don’t always believe it’s possible where they are to get wherever they want to go. If you believe it, you can achieve it. If it’s up to me, it’s going to happen. You’re in control of your life. Why not smile? Why not make someone’s day? Why not count your blessings? Children smile 400 times. That’s ten times more than adults do.
You and I are probably teaching children how to smile more. We get it to play like a kid. You attract all the things. Who doesn’t want to work with someone happy? When you’re not happy, you’re saying in the world, “You’re going to be miserable working with me.” If you’re genuinely finding gratitude and happiness, you’re going to have abundance automatically because you’re going to have everything you need. Happiness is much. I have this toast I do, it’s, “To your health, your wealth, and your happiness.” I say, “If you even have one of them, you’re doing great in life but I would take happiness every single time.”
Children smile 400 times. That's ten times more than adults do. Share on XYou look at a guy who’s on the street and he’s homeless for instance, and he’s happy. He’s not that far from the joy that anyone wants because I don’t care what you have in life, you don’t have happiness. You’re running through this. You should stand in front of a mirror and you should think about what you’re grateful for. You should practice those muscles that need to remind you that there’s a reason to be happy. Life can always be worse. Another thing that’s cool is that if you look at life and you look at how you can be happy about it, there’s always this thing that could take away something. All of a sudden you have the syndrome like, “I didn’t know it could get worse.”
When you talk about smiling, I don’t know how many Keep Smiling cards you have probably passed out and given away?
It’s 1.7 million.
Is that all?
Not me personally. We have a lot of people that are getting involved with this movement. They can always have cards for free from our site and it’s I did my 26th book, which is aside from these 80 books. It’s called The Science of Smiles. Anyone could have this if they go to your program, they want it. There’s an interesting thing I learned that makes sense, but I didn’t know it. When your mind says you’re happy, what does it do? It tells your muscles downstairs to go ahead and create a smile. A real genuine smile has the gigantic muscles in the eye. Your eyes are smiling as much if not more than your mouth. Here’s what I found interesting. You’re not happy. If you’re not happy, that will not generate a smile. If you smile, it goes up to your brain, reverse and your brain says, “What’s going on down there? I’m happy.” You generate endorphins. You have all these magical God chemicals that get you in a state of happiness. It recycles. It goes round and round that feeds off to other people. It’s a beautiful phenomenon.

Science of Smiles: The Chemistry & Psychology of Happiness
I remember many years ago when I worked construction, I had to get up early in the morning. I remember looking specifically at this one in Phoenix, Arizona. I’m right on getting off the freeway of cactus and I look in the mirror. I wasn’t smiling, and I thought, “I’m going to force a smile.” I forced myself to smile because I said, “I don’t look like I’m happy.” I go to find out that Cambridge University did a study. There were people who were clinically depressed and all they did was put in front of a three-way mirror and told them three times a day to smile for 20 minutes. Within less than one month, 80% we’re completely off the drugs and had no more depression from that smile.
Another thing is if you’re smiling, you’re causing all beautiful things to happen. If you take a picture of someone who’s not smiling, if I say, “Can I take a picture of you?” Would I tell them to smile or not? They’re not feeling it. I say, “Think about the love you bring the world,” and then they shift. They take the picture. I go, “Who would you buy from?” They always say the second one. Why would you not buy from someone who’s exhibiting joy and love? If you think about a smile and The Keeps Smiling Movement, it’s about being at peace. If you’re smiling, you’re in a natural state. People think that smiling is an effort. It’s where you’re supposed to be. That’s a norm spot. I love the movement because I’ve never seen something that takes people up to another level. You capture their soul. You capture the spirit of who they are. You capture their kid-like life and then they return to the state they’re supposed to be at.
What I love is a smile is free, but it’s contagious and it’s got the energy that will transform into other people. Sometimes giving somebody that smile and looking at them a certain way from your soul. A real smile, not a fake smile. That smile like, “It’s good to see you.” You go, “That felt weird.” A good one it’s energy. A smile is more than a facially. It’s an energy that you feel, but I don’t believe it comes from the head. I believe it comes from your heart. Your heart and your head create that.
When you’re smiling, you’re getting congruent with the universe and you’re saying, “I’m in a state of abundance because I’m happy.” It makes it happen. It’s the Henry Ford, whether you think you can or you can’t, you’re right. Whether you think you can or you can’t, smile because if you smile, you get exactly the best result you will be able to get anyway and the universal feed. That’s the beautiful part about it.
It attracts success in your life. Not monetary but emotional. You talk about being free. You think about what we can tell the readers. We have a challenge for them. That challenge would be because we’re children, you and I. I know you’re in your late 50s, 60s. What can we give the readers as a challenge?
Your eyes are smiling as much, if not more than, your mouth Share on XI got two different challenges. One challenge is the Keep Smiling book is for leaders who are leading with their hearts and causing a positive impact in the world. If you can write an inspirational journey of how you created who you are? Why you do what you do that does inspire hope, abundance and solve problems? I would entertain taking care of the book and it would be something that would be a pleasure for us because it’s been more joy. The other thing to think about is how many smiles you create in your life? You can take it down to those miles per hour. How about smiles per hour? How many can you create in an hour? If you think about that, some people are not giving that much joy and hope and if they did, what an experiment that would be for them? The challenge is how many smiles can you do per hour or give that inspire more and give to themselves too? Stand in front of the mirror and smile until you drool. What I’ve found is that people that photobomb and do all crazy stuff, try and bite arms off of people fictitiously. I find that they are in a state of abundance. They don’t care what people think because they’re having fun in their life.
People that pose for pictures all the time because they’re posing that they want people to perceive them as having, “Look at me,” their fake smile, but when you can be real. I remember you taking pictures of this guy being goofy as can be and people loved him. Every time you and I get together we tease and joke about each other and then people you see him in the corner of their eyes, they smile looking at us like, “A bunch of goofballs. What are those old suckers doing?” When you get your AARP you get everything to smile for. Do you know that we get a 15% discount at Denny’s because of that?
I do have a serious side to this. There is something we’d like to do with The Keep Smiling Movement. As we get to these 100 books and get it to the major media. We do want to have about 10% or 20% of the money go to kids that are under twelve that have these jacked-up smiles. They have some type of issue that is fixable by a dentist. That’s part of it. The other one is the kids who had been abused. To get not a serious note for taking this down, but it’s important how a smile is a gift. I was in an accident and the first thing I did was filling my mouth to see if I had my teeth or my jaw.
When you have a collision that’s as hard as mine was, you start wondering, “Is your kid going to see your smile again?” I’ve had people tell me that they’ve been in a severe accident and they said, “The biggest thing I lost was the ability to smile.” That’s a horrible thing. They’re happy inside but they can’t exhibit the smile. The Keep Smiling Movement is something that is going to change lives because we were going to partner with the dentist. We’re going to have the dentist say, “Out of your entire year, could you give one day to create a real smile,” for a kid.
This whole thing, you’re talking about giving back. Imagine somebody can’t smile and you take it for granted that you don’t smile. You constantly think about smiling. You watch how your day’s going to be full of energy. People will surround yourself with them. You’ll attract the people in your life that you need to get to the next life. Get rid of the smile and get rid of the people out of your life so we can make room for the people to come into your life. Let’s make a difference and give those children the smiles that they deserve and the need to have. Because inside they’re smiling, but on the outside, they might be feeling pain because people don’t look at them the same way. Imagine what it’d be like knowing that you made a difference by contributing back. To me, I love it. Isn’t there a cause out there that they do that?

The Keep Smiling Movement: If you’re smiling, you’re in a peaceful, natural state.
We want to partner with them. We want to tell their stories because that’s the problem. One of those causes, they don’t have the marketing behind them. If you don’t know even where to donate, I wanted to say that what we want to do with you, Mark, is figure out when you’re doing your story, who are some of the dentists? Who are some of the people that make smiles? We’re talking about the act of smiling. We said there are fake ones and the real ones. The way you know someone’s smiling is their zygotic muscles in the eyes are dancing. Their eyes are excited too. When it’s a fake smile, they’re not, the muscles are dead. Here’s what I would like to encourage people, motorize your smile with joy. Think about a kid, they’re enjoying wonder. You’re cracking up watching them happy. A lot of people, when you smile and maybe your eyes going a little bit, that is not necessarily joy. Go for the full out joy and you will feel like it’s at a level ten rollercoaster instead of a level two roller coaster of life.
Do you remember that game we used to play where we’d lay on people’s belly and they start laughing? Before we know it, they couldn’t stop contagiously laughing and then a smile on your face when you do that.
Not only I remember that but I feel awkward that we’re on each other’s belly and I need to get off your belly. Being silly and having fun that’s what it’s all about. You always have to be more abundant.
I love the fact that your purpose has a mission and your mission is all about your purpose. You are getting those children. Thinking and feeling about that. The joy, the gratitude, and the gratefulness. You said something, “Look in the mirror and what are you grateful for every day?” Don’t look at what your negatives are. If you know more about your things that are negative in your life instead of your assets, then why would you smile? We have choices. Our thoughts are our choices. We can always find something to smile about. If we don’t focus on that, then our brain will look for something negative. Let’s make a conscious effort to transform our subconscious mind, so we’re always in that state where we’re smiling because maybe it’s a smile that helps that person that was depressed come out of it and know that somebody cared about them.
Les Brown had a quote that was, “Too many of us are not living our dreams because we’re living our fears. Too many of us are focused on worries that there’s nothing we can do about them or there is something that we can do about them, but there’s nothing that has to be in control of us.” There’s this thing that do you ever worry? Yes. Can you do something about it? Yes. Why are you worrying? No. There’s no reason. Take life as a gift. The more plays a game, the more fun it is. We have two people write a Keep Smiling song for us and their originals. There’s one wrote a big hit and another one scores a movie. I don’t want to say anything about it yet except that we have some people working on some songs for it.
Too many of us are not living our dreams because we're living our fears. Share on XThat’s why we’re going to do another episode after that comes out to show you that this movement was stronger, bigger, and more influential than we ever thought. You know how many smiles we’re going to give to the children that physically the dentist can do, what a gift that is out there?
The universal language in the world is music and the universal expression is a smile. If you talk to anyone in any language with a smile, you will get the next. You understand your love and your peace.
How did somebody get a hold of you or get on this movement? How do they keep in touch with Keep Smiling?
First and foremost, My name is Ken Rochon. I’m Facebook probably more than any other platform, but I am happy to take emails that have Ken@TheUmbrellaSyndicate or
A big tip for you. Remember, life is worth smiling for because every single day we can always find something to smile for. Thanks for being on my show. I can’t wait until we do it again and we’re going to get way over 100 books. That’s my goal. Life thinks small. We could do big numbers. It’s another 0 to 1,000. Why not? Let’s do it. Thanks for reading. Subscribe to be notified. Go to my website, Download my free book, Creating The Life You Want, because it will make you smile. Until then, rock on. I’ll talk to you soon.
Important Links:
- Creating The Life You Want
- Ken Rochon
- Barry Shore
- Keep Smiling
- Facebook – Ken Rochon
- Ken@TheUmbrellaSyndicate
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